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Which future publications are you most looking forward to/hoping for?

Mon 08 Jun 2020, 06:12

Personally, I am super pumped for the Moria boxed set for AiME (and/or TOR, though if I had to choose I'd go AiME).
I'm not sure what would be in it, but I would hope for large table sized maps of the region, battle maps, tokens/minis, possibly terrain? I'm sure it's too much to ask, but furnishings like in 90's HeroQuest would make me shed a tear of joy.
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Re: Which future publications are you most looking forward to/hoping for?

Mon 08 Jun 2020, 12:01

I am hoping that AiME will continue in its current format i.e. size, font etc, so new products will look good next to my previously purchased AiME products! And a print copy of the Rohan guide would be cool.
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Re: Which future publications are you most looking forward to/hoping for?

Mon 08 Jun 2020, 16:53

I'm hoping that the Moria boxed set and other new products that were being developed at Cubicle 7 get released. I was also looking forward to the Minas Tirith guide and the Errantries of the King campaign.

I'd really like to see a region guide for Western Eriador, the Blue Mountains and Lindon. An obvious new Culture would be the Elves of the Grey Havens (supplementing the Dwarves of the Blue Mountains). In addition to the Halls of the Dwarves and other dwarven settlements in the region, we could use a write up for Mithlond and the Gulf of Lune.

Besides Minas Tirith, I want to know more about the lands and people of The Southern Fiefs of Gondor, including the cities of Pelargir, Dol Amroth and Linhir.

Eventually we need a supplement for Lórien: The Golden Wood. We already have the Culture for the Elves of Lórien from the Adventurer's Companion.

I know that people would like to see something on The Shire, either as it's own book or as part of a larger region guide.

I do eventually want to see a guide to Dorwinion and the Sea of Rhûn. Is there commerce on the inland sea? If there is commerce there are likely to be pirates.

Lastly, at some point, we could get one or more region guides to Umbar and Haradwaith, perhaps including the region of Khand. Might there still be Gondorian loyalists dwelling in Harondor?
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Re: Which future publications are you most looking forward to/hoping for?

Mon 08 Jun 2020, 20:42

I am really looking forward, most than anything, at the new Core Book. I want to know what rules have changed and how, and also see all the new graphic design, the layout, the new illustrators, ... that Fria Ligan is bringing to the equation. I'm in love with how Alien, Symbaroum or Coriolis look, so I have great hopes that whatever they do in the design area, it will be amazing and special.

After that, I will gladly take anything they give me. I kind of feel sad that all the work that was put into Moria could (potentially) go to waste if there isn't an agreement. But if it isn't the Moria that Gareth wrote, then it will be some other Moria that, at some point, will come out of the prints.
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Re: Which future publications are you most looking forward to/hoping for?

Mon 08 Jun 2020, 23:20

I'll expand upon an old answer I wrote on this from the old forums.

Since I'm heavily invested in the main area of the game, Wilderland I would favour region expansions on and around that place. I would love to see more on the wild places and what one might find and do there. I could envision more done on Mirkwood, that endless depth of green and darkness. The Long Lake area and The Long Marshes could be expanded upon. I don’t even really understand the basic shape, or form, or even concept of the Long Lake as it stands from the maps there are to be honest. The Misty Mountains and The Grey Mountains and that which lies beyond them – The Withered Heath and The Waste could all be done a lot more with. I could also envision an entire campaign supplement on the Vales of Gundabad alone. If we look south I would like to know much more about The Brown Lands.

In keeping with the focus on existing parts of the campaign world and with the tone of the world, I also envision a campaign supplement that dives more into what sort of ruins can be found in Wilderland and maybe Eriador as well (greatly expanding the snippet in the Journeys & Maps supplement), with specific, as well as generic, examples and suggestions on how they might figure into campaigns.

Of course, I would also love to learn more of the civilised lands to the east, especially since that is where I would assume most of the trade of the north moves to and fro - Dorwinion and the Easterlings of Rhûn and beyond. With trade would follow people and influences, things that would be very exciting to see incorporated over time into a campaign. I also agree that the last inhabited place to be described in Wilderland, Lórien, needs to be done.

Finally, Eriador as it was described in Rivendell was a huge let-down for me. It was just too empty. I find it totally immersion breaking, despite the fairy-tale aspects of Tolkiens works, that The Shire and The Dúnedain could exist in almost literal isolation from anything else, being surrounded by naught but great, empty Lone-lands. I get that there’s no nations left, but villages, farmsteads, something. Or at least give me a ton of ruins to explore and have reasons to do so from what few residents there are left, but no, pretty much nothing. I would like Eriador to be revisited frankly.

You know, just a few more books... You can probably tell that I really am not done with Wilderland and not greatly interested in Gondor or errantries. Moria would be cool too of course.
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Re: Which future publications are you most looking forward to/hoping for?

Mon 08 Jun 2020, 23:37

I share your feelings about Moria above all. Somehow I feel it would be a bad step to move to Gondor leaving Moria unexplored... I would find the whole picture... incomplete, unfinished... something very important missing...

I’d rather have Western Eriador (the Shire & the Grey Havens) before Gondor too... but I fancy that less crucial than Moria in terms of adventure. The Shire & the Grey Havens after all are... well... havens (I have to give that though I’ve dreamed of the Elves of Lindon culture in TOR since the first Core Set).

Moria is the opposite, the archetypal place for adventure and danger. And with the Golden Wood at its Eastern feet, perfect for a round book - strong elements of Dwarven and Elven cultures to add to the pure adventure element.
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Re: Which future publications are you most looking forward to/hoping for?

Tue 09 Jun 2020, 03:21

Moria, of course.

Know what else I'd love? A companion book to Darkening of Mirkwood filled with short adventures to fill in the spaces.
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Re: Which future publications are you most looking forward to/hoping for?

Thu 11 Jun 2020, 04:27

Here's one more person who would like to see Moria! Also, I am just really excited to see what Fria Ligan does with graphic design and layout and to see what type of artwork we'll get. I am so happy that Francesco will continue to provide strong direction and writing, driven by love for the source material.
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Re: Which future publications are you most looking forward to/hoping for?

Thu 11 Jun 2020, 09:09

Moria, of course.

Know what else I'd love? A companion book to Darkening of Mirkwood filled with short adventures to fill in the spaces.
Me too! While Darkening is great, and has loads of adventure sheets and short adventures, they really could use a lot of fleshing out. I am too lazy to that myself, and would pay a lot to get something like that.

Moria would be EPIC.
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Re: Which future publications are you most looking forward to/hoping for?

Thu 11 Jun 2020, 11:26


Of course. No-brainer, I'd say.
Assuming it's done properly, of course (still shudder remembering ICE's effort...)
Before you use the word "XENOMORPH" again, you should read this article through:

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