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LFG for 2 to 3 players to join a weekly streamed game of Mutant Year Zero

Tue 26 May 2020, 16:58

Campaign Name: The Path to Eden
System: Mutant Year Zero.
Platform: Roll20/Zoom
Frequency: Weekly
Time: Tuesdays 19:00 GMT+1 (UK Time zone)
Player Slots: 2.5/5 open slots left.
Description: The game will be set in the Big Smoke and will last around 20 weeks, I am a fairly experienced GM with over 25 years of roleplaying as a GM it will be a fairly long commitment.

Please you must have a Webcam and semi-decent audio without too much background noise as it will be a streamed game.

We will be using Roll20 and Zoom for the conference call. If you are interested please DM on here so we can arrange a chat.


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