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Removing the neomorphs from CotG?

Thu 02 Apr 2020, 16:52

Any suggestions if this would be possible storywise, and introduce the threat as a "virus-like zombie-not-zombie-infestation" instead? Dont want to use the neomorphs/aliens in the first introductory scenario and keep it more "down to earth" (but in space) like a mutagenic space virus. Why? To keep up the interest for a longer campaign/more scenarios. 
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Re: Removing the neomorphs from CotG?

Fri 03 Apr 2020, 02:17

Any suggestions if this would be possible storywise, and introduce the threat as a "virus-like zombie-not-zombie-infestation" instead? Dont want to use the neomorphs/aliens in the first introductory scenario and keep it more "down to earth" (but in space) like a mutagenic space virus. Why? To keep up the interest for a longer campaign/more scenarios. 
Totally possible. The cruz of the scenario is that the ship has an infestation that makes abominations (linked to the whole neomorph thing but not quite). You totally could make it space rabies. About the only major event you'd have to change is when the Alien pops out of the guys head. Other than that your in the clear. Though if I read what you put write, your wanting to keep the gaming going after that point? so aren't you using the pregens? is this some kind of introductory scenario?
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Re: Removing the neomorphs from CotG?

Sun 14 Jun 2020, 07:57

Guess you could change the doctors death scene to a variant where exposure to the motes create an accelerated version of the abomination which causes violent horrible body horror death or an even more freakish version of the abomination. Maybe in the lines of the clickers fra The Last of Us computer game.
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Re: Removing the neomorphs from CotG?

Mon 29 Jun 2020, 13:05

It's also possible the doctor can die from seizures due to being woken from hypersleep too quickly. Until the power is back up, Cronos is running on batteries and Mother is probably rationing power. Before retreating to the cryo pods, the doctor was likely pushing himself on stimulants trying to synthesize his vaccine while all hell broke loose, and may have been in quite a fragile state. Having a crash-wake situation (in an environment with really bad air quality) might trigger a fatal seizure, if you want to leave out the Neomorphs. Of course, players (and the other Cronos crew) might assume it is something quite different at first, which might be a nice twist to play.
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Re: Removing the neomorphs from CotG?

Mon 29 Jun 2020, 19:42

You could also just have a good old fashioned malfunction. Something went wrong with the cryosleep pods that made the crew go insane like the movie Pandorum (maybe they were previous generation cryosleep pods that had a known fatal flaw). Or maybe the ship came in contact with an alien artifact or celestial phenomenon like a black hole that drove the crew insane while they were sleeping like Event Horizon.

I dont like the idea of having an actual virus. That concept has been way overdone in science fiction recently. To the point where even variations of it are stale.
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Re: Removing the neomorphs from CotG?

Wed 14 Oct 2020, 14:28

Many thanks for the suggestions (bit late). Starting prep now and will run it as a space virus case causing abominations instead. One-off/testing the system, no campaign. Don´t want to have aliens showing up in the first test run.
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Re: Removing the neomorphs from CotG?

Sun 22 Nov 2020, 04:49

I know I'm new here and new to the game. However, I've been thinking about something like this myself. Looking at a way to start a campaign, but not jump whole hog into the Alien morphs etc.

One idea I had was a fungal infections. Something like the fungi that makes 'zombie ants' .

Now putting that into Chariot of the Gods, I'm not sure how it would fit in, but it is an idea, or at least a start of one.
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Re: Removing the neomorphs from CotG?

Wed 12 Jan 2022, 05:02

Now that this has been out a while, has anybody tried replacing the Prometheus creatures with more traditional aliens?

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