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Incinerator Clarification

Mon 17 Jun 2019, 09:08


I think I understand how the incinerator works, although maybe it's too hard regarding damage... That's the reason I want to ask to the community if the following is correct:

- The PC fires the incinerator. The base damage is 2, and it could be increased with each additional success (with a stunt).
- The target rolls for armor, but if he is wounded (possibly), he catches fire (Intensity 9).
- The target rolls 9 dice and receives 1 more damage for each success.
- Next round the target would roll 10 dice as the intensity increases in each round.

This is how I understand the incinerator rules (it's lethal without a doubt), but maybe I am wrong.

By the way, I have another question regarding incinerator. Maybe I passed by the rule but what happens when a PC or NPC fires an incinerator against one character who is engaged in close combat? Does the other character engaged in combat catch fire? I think that it's easy to imagine the situation: one xenomorph against a PC engaged in close combat, other PC fires a incinerator... What happens to his/her ally or friend?   
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Re: Incinerator Clarification

Mon 17 Jun 2019, 21:20

I concur that that's how it reads...
I think it's got issues... the fire growing in intensity on a person is a problem for me logically (we don't actually burn that well except in special circumstances).
In a room? that's a different matter.
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Re: Incinerator Clarification

Mon 17 Jun 2019, 21:36

I concur that that's how it reads...
I think it's got issues... the fire growing in intensity on a person is a problem for me logically (we don't actually burn that well except in special circumstances).
In a room? that's a different matter.
But clothes burn and more and more of your clothes will burn unless you lucky and the fire stops or you make it stop.
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Re: Incinerator Clarification

Mon 17 Jun 2019, 21:51

I concur that that's how it reads...
I think it's got issues... the fire growing in intensity on a person is a problem for me logically (we don't actually burn that well except in special circumstances).
In a room? that's a different matter.
But clothes burn and more and more of your clothes will burn unless you lucky and the fire stops or you make it stop.
Clothes will be gone as a fuel source in under 30 seconds, typically, if they burn. Polyester T-shirts, for example, yes   they burn - but barely to self-sustaining levels. (they melt and drip offfaster than they heat to ignition. Sure, they drip flaming plastic, but it's the ignition source hurting the wearer. 

Ignore the guy's hyperbole, but watch the results: that T is barely hanging on from a roofing torch ignition. It melts a lot...
To get increasing damage without staying in the flame? you'd need to be fuel-soaked, wiking bodyfat, or in a high oxygen environment. O2 leaks are a real hazard...
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Re: Incinerator Clarification

Mon 17 Jun 2019, 22:11

I have not tested these fire damaging rules but I have played years with MY0 and FbL (both are using the Year Zero engine) and 8 or 9 dice isn't exactly that scary. Sure you can have a bad luck and take a lot of damage, but 8 dice is only 77% chance of getting any success, which means that you are not catching fire 23% of the time. This game is not a simulation it uses abstract rules. The effect of a rule or how a player react to it is sometimes more important that super-realism.
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Re: Incinerator Clarification

Mon 17 Jun 2019, 23:31

Thanks for the answers...

But please, don't forget the other question. What happens if a PC or NPC fires an incinerator against a close combat? Are the two combatants damaged? Only one? What happens if the PC or NPC with the incinerator fails?
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Re: Incinerator Clarification

Mon 17 Jun 2019, 23:42

Thanks for the answers...

But please, don't forget the other question. What happens if a PC or NPC fires an incinerator against a close combat? Are the two combatants damaged? Only one? What happens if the PC or NPC with the incinerator fails?
All good questions. I would allow a player to fire the incinerator at an enemy that is in close combat but I would warn him that if he misses, his friend may catch fire instead.
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Re: Incinerator Clarification

Mon 17 Jun 2019, 23:47

Good solution...

He didn't take direct damage but catches fire. 
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Re: Incinerator Clarification

Tue 18 Jun 2019, 03:26

Interesting question. If I was the DM I would do a couple different things based on circumstance.

If the target and another were grappled then I would say they have a chance to attempt to sweep the targets back. But it would be a kind of "called shot" and would happen with some difficulty. (-2 or -3 dice) and add 1 stress. If they fail I would probably do base damage to the unintended and they would both suffer the burning (think the unintended target got swung or rolled into the line of fire).

If the target was not grappled but simply at arms length with someone I would allow for the same kind of difficult roll or risk just the burning carrying over to those who were too close.
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Re: Incinerator Clarification

Tue 18 Jun 2019, 12:05

Definitely, I would introduce a rule regarding this because, for example, the solution given by Konungr is a good solution too (applying negative modifiers for the shoot and applying damage for the two combatants).

I think the problem could be that incinerator is not considered an area weapon when it would be obvious that it should have one. Of course not like a grenade but a smaller one (maybe affecting an "engaged zone" and not a room) with some serious risks for the people that is fighting against the target of the incinerator: perhaps negative modifiers, perhaps the possibility that they catch fire (or suffer base damage) too if the incinerator fails or maybe both or maybe another different rule.

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