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Acid Splash result shared or rolled separately for each victim?

Sun 10 Dec 2023, 18:19

When a xeno erupts in an Acid Splash, is the attack A) rolled for each victim in Engaged range separately or B) is the one result repeated onto everyone?
A) would make more sense narratively, as the splash has usually been depicted as a spray rather than explosion, whereas B) is faster in game time, but is difficult to narrate (acid drip hitting no-one — acid sprinkler showering 360 degrees).

I don't think there has been a clear indication in any of the YZ:E games on how AOE attacks with rolls are supposed to be handled.
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Re: Acid Splash result shared or rolled separately for each victim?

Sun 10 Dec 2023, 21:14

I've always read that as "roll one for each" rather than "roll one for all"

Have everyone hit make their rolls at the same time to run it in parallel rather than sequentially rolling for each and you save some table time:
"Xeno X is suddenly shattered by incoming fire! Uh oh! Everyone next to it make an acid splash dodge-it-like-neo-in-bullettime roll and start grinning or screaming ..."

And if you have players who love to overact - surround their chairs with pillows in case they throw themselves to the floor to writhe in pain at a moment like this.
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Re: Acid Splash result shared or rolled separately for each victim?

Mon 11 Dec 2023, 17:56

In my book, everyone has his own chance so each character (near the splash) roll for his sake.
individual rolls for each character impacted.

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Re: Acid Splash result shared or rolled separately for each victim?

Thu 14 Dec 2023, 03:30

I think it's probably wiser from a gameplay perspective to have a roll for each character within range, otherwise you could potentially kill half your crew because one of them got a hit in on the space beast. It's going to mean a lot of dice rolling for the Game Mother, but combat always seems to involve a helluva lot of rolling anyway.

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