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Any timeline on when the Roll20 module will be publicly available?

Sun 27 Aug 2023, 07:54

I missed out on the Kickstarter campaign and understand that the module wasn't up to par and is being held back until it is in a better state, but is there any sort of ETA on when it will be released? Weeks, months?

I picked up the PDF version of the game from DriveThruRPG and I am looking forward to running a campaign online.
Von Ether
Posts: 105
Joined: Wed 31 Aug 2022, 16:09

Re: Any timeline on when the Roll20 module will be publicly available?

Sun 27 Aug 2023, 18:54

While it is available to backers at the moment, the company doing the work is still updating the core book files and have not yet started the adventures.

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