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Couple of questions concerning Awareness / Insight / Lore

Fri 02 Jun 2023, 16:01

After a long time of not being a GM / Loremaster, I'm finally trying to get back into it. But I'm a bit rusty and unsure concernig how to handle certain situations.

Let's say a group of Dwarves does not behave as a group of Dwarves should - is that an awareness roll? Insight? Lore? A dwarf would get a bonus?

Let's say somebody dies of an injury he should not have died of (because a poisonous weapon was used). How do I establish that (if) the players notice
- that this person should not have died of that injury
- the symptoms of poisoning and
- what those symptoms mean?

Here I guess I'd use Healing for the first and last question and Awareness for the middle one?

Sorry if these are stupid questions, but getting back to GMing after a long break (and with a "new" rule system) is a bit difficult for me.
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Re: Couple of questions concerning Awareness / Insight / Lore

Fri 02 Jun 2023, 16:24

The dwarves are acting suspiciously? I'd go with Insight or Lore. Note that p23 of the core rules has the player suggesting the appropriate skill (with the loremaster deciding), that can help people roll with something they should be good at if a roll could be one of a couple of things.

The poisoning - I'd probably go with healing? Including for the symptoms.

Scan tool potentially for close up examination of something (rather than awareness).

Riddle too as an option to apply logic to a problem: it is a great clue/investigation skill to help give the players information.
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Re: Couple of questions concerning Awareness / Insight / Lore

Fri 02 Jun 2023, 16:30

Thanks for the answers. I had not considered Riddle ... good idea.
As for the players suggesting the skill ... but that would mean the players KNOW that the dwarves act suspiciously. Guess I allow more than one roll for noticing. One player with a good lore skill and one with a good insight skill.

I had thought about Scan, but the players do not really have time to conduct an "investigation" ... the situation is more like "do you notice ...?" and not "I'm looking for ...".
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Re: Couple of questions concerning Awareness / Insight / Lore

Fri 02 Jun 2023, 16:40

Thanks for the answers. I had not considered Riddle ... good idea.
As for the players suggesting the skill ... but that would mean the players KNOW that the dwarves act suspiciously. Guess I allow more than one roll for noticing. One player with a good lore skill and one with a good insight skill.

I had thought about Scan, but the players do not really have time to conduct an "investigation" ... the situation is more like "do you notice ...?" and not "I'm looking for ...".
Insight can just be - "can I get a feel for the Dwarves and how they're acting?" - "Sure, roll insight." In the lord of the rings, the hobbits roll insight when they meet Strider.

"There was a long silence. At last Frodo spoke with hesitation. ‘I believed that you were a friend before the letter came,’ he said, ‘or at least I wished to. You have frightened me several times tonight,
but never in the way that servants of the Enemy would, or so I imagine. I think one of his spies would – well, seem fairer and feel fouler, if you understand.’

‘I see,’ laughed Strider. ‘I look foul and feel fair. Is that it? All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost.’"
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Re: Couple of questions concerning Awareness / Insight / Lore

Fri 02 Jun 2023, 17:35

Thanks again. "Talking" (writing) about those questions and getting some input helps a lot.
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Re: Couple of questions concerning Awareness / Insight / Lore

Fri 02 Jun 2023, 17:46

Thanks again. "Talking" (writing) about those questions and getting some input helps a lot.
Yeah, its great to knock ideas around. Good luck getting back in the saddle, hope everyone has fun.
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Re: Couple of questions concerning Awareness / Insight / Lore

Wed 07 Jun 2023, 13:03

As for the players suggesting the skill ... but that would mean the players KNOW that the dwarves act suspiciously. Guess I allow more than one roll for noticing. One player with a good lore skill and one with a good insight skill.
Hi, Just wanted to jump in and add a little extra regarding this.
I think there are two ways you could play out the suspicious Dwarves: firstly would be secretly to make the roll on the player's behalf and then depending on result inform them that the Dwarves are acting suspiciously.

Alternatively, my preferred method would be to include details that will make the player's suspicious when describing the scene and Dwarves. For example when talking as the Dwarves you could use a phrase they're sentences like they're trying to hide something, or if the player's can see you perhaps act suspiciously (shift about in your chair, avoid eye contact etc.). This will help to clue the player's in that something is up, and hopefully prompt them into suggesting a Insight check or describing an action, which allows you to call for an Insight check.
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Re: Couple of questions concerning Awareness / Insight / Lore

Wed 07 Jun 2023, 16:30

Hi, Just wanted to jump in and add a little extra regarding this.
I think there are two ways you could play out the suspicious Dwarves: firstly would be secretly to make the roll on the player's behalf and then depending on result inform them that the Dwarves are acting suspiciously.
I'm wary of making secret rolls on behalf of the players, as that takes away their opportunity to use Hope (particularly if they're inspired via an appropriate distinctive feature) and other resources (such as rerolls from Foresight of their Kindred/Cirdan's patron blessing etc.
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Re: Couple of questions concerning Awareness / Insight / Lore

Thu 08 Jun 2023, 09:13

That's a good point that I had missed, in general I'm also wary of rolling for the players (it wouldn't be my go to method). In this case I'm not sure it's too bad as we're checking to notice an NPC acting suspiciously, however it really depends on if OP needs the players to notice for their story to progress or if it's just an optional thing they could notice. If it's necessary to the plot, then you don't really need to introduce a potential fail state and I would tell my players straight up that the NPC is giving off a suspicious vibe (maybe calling for an insight roll to notice additional details).
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Re: Couple of questions concerning Awareness / Insight / Lore

Sat 24 Jun 2023, 12:08

Thanks for those ideas and the discussion. Helps a lot to consider all the aspects of being a Loremaster.

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