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Radiation protection from compression / EVA suits?

Mon 27 Mar 2023, 16:12

Do the various compression / EVA suits offer any protection whatsoever against radiation rolls / damage? Struggling to find this in the rules.

Not just in vacuum but in areas of a ship or planet with strong radiation, compared to not wearing a suit at all.

Edit: Found the section I was looking for on Hazmat suits - which I have been assuming must apply to compression suits in a similar way (perhaps 3/6/9 Base Dice depending on the type of suit)?
It also acts as armor against radiation. Each time you suffer a Radiation Point,
roll six Base Dice—if you roll one or more [+], the Rad is absorbed by the suit.
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Re: Radiation protection from compression / EVA suits?

Sat 06 Jan 2024, 22:52

Looking through the books I haven't found anything regarding radiation protection other than the two types of HAZMAT suit (military in CMOM and professional in BBW); it wouldn't appear that the compression suits or EVA suits provide any protection against radiation, only vacuum and pressure protection. Based on this NASA paper I found ( ... 046504.pdf), which I admit I only somewhat understood, contemporary space suits provide some slight radiation protection in their designs but mostly in the sense that one is better off wearing one during a radiation event than nothing at all - but then if you were in space wearing no PPE then you'd have much bigger problems to worry about than radiation exposure. More thorough protection against ionizing radiation (especially higher-energy stuff like X and gamma rays) is already sacrificed in order to provide comfort, maneuverability, and just getting into orbit at all - I'd imagine in the crapsack future of Alien even these limited protections go by the wayside in favor of cutting costs and maximizing profits.

My take would be that HAZMAT goes on under the compression/EVA suit, otherwise there is no radiation protection conferred.
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Re: Radiation protection from compression / EVA suits?

Sat 06 Jan 2024, 23:22

In my games, I have resolved this by implementing the following on-the-fly house rule: "Suits & armors made for EVA/space-wear have RAD Resistance dice equal to ½ their Armor Rating (rounded up)".

It's not a perfect system, but it does the job and prevents me from having to redo the entire suits and armors lists for the game.
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Re: Radiation protection from compression / EVA suits?

Mon 08 Jan 2024, 21:54

Very simple rule to apply, thanks Angelman.


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