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Heart of Darkness Play Report. 2. Entry into Erebos

Wed 15 Feb 2023, 14:23


Taking a moment to survey the situation, the team made the call to look at scaling the 20 or so meters up and away from the airlock on Deck D, choosing, perhaps wisely, to avoid any contact with the midnight blue creature on the other side of the door. Lark scouted around the large antechamber to see if there was anything of use and came upon a locker holding four EVA suits, and the grisly remains of a crew member that had apparently been sliced in half by the door. Hurriedly activating the closing mechanism to shield her crew mates from the site of so much dried blood that adorned the walls and contents of the locker, Lark turned to see Drabikowski and Lugar staring with fixed gazes on the horrific scene. Lark put her hand on Drabikowski's shoulder. "We'll get through this'" She said evenly.

Drabikowski shrugged and picked up the grappling gun. Ejiri stepped forward and tied off one end of the line as the former UPP scientist stepped out into the inky void and climbed, hand over hand, toward the higher decks. Years of zero G experience meant that she was able to reach Deck B efficiently and maneuver to the personal airlock on the starboard side. Making the line secure, she waited patiently whilst the rest of her party grappled their way to join her.

With more caution than before, they entered the airlock to find themselves in a corridor that lead them directly to operations and hopefully the answers they were looking for.

A soft mewling alerted them to the presence of Adrien, the stations cat, who dumped a gift at their feet. Rubbery in texture, the 'gift' resembled a small, dead, earth squid. Pallid and inert it lay on the floor, until Hedenstrom nudged it with his boot. The creature sprang to life and darted under a nearby counter.

Shaken, all but Ejiri scoured the consoles looking for the creature. The WeYu exec turned his attention to the operations consoles in front of him and started to sift through the mountain of data. Lark, her eyes focused on the middle distance walked quietly towards the southern part of the station. As Ejiri looked he noticed that all systems were reporting damage or alarms, the impact of the Cetorhina had caused massive systems failures over the station. All systems except MU/TH/UR, which was noticeable by its absence.

PDT's were pinging crew location data from most decks, with half a dozen strangely labelled WYCRONUS tags. One on the same deck as them. As they were pondering this phenomena, they were interrupted by a lone, silent figure observing them from the opposite hallway. The humanoid regarded them with cold, curious eyes, paying particular attention to the monogrammed maintenance jack that Captain Lugar held in her hand. As Lugar approached, the figure turned, disengaged, opened the port airlock and flowed, effortlessly into space. Lugar sensed something, but couldn't articulate what it was.

Lark rejoined the group after searching the armory, which she reported as being stripped clean, and the team followed Adrien around a corner of the stations corridors where they were surprised to find their first survivor. A survivor that was breathing. Rhythmically heaving as it started to react to their presence. Slowly unfurling from its prone position on the floor. It turned, several tentacles unleashed in a flurry of movement and a skull, picked clean was spat on the floor in front of them.

Hedenstrom was first to react, pulling his pistol he fired a shot that missed by a country mile and Lark picked Ejiri up in a fireman's carry and took him out of danger. The creature lashed out at Hedenstrom and bound him with an enormous pseudopod, ripping flesh from his head and blinding him. Lugar fired after taking carful aim and hit the creature square in its central mass, causing the creature to lose its grip on the Scandinavian doctor. Drabikowski and Navarre raced toward the sounds of battle. Sajaad blasted the creature with her shotgun, and putting Ejiri down, Lark wrestled Lugar's sidearm and fired. The creature was assaulted on all sides, but it was Drabikowski's cool head that saw the creature take its final breath as with calm precision she launched the grappling gun directly into the brain mass of the 7 foot tall, fleshy, man eating starfish and rendered it inert.

We should call that thing 'cuddles' one of them said as they turned the corner back into Operations, straight into the presence of two corrections androids.

"Identify yourselves". One of them intoned.
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Re: Heart of Darkness Play Report. 2. Entry into Erebos

Mon 20 Feb 2023, 18:49

thanks buddy.

I'm trying NOT to read it right away ...
I want to finish my game first and don't be influence by anything.
I'm gonna read it later and let you know what I think.

Thanks so much (keep your reports coming), love to read this.
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Re: Heart of Darkness Play Report. 2. Entry into Erebos

Mon 20 Feb 2023, 21:12

We're about 3 sessions ahead of this. But one of the players was out for a couple of weeks so I am staggering the play reports. Thanks for commenting. I hope you're enjoying them :-)
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Re: Heart of Darkness Play Report. 2. Entry into Erebos

Tue 21 Feb 2023, 19:33

Exactly! I plan to re-read through these before my own run at the table ... definitely appreciated!
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Re: Heart of Darkness Play Report. 2. Entry into Erebos

Wed 08 Mar 2023, 17:39

thanks Dakes101.

I've decided to read it anyway since I'm running this game too.

This is great. Keep them coming (your playreports).

Love to read those.

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