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Re: Official Errata

Posted: Fri 28 Oct 2022, 19:40
by Fenhorn
so does the Armat M41A Pulse Rifle have a grenade launcher or not?
grenade launcher is not included in the table comments section. You said the table was the reference to look at not the infographic so...
It looks that for this weapon, the infographics is right, not the table. All this have been corrected from the 2nd printing, but this errata table from the 1st printing should still be correct. I sent a message to Tomas about it so he can change it when he have time.

Re: Official Errata

Posted: Sun 15 Jan 2023, 10:51
by smrq
Is not it a mistake? Rulebook, p. 101

NIGHTMARES: Make an EMPATHY roll when you sleep. If the roll succeeds, you have a horrible nightmare
and your STRESS LEVEL increases by one. You cannot relieve stress for a full day after such a nightmare.

Re: Official Errata

Posted: Sun 15 Jan 2023, 10:59
by Fenhorn
Is not it a mistake? Rulebook, p. 101

NIGHTMARES: Make an EMPATHY roll when you sleep. If the roll succeeds, you have a horrible nightmare
and your STRESS LEVEL increases by one. You cannot relieve stress for a full day after such a nightmare.
If you show empathy (i.e. succeeds with your Empathy roll), you are more disturbed and shaken by those horrible nightmares. If you fail the Empathy roll, you don't show any empathy to whatever you where dreaming, you don't care. The same idea is used with the Coup de Grâce roll (p.99).

Re: Official Errata

Posted: Sun 15 Jan 2023, 17:22
by smrq
Rulebook on page 71 - Medical Aid.
Shouldn't the Recovery paragraph be called First Aid?
It would match the description of First Aid on page 98.

Re: Official Errata

Posted: Sun 12 Mar 2023, 19:14
by fid
In the Colonial Marines Operations Manual on page 309, in the section about the Com Dish it says, “They are transmitting the Queen’s Dreams across the sector and are controlled at.The dishes are quite delicate, (Armor Rating 3) …”
The sentence doesn’t say where they (the Com Dishes) are controlled and the next sentence begins with no space after the period of the previous sentence.
I believe the Com Dishes are controlled from the Com Relay Operations Hub. Correct?

Re: Official Errata

Posted: Fri 06 Oct 2023, 04:51
by Cody B, Gamin'
I've finished my initial readthrough of Building Better Worlds, and I've noticed the following typos and inconsistencies. I hope this is the correct thread to report this stuff in, because it's really a coin flip between posting here, or making a thread and being told to do it here.

- The Authority talent shares the same name as a Colonial Marshal talent in the core rulebook.
- Misspelled "Norcomm" on Page 39.
- The pistols chart entry for the Gorham .44 Magnum Pistol refers to Ranged Combat as "Ranged Weapons".
- It's kind of unusual that the MP-4043 does as much damage and has the same bonus as the M42A Scope Rifle, but doesn't have the same range and yet costs almost twice as much. Is that intentional?
- I'm guessing that the 2 weight on the Storm Rifle was done for game balance, but given how the Prometheus viral marketing campaign described the Storm as very lightweight, I can't fathom why it would be heavier than the pulse rifle in game encumbrance units. Maybe keep the weight on both weapons the same and/or remove the +1 modifier?
- The Magellan's price is listed as 40 million dollars despite the flavor text on the previous page saying it costs two billion dollars. Was this deliberate?
- The Containment and Termination Protocol for the Hammerpede cuts off rather abruptly at "They also like to force themselves down your". I dunno if this was meant to be a little joke or just the writer blanking out and forgetting to finish the sentence (which is a human mistake that I've made plenty of times, so I'm not judging).
- Was the choice to reuse art of the Neomorph (on Page 124) rather than something accurate intentional or a mistake, like the time the Twilight: 2000 Alpha .PDF used art of an RPD instead of a PKM in the respective weapon card?
- On Pages 170 + 171, by "E4 Electroshock Pistol", I presume that's a typo of "ES-4 Electrostatic Pistol?"
- On Page 221, I'm assuming "PILOT test" is meant to be "PILOTING test".
- All of the NPCs on Pages 254-255 and 259 have "E-7 Shockgun" instead of "ES-7 Shockgun", which is strange, since two of them have ES-4 Electrostatic Pistols written correctly.
- "Briefing Room" on the map of the Solovetsky Island is misspelled "Brefing Room". Similarly, "Coolant Tanks" is misspelled "Colant Tanks", "Catwalk" is misspelled "Caywalk".

Re: Official Errata

Posted: Fri 06 Oct 2023, 20:44
by TremblayMathieu

- The Containment and Termination Protocol for the Hammerpede cuts off rather abruptly at "They also like to force themselves down your". I dunno if this was meant to be a little joke or just the writer blanking out and forgetting to finish the sentence (which is a human mistake that I've made plenty of times, so I'm not judging).

The rest of the text is on the following page, hidden underneath the Hammerpede Attacks table.

Re: Official Errata

Posted: Tue 10 Oct 2023, 14:32
by thesummoningdark
A few typos/grammatical issues I've noticed while reading the BBW pdf:
  • On the map, "Sanchez Outpos" instead of "Sanchez Outpost".
  • On page 16, in the timeline of the Golden Age of Expansion, "1037" instead of "2037".
  • On page 18, in the timeline of Hyperdyne's Legacy of Conflict, "Alexandria succeeds" instead of "Alexandria secedes".
  • On page 62, in the comment on the Full Face Personal Rebreather Mask, the "and" in "chemical and biological" is missing.
  • On page 125, in the first sentence of the description of the Shambler, there's a hanging "either" that doesn't have a corresponding "or" (presumably this and the following sentence were originally one and were split at some point).

Re: Official Errata

Posted: Wed 15 Nov 2023, 03:06
by Ewerton
core rulebook, page 349, target area table.
rows jump from "45-51 Ice Planet" to "55-63 Wreckage".
52-54 = ?

I would to know what was decided about it. Is it a missed text line in the table or this interval was spread on the other existing lines?

Re: Official Errata

Posted: Wed 15 Nov 2023, 21:58
by Ewerton
P223, core book printed edition (I don't own the PDF).

The Three World Empire's history.
"joined forces in the 2180s"
I believe that's not right.
I think that the right is 2080s, because it started on year 2088 how we can see in the timeline (p.14).