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Jhekarn Hasamura
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Question regarding ship combat Captain "Evade!" Order

Mon 01 Feb 2021, 13:02

Hello to all

At yesterday's session I stumbled upon an interesting topic with my players, but we couldn't find an agreement. It's about the "EVADE! command (page 166) in the command phase of ship combat and its effects.

When the captain gives the EVADE! command and the enemy ship tries to ram or board the players ship, will the bonus of the EVADE! Command be applied to the competing Pilot rolls or not?

The players' argument here is that the competing roll is evasion, while I, as the game master, argue that the EVADE! Command only applies to the movement option "evasive maneuvers" in the players' Phase 3. Ramming and boarding are explicitly not counted as player actions according to the rulebook.

What is correct?

For sure we can houserule this quite easy, but i think it will help more to just ask how it was supposed to work in the first place.

Thank you for the help so far :)

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Jhekarn Hasamura
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Re: Question regarding ship combat Captain "Evade!" Order

Thu 04 Mar 2021, 22:50

Hm seems this forum is kinda dead :/ sad to see. I solved the question with other GMs so far.
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Re: Question regarding ship combat Captain "Evade!" Order

Thu 22 Apr 2021, 23:19

I agree with you; the evade command refers just to distancing between ships. I'm sure it wouldn't hurt the game to allow it to give a bonus to avoid ramming, but that'd be a houserule and not, I think, the intended application.

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