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The Lost Worlds Campaign - Story 1 Play Report

Sun 14 Jan 2024, 04:51

The Lost Worlds Campaign - Story 1 Play Report
Expedition Zero - The Brahms Outpost on KOI-817.01
- Carolyn Fry (female) Captain of the UNCSS Solovetsky Island.
- William J. Johns (male) Head security on the UNCSS Solovetsky Island.
- Paris P. Ogilvie (male) Head scientist astrophysicist on the UNCSS Solovetsky Island.
- Sharon Montgomery (female) Head prospector for Kelland Mining Company on the UNCSS Solovetsky Island.
- John Ezekiel (Male NPC) Roughneck on the UNCSS Solovetsky Island.
- Jackie Griffith (female NPC) Research associate xenobiologist on the UNCSS Solovetsky Island.
- James (male NPC) is a Walter series synthetic on the UNCSS Solovetsky Island and must assist the crew.
- Miss Sophie (female NPC) is a Ava series synthetic on the UNCSS Solovetsky Island and must assist the crew.
- Lee Taylor (male NPC) is CEO of Kelland Mining Company and he wants the secrets of the region. He's aboard the UNCSS Solovetsky Island.

Planet KOI-817.01

The UNCSS Solovetsky Island descends through the icy atmosphere of the planet KOI-817.01 (Brahms Outpost), its sleek frame gradually disappearing into the swirling snowstorm below. Captain Carolyn Fry watches the monitor with a focused gaze, hands steady on the controls. Beside her, pilot Andi Dudgeon maneuvers the ship with precision, navigating through the frozen turbulence.
The temperature drops rapidly as they breach the planet's surface. Captain Fry turns to her assembled team in the cabin. "Prepare for landing. This is a cold one, folks."
Head security William J. Johns checks his sidearm, head scientist astrophysicist Paris P. Ogilvie adjusts his scientific instruments, and head prospector Sharon Montgomery secures her mining equipment. Roughneck John Ezekiel flexes his hands, ready for whatever awaits them on the frozen surface. Xenobiologist Jackie Griffith double-checks her specimen containers, anticipation etched on her face. The synthetic duo, James and Miss Sophie, stand ready, their artificial expressions unwavering. Captain Fry addresses the team, "We've got a beacon message from Brahms Outpost. Something's amiss, and they've asked us to investigate. We're going in hot, people. Stay sharp."
As the Solovetsky Island touches down on the icy ground, the crew members don their heavy insulated suits, the airlocks hissing as they seal. The cold bites through the layers, but their breaths remain visible as they step onto the desolate landscape. Telemetry data guides them toward the northern hemisphere zone, a treacherous terrain of crevasses and snow-covered desolation. The team trudges through the thick snow, wind whipping against their faces, making communication challenging. Head scientist Ogilvie studies the readings on his device, "We're getting closer to the beacon. Keep your eyes peeled."
After what feels like an eternity, they arrive at the outskirts of Brahms Outpost. The emergency beacon flickers weakly in the biting wind. Captain Fry signals for everyone to spread out, scanning the surroundings for any signs of life. As they explore, they uncover the vast concentrations of cerium, lithium, aluminum, and methane beneath the surface—a potential resource jackpot. But the urgency of the beacon message reminds them of the primary mission. Head security Johns scans the area, "Something's not right. Stay vigilant."
Suddenly, xenobiologist Jackie Griffith stumbles upon a half-buried entrance to the outpost. "Over here! It looks like someone tried to seal this place off. We need to get inside." Captain Fry nods, "Alright, team, let's move in. And watch your step. We don't know what we're dealing with." The group cautiously enters Brahms Outpost, leaving behind the frigid winds. The air inside is stale, and the emergency lights cast eerie shadows on the frozen walls. The mystery of the outpost's distress signal hangs in the air, and the crew braces themselves for what lies ahead in the heart of the icy unknown.

The Brahms Outpost

The team advances through the dimly lit corridors of Brahms Outpost, guided by the faint life signals on their devices. The atmosphere inside is tense as they move cautiously, uncertain of what they might find. As they turn a corner, they enter a large control room, the heart of the outpost. Surprisingly, it appears to double as a living space, complete with makeshift furnishings.
In the center of the room stand a man and a woman, their faces reflecting both surprise and relief. Captain Carolyn Fry steps forward, "I'm Captain Fry, and this is my crew. We received your distress signal." The man nods solemnly. "It's been so long since we've seen other humans. Thank you for coming." He glances at the group, a mix of gratitude and exhaustion in his eyes. The woman, with a warm smile, adds, "You have no idea how grateful we are. Please, come in. We never expected anyone to find us."
The crew notices the tattered remnants of the Three Worlds Empire flag hanging on the wall—the outpost's silent testimony to the bygone era. Captain Fry's team hands over food supplies to the Harringtons (Victor and Eleanor), and Miss Sophie begins a thorough medical check-up on the survivors.
Victor takes a deep breath, his voice breaking the silence. "Our parents taught us about The Isolation. Supernovas in multiple solar systems flooded this region with gamma radiation. No ships could return. We survived with underwater fishing, but many didn't make it. It's just us now and our daughter, Amelia."
Head scientist Ogilvie, intrigued, asks, "How did you manage to survive?" Victor thinks. "Since The Isolation, the spinward colonies collapsed. Communication dwindled, and some turned to piracy. Millions died, and rumors reached us. Pestilence spread across multiple planets," Victor explains, his gaze fixed on the distant past.
Captain Fry meets Ogilvie's concerned gaze. "What kind of pestilence?" she inquires. Victor hesitates, exchanging glances with Eleanor, their expressions haunted. "It's a threat that transcends planets, Captain. We've seen worlds fall to something we couldn't comprehend. We've lived in fear for far too long."
As the weight of the revelation settles in the room, the survivors and the rescue team share a collective understanding—the harsh reality of the isolated colonies and the challenges that await them in the frozen expanse of the Far Spinward Colonies.

The lost

Captain Carolyn Fry contacts The Solovetsky Island from within the control room of Brahms Outpost. The transmission reaches pilot Andi Dudgeon, who acknowledges the message, "Message received, Captain. I've informed Gaius on the Lyanla. They're entering orbit and preparing to mount a reinforcement expedition to Brahms Outpost. Bravo to you. Gaius mentioned bonuses for all of us."
As the communication ends, Eleanor approaches Captain Fry, her concern etched across her face. "My daughter, Amelia, has been out for a long time. It's not normal. Do you have equipment to detect and find her?" Fry nods, determination in her eyes. "We'll find her. Let's gear up. Johns, Ezekiel, James, and Sharon, we're going outside to look for Amelia. Ogilvie, Griffith, and Miss Sophie, you stay with Victor and Eleanor Harrington in the outpost."
Outside, in the midst of a snowstorm, James uses his synthetic abilities to guide the team. Sharon, skilled in her role, places tracking beacons for the return journey. However, the storm intensifies, making progress challenging. James loses track, and Sharon takes the lead. Sharon spots a cave entrance and announces, "She might be in here." They enter the cave, flashlights cutting through the darkness. Sharon notices animal tracks and warns the group to be cautious. In a large chamber, illuminated by natural light, they discover ruins of an ancient civilization, mirroring the archives of Doctors Elizabeth Shaw and Charlie Holloway—a significant find.
Sharon points out, "This is a great discovery. Look, there's someone on the ground." Amelia lies unconscious at the foot of a colossal statue. The group approaches her.
Meanwhile, back at Brahms Outpost, Victor urgently informs Scientist Ogilvie, "We are not alone on this planet. You need to warn them to be careful." Ogilvie attempts to contact Fry with their portable communicator.
Simultaneously, Fry's group discovers that Amelia is breathing but unconscious. As they prepare to leave with her, a colossal ice lizard emerges from the cave's depths. Johns fires his gun, and chaos ensues. The lizard, as big as a human, attacks, causing James to sacrifice himself to protect the others.
Fry, Johns, Sharon and Ezekiel witness the tragic moment as James falls into a deep crevasse along with the defeated lizard. The group, devastated, decide to leave for safety. Johns assures Fry, "We'll come back for him. For now, let's get back to the outpost."
The team, carrying the unconscious Amelia, retreats from the cave, leaving behind the mysteries of the ancient civilization and the loss of their synthetic companion in the icy depths.

Nothing to be found

CEO Lee Taylor (from Kelland Mining Company), Counselor Monroe, and Security officer Hamidah disembark from the Solovetsky Island, joining Captain Carolyn Fry and her team inside Brahms Outpost. Taylor approaches Fry, his expression grave, "We went to the bottom of the crevasse in the cave you found. Me, Johns, and Hamidah didn't find anything. No trace of James. I'm afraid we lost him." Fry, somber, lowers her head.
Ezekiel, understanding the weight of the loss, embraces a saddened Sharon. The absence of James echoes through the outpost, leaving a void in the tight-knit group.
Meanwhile, Counselor Monroe, Xenobiologist Jackie, Astrophysicist Ogilvie, and Miss Sophie engage in a conversation with Amelia, who is accompanied by her parents, Victor and Eleanor. Amelia admits, "I often go to that cave. I know it well." Victor adds, "Ice lizards are usually harmless unless they're hungry."
As the Harrington family retires for the night, Taylor reassures, "Tomorrow will be a better day. The Lyanla will arrive, and the expeditionary group will set up the outpost."
In a private moment, Jackie shares her concerns with Fry and Miss Sophie. "I feel like Victor isn't telling us everything." Fry looks at Jackie, a hint of worry in her eyes. "Governor Abantu from the Lyanla can handle Victor Harrington. We're being assigned to other missions," Fry explains. Fry's gaze shifts to Miss Sophie, whose eyes, empty of emotion, reflect the falling snow outside.

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Re: The Lost Worlds Campaign - Story 1 Play Report

Sun 14 Jan 2024, 04:52

Story designs are here : ... ay_report/

More stuff here as usual :

Enjoy your games,
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Re: The Lost Worlds Campaign - Story 1 Play Report

Sun 14 Jan 2024, 23:52

HI Arthur

Really nice work as always!

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Re: The Lost Worlds Campaign - Story 1 Play Report

Mon 15 Jan 2024, 02:07

Thanks DeuzXLondon, this was Expedition 0 (only a short gaming session Introduction to the Lost Worlds Campaign).
Lots More to come ...

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Re: The Lost Worlds Campaign - Story 1 Play Report

Sat 20 Jan 2024, 12:09

Nicely done Dallas. Great read!
When the cursor starts blinking, it is already too late
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Re: The Lost Worlds Campaign - Story 1 Play Report

Tue 23 Jan 2024, 07:40

Thanks Dakes101.
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Re: The Lost Worlds Campaign - Story 1 Play Report

Tue 23 Jan 2024, 12:48

That's a good, little intro there, ArthurDallas, setting the stage quite nicely.

Do you have any plans for the location later on? I assume the "colony" defaults back into 3We hands. (I can see players or an NPC faction coming up with all manner of clever uses of a remote, but clearly habitable space like this :twisted: )...

And, have you given any thoughts to how come the Gorham's Marauders haven't been here already? (I mean, the outpost has literally been broadcasting their existence for generations). Perhaps, seeing as the Brahms Outpost possesses very little in the way of supplies and shows no sign of "perfection", they just haven't bothered with it yet?

By the way, the name of the Great Mother Mission's mothership is Iyanla (not Lyanla), the first characters representing a vowel-sound doubling/lengthening. It's a Yoruba term of endearment meaning "Great Mother", and refers to the Great Mother Mission (as well as being an underhand hint at Xeno Queens and other "mother figures", of course) :)
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it's the Angelman.
I'm deranged".
--David Bowie, I'm Deranged
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Re: The Lost Worlds Campaign - Story 1 Play Report

Wed 24 Jan 2024, 01:58

Thanks my dear Angelman.

Oh! I understand ya it's IYANLA not LYANLA. I just missed this one in the writing. Thanks a lot.
I don't want to spoil the rest of the information. Lets see what's coming in the next episodes.


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