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Movement speed

Wed 03 Aug 2022, 21:14

I was reading about the equestrian ability and trying to figure out the movement speed while mounted on horse, or movement speed of any animal or monster for that matter. Under the combat section its stated that distance is not of great importance (I guess since its a rpg and not a tactical game) but its states that the general movement speed for character in combat is 10 meters/paces, i.e. in a movement action. But I guess that some creatures would be even faster, especially animals like horses. Under the Attribute section, Quick represent reflexes, nimbleness, Fleet-footed. Could also be used for number of meeters a creature can move in one move action, or would it be too powerful or complicated? Its not necessary to have rules for everything, but just wondered if anyone have solved thus using the raw or house rules.
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Re: Movement speed

Thu 04 Aug 2022, 23:37

You hit the nail on the head, Symbaroum is a pretty abstract system, so you just don't need those kind of details in actual play. The Movement Action covers changing position to gain advantage or mitigate disadvantage without needing physical distances.

I haven't had to work out how far a character can ride a horse in an action personally. Stats for Horses (standard and war varieties) are in the Monster Codex, travel distance on horseback is covered (briefly) in the Game Master's Guide and the Flight & Hunt rules are in the Tomb Of Dying Dreams adventure, but I don't remember seeing anything about granular movement distance anywhere, and I've never used anything outside of the Core and the stuff I just mentioned.

What are you looking for with the exact distance. is it something you definitely need?
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Re: Movement speed

Fri 05 Aug 2022, 22:38

Thanks for the reply! Well, I guess its more a tactical topic. Equestrian at adapt can make sweeping attacks, i.e. move before and after attack. If a horse has a higher speed than a human (1,5-2 x speed is quite probable) and the rider uses weapons with reach, it will be pretty easy to keep out of harms way and still be able to dish out damage every round.
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Re: Movement speed

Mon 08 Aug 2022, 11:39

Symbaroum handles that scenario abstractly (even the Pitched Battles rules in the GM's Guide doesn't differentiate between troop types - and actually says if you want more detail, make your own system up!! :lol: )

The horse's speed in melee just isn't considered a factor. The speed of the horse is abstracted down to the fact that the opponent can only take reactions, the rider isn't locked in melee (so no free attacks against him for disengaging) and its going to cost the opponent a Move Action of their own to re-engage (which may require a Quick check or similar, at the GM's discretion).

You can add more Tactical options to Symbaroum combat (I haven't tried these) by implementing the Movement By Scale rule on p.181 of the core, which requires you to use a combat map/grid and the Maneuvers system from the Advanced Players Guide (that actually has Charge as an option). Not sure these will offer exactly what you're looking for, but it may be a starting point.
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Re: Movement speed

Sat 01 Oct 2022, 23:35

Symbaroum handles that scenario abstractly (even the Pitched Battles rules in the GM's Guide doesn't differentiate between troop types - and actually says if you want more detail, make your own system up!! :lol: )

The horse's speed in melee just isn't considered a factor. The speed of the horse is abstracted down to the fact that the opponent can only take reactions, the rider isn't locked in melee (so no free attacks against him for disengaging) and its going to cost the opponent a Move Action of their own to re-engage (which may require a Quick check or similar, at the GM's discretion).

You can add more Tactical options to Symbaroum combat (I haven't tried these) by implementing the Movement By Scale rule on p.181 of the core, which requires you to use a combat map/grid and the Maneuvers system from the Advanced Players Guide (that actually has Charge as an option). Not sure these will offer exactly what you're looking for, but it may be a starting point.

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