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Steampunk Vaesen!?

Fri 24 Jun 2022, 16:25


I have the seed of an idea for a mystery and a new Vaesen and wanted to get some feedback on the initial premise. I am imagining a factory complex whose very heart has been co-opted by a Vaesen that is made up of a mixture of mechanical and living parts. Workers have gone missing and are being integrated into the machine Vaesen. To defeat - the Society must stop all the furnaces and ....?

Please provide some feedback on the premise. Do you like it? Would it work in Vaesen? I have an image of the creature in my head and have been looking for some art but have come up blank so far.

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Re: Steampunk Vaesen!?

Sat 25 Jun 2022, 21:04

You might want to check out The Machine King - a Cthulhu by Gaslight scenario (I have the "Reborn" version) which deals with a similar premise (although, of course, the reasons behind things are different). You might get some inspiration for events, locations, etc, especially if you are running this in London.
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Re: Steampunk Vaesen!?

Tue 28 Jun 2022, 15:29

Thank you. I will check that out.

Good Gaming

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