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Unremembered History - Empire of Rust

Tue 10 May 2022, 06:51

During the era of the Blood Mist, an age of isolation, the Forbidden Lands gave rise to a nation of humans more cruel than the demons that infested the world. Yet, such a vast ominous empire has been utterly unremembered.

For 200 years the Order of the Rust Brotherhood ruled supreme in the Forbidden Lands. While the Blood Mist imprisoned peoples to their hearth, the Rust Brothers traveled freely. They established trade roads between all the cities, dominating commerce, which in turn strengthened their armaments, allowed them to build outposts and reinforce their numbers. Each Brother was a powerful mage knight commanding a retinue of half-demons. The Brotherhood would use its might to outright control the cities with a Rust Prince sorcerer-despot ruling over each city and surrounding villages. The Rust Brothers exploited the Blood Mist to confine and subjugate everyone under their demonic theocracy. By combining forces from many regions, only the Brotherhood could amass a large well-equipped army to crush anyone who dared oppose them. Slave raids returned with captive dwarves, orcs, goblins, halflings, and even ogres to toil the fields and mines. Few would ever attempt escape… if the Blood Mist didn’t kill them, a Rust Brother posse surely would.

How and why the Empire of Rust was mysteriously erased from modern memory by everyone is unknown.
This epic tale can only be truly known by visiting the past to experience it firsthand.
Come with me oh adventurer to the era of the Blood Mist, during the reign of the Rust Brothers, and encounter the unfathomable Empire of Rust that brutally enslaved the Forbidden Lands.

Disclaimer - influenced by Dark Sun

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