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I've never thought to say this but I'm extremely disappointed by the rushed books release

Thu 11 Nov 2021, 21:13

I'm so, so sad to say this, but I honestly feel like the release of the books is very, very rushed and shouldn't be pushed to print so soon. I'm also extremely surprised by the lack of a Beta release for the books, especially the Player's Guide, which IMO is the one that needed it the most.

The Player's Guide alpha is full of half-cooked, boring and unpolished approaches, with many flaws of the original 5e classes essentially reprinted, the balance of the races is still questionable at best, and the monsters with high CR in the Bestiary also have several issues, the worst being their low damage compared to what they should do as by the DMG table guidelines of creating monsters.

At this point, I don't think many of the problems in the alpha as been solved and so they will go into the final books, which is a real shame. And I say this as a huge supporter of this project, with a max pledge on the Kickstarter at day one.

I really, really hope the final version will surprise me for the best but I hardly believe that, given the small amount of time dedicated to the playtest phase.

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