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Dog Catcher weapons?

Posted: Fri 08 Oct 2021, 21:13
by Grimmshade
What exactly do the catch poles and nooses do?
Are they in a book somewhere and I'm just missing them?

Re: Dog Catcher weapons?

Posted: Sun 10 Oct 2021, 15:22
by Grimmshade
As far as I can tell these weapons don't appear detailed in any of the books so far.
I'd give them +1 to Grapple. Grapple in short range instead of engaged. Encumbrance 1.
Can also be used as a club.

Re: Dog Catcher weapons?

Posted: Wed 10 Nov 2021, 12:29
by Angelman
Hey, guys,

I'm gonna ask my noob question here since it's tangentially related to the OP subject.

So... are YT Dog Catchers the same as YT Commandos?`(I.e. the pulserifle company dudes from Alien3?). Is "Dog Catcher" just a nickname, or are these actually two different units?

Re: Dog Catcher weapons?

Posted: Wed 10 Nov 2021, 12:59
by Lord Drah'Kan
@ Angelman: Dog catchers are at least commandos, it is safe to assume the team in Alien 3 are dogcatchers.
Weyland-Yutani maintains a commando corps
trained to handle and capture Xenomorph
specimens. Called the Dog Catchers, these
corporate security units usually include
four commandos, two animal containment
specialists, a science team, and a chief surgeon—
often led by a high level corporate exec.
These commandos wear APE suits (see Chapter
6), carry pulse rifles, and utilize specialized
capture equipment. Unfortunately, most of
the information Weyland-Yutani has gathered
about the Xenomorph and its subspecies is
based on secondhand reports, and therefore
these teams are often ill-equipped to deal
with the actual threat the creatures represent

Re: Dog Catcher weapons?

Posted: Fri 01 Mar 2024, 23:18
by Angelman
So, new thoughts on the Dog Catcher pole thingy ("catch pole and containment gear" per CMOM p.220), 'cause these haven't been detailed anywhere, right? How does this look to you guys?

CATCH POLE: Bonus +2, DMG 1, RNG Short*, Wt. 2 Enc., $50, Armor Doubling, Catch Noose**
*This is the main advantage of this weapon; you can fight the critter while keeping it at bay.
**You can achieve the Grapple stunt at Short RNG. You do not fall to the ground (although your opponent effectively does). The grappled critter either attack anyone else they're Engaged with, or try to break free—which spends their Actions/Signatur Attack that Initiative slot, and succeeds if they (the opponent) overcomes you on an opposed HEALTH roll (roll current Health number of dice) against your CLOSE COMBAT. Holding on to the Catch Pole requires you to spend a Fast Action each turn (although only one is needed regardless of the critter's Speed/Initiative slots)

Re: Dog Catcher weapons?

Posted: Thu 07 Mar 2024, 23:41
by Lurker01
Bonus -1 because it's long and unwieldy and requires effort to use. Give the handler the Animal Husbandry talent from BBW or Weapon Specialist - Catchpole to counteract. Damage 1 is ok. Weight 2 also good. Special - A successful attack with this weapon means your opponent is "Grappled". Any attempt to break free is made at -2. Any failed attempt to break free causes another point of damage as the struggle causes the noose to constrict. May be used as a club but armour is doubled and can be used to block a close combat attack without the handling penalty.

Now for a netgun, portable sonic pulse disruptor, tranquilliser rifle and lightweight mail armour.

Re: Dog Catcher weapons?

Posted: Mon 18 Mar 2024, 12:00
by Wolfclaw
Bonus -1 because it's long and unwieldy and requires effort to use. Give the handler the Animal Husbandry talent from BBW or Weapon Specialist - Catchpole to counteract. Damage 1 is ok. Weight 2 also good. Special - A successful attack with this weapon means your opponent is "Grappled". Any attempt to break free is made at -2. Any failed attempt to break free causes another point of damage as the struggle causes the noose to constrict. May be used as a club but armour is doubled and can be used to block a close combat attack without the handling penalty.

Now for a netgun, portable sonic pulse disruptor, tranquilliser rifle and lightweight mail armour.
I've homebrewed stats for tranquilliser gun/rifle, netgun, hunting rifle, bear trap. I still need to make some of the items more detailed in description and special properties, but I wouldn't mind if someone else takes a look at what I've made up. This was all made up for my homebrew career Hunter. :)

Re: Dog Catcher weapons?

Posted: Sat 13 Apr 2024, 14:46
by Angelman
Bonus -1 because it's long and unwieldy and requires effort to use. Give the handler the Animal Husbandry talent from BBW or Weapon Specialist - Catchpole to counteract. Damage 1 is ok. Weight 2 also good. Special - A successful attack with this weapon means your opponent is "Grappled". Any attempt to break free is made at -2. Any failed attempt to break free causes another point of damage as the struggle causes the noose to constrict. May be used as a club but armour is doubled and can be used to block a close combat attack without the handling penalty.
Having thought on it some more, here's my current version (very close to yours). This one is a telescopic version, hence the Encumbrance weirdness and such, (and my "blunt instrument" & "large club" is slightly tweeked from the official rules).

TELESCOPIC CATCHPOLE: Bonus -1, DMG Grapple, RNG Short, Wt. 1 OR 2 Enc., $50; 2-handed, no armor, success grapples target limb/small creature (head = suffocation), Slow action each round to maintain hold; catchpole may instead be used as Blunt Instrument (Bonus +1, DMG 1, RNG Eng, 1h, Armor Doubling, W1) or Large Club (Bonus +2, DMG 2, RNG Eng, 2h, Armor Doubling, W2)

Without the telescopic thing, the current catchpole would read as:
CATCHPOLE: Bonus -1, DMG Grapple, RNG Short, Wt. 2 Enc., $50; 2-handed, no armor, success grapples target limb/small creature (head = suffocation), Slow action each round to maintain hold; catchpole may instead be used as Large Club (Bonus +2, DMG 2, RNG Eng, 2h, Armor Doubling, W2)

Armor Doubling, C