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Roll20 macros (with houserules)

Posted: Sun 26 Sep 2021, 21:31
by JohanR
If anyone plays or wants to play Forbidden Lands on Roll20, I have uploaded some macros and tables that I use, for inspiration to you all:
Here:!ArQCBq2tG7xai2ZHXTY ... S?e=KcBJ42
I have attached an image example of each macro result.

Do note: That these macros use the Reforged Power ruleset, but even if you do not use those you can probably find some macros of use, or change or be inspired by others to fill your needs.
I have noted in each macro description if it uses Reforged Power rules or not.
All these macros can be used even if you are using roll20 with a free account.

Also note that they are all fan made and not in any way associated with "Fria Ligan AB".
I did get an okay to post them (because they are awesome), but I will remove any content if they ask me to.

These are also all highly beta! It is more than likely that I have entered errors when copy pasting these back and forth. So please do post any errors you find in macros and tables. If you have any ideas for new macros to add, please post those as well (or pm me, here or on reddit or something)! Also note that I am completely new to roll20, I just started a couple of weeks ago and have only played one session there, so there are likely room for improvements.

Re: Roll20 macros (with houserules)

Posted: Sun 30 Apr 2023, 22:04
by JohanR
Reforged Power 2.0 has been released. The roll20 macros have been updated accordingly.

Re: Roll20 macros (with houserules)

Posted: Mon 01 May 2023, 23:07
by sefnerr
Thanks for sharing! Very much appreciated.

Re: Roll20 macros (with houserules)

Posted: Tue 02 May 2023, 23:35
by 703145
Awesome! Thanks for all of the effort you pour into this.

Re: Roll20 macros (with houserules)

Posted: Sat 03 Jun 2023, 20:05
by JohanR
sefnerr updated the ForbiddenLands template on roll20 to v.1.83.
This came with many super nice improvements! Really! It's awesome! :)

It also added some {{talent_rank[number]_total}} attributes, that I have added support for in my XP check script, so that it now can be "fully automated".
I added 2 versions:
- One if you use all modules in Reforged Power regarding XP.
- One if you don't use any modules in Reforged Power and only use the PBH or Legends and Adventurers booklet.
(if you only use some modules, or some other house rules, you might be able to figure out how to change them on your own, and if not, contact me in a PM or so)

What this script does is that it checks your players total number of attribute points and skill modifiers, and tries* to calculate the XP spent on skills, talents and totals that with your unused xp, so that the GM can check if your players accidentally forgets to lower their amount of reamining XP after buying a skill/talent.

* you will however need manual adjustments if you decide to pay x3 XP for a magical talent and so on.