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Decks of cards

Posted: Thu 16 Sep 2021, 03:55
by Konungr
So I am working on a project.

I was working on the concept for this for awhile, but in the last kickstarter some people asked for a Monster Deck of cards and it got me doubling down on the project a bit and getting to work.

Basically I found a company that will print cards in various sizes at professional quality. I got their DPI and measurements of a Tarot sized card and started photo shopping. My ideas are these.

1) Monster deck. A set of cards that have the monsters stats on one side and their attack table on the other. These cards are actually all done for every monster in the core game and the Bitter Reach. I will probably make some more as I go and probably some for the races with good example stats/equipment for a few things. Maybe a card for major organizations. Rust Brothers, Raven Sisters, Red Runners etc etc...

2) Crit/Magic Mishaps Deck. A set of cards with all the dice results for the different critical tables and magic mishaps on it. This deck is now complete as well.

3) Encounters Decks. This is actually going to be 4 decks. The first 2 are D66 card decks for rolling on the encounters tables when traveling around. This has symbols for the various hex types along with the number of the encounter and a page reference. I just finished making all of these images. 1 deck for the Bitter Reach. 1 deck for Raven Lands. The backs (work in progress) will have the results for rolling on the mishaps tables for camping etc. The other 2 decks are going to be the events themselves. These are intended to not be shuffled but just allow me to quickly pull out the events I draw from the deck and get the game moving instead of flipping pages in a book and referencing charts.

Here are some examples:

Monster Front ... sp=sharing

Monster Back ... sp=sharing

Critical Deck ... sp=sharing

Raven Lands Encounter ... sp=sharing

Bitter Reach Encounter ... sp=sharing

What do you guys think? Any feed back on the general design is appreciated. I know I am just making these for me, but if anyone has idea for how to make these better I would appreciate it.

Re: Decks of cards

Posted: Thu 16 Sep 2021, 09:39
by JohanR
The Critical deck is very nice. I like it a lot!
One improvement, although a bit hard to actually do, would be to also print the opposite of the critical, for rank 2 executioner and lucky.
This deck also slightly improves lucky and executioner rank 1, like they become 2-3% better, as you now cannot roll the exact same number twice, when you draw two cards. But I would be fine with allowing this!

For the encounters it would likley be replacing the content of some numbers with new as I go. So just showing the numbers is actually very good!
Perhaps, add a code where you could encounter them as well? Like 17: "Forest", 18: "Forest, Dark Forest, Marshlands, Quagmire" as that might make the job to replace them easier?
Or on the other hand, no, this information is probably easier to keep on a sheet of paper like:

0 - All: [Keep this encounter name as it is]
1 - All: [Keep this encounter name as it is]
17 - Forest: <space available to enter new encounter name>
18 - Forest, Dark Forest, Marshlands, Quagmire: <space available to enter new encounter name>

For the monster deck... well, yes, if it is supposed to be solely for referencing the GM, I guess it will work and also be pretty good at it!
First I though that as they are printed on both sides, it would disqualify them from being something that my players could see.. so could neither be used as any token on the board to show where the monsters are or next to any player visible initiative tracker.
But as a hidden GM reference, as I said above.. well, they would likley excel at being just that!

Re: Decks of cards

Posted: Thu 16 Sep 2021, 10:29
by kublaibenzine
Lovely! These are great sets. I would happily buy into a batch of these as they are so handy for games!


Re: Decks of cards

Posted: Thu 16 Sep 2021, 12:25
by Konungr
The Critical deck is very nice. I like it a lot!
One improvement, although a bit hard to actually do, would be to also print the opposite of the critical, for rank 2 executioner and lucky.
This deck also slightly improves lucky and executioner rank 1, like they become 2-3% better, as you now cannot roll the exact same number twice, when you draw two cards. But I would be fine with allowing this!

For the encounters it would likley be replacing the content of some numbers with new as I go. So just showing the numbers is actually very good!
Perhaps, add a code where you could encounter them as well? Like 17: "Forest", 18: "Forest, Dark Forest, Marshlands, Quagmire" as that might make the job to replace them easier?
Or on the other hand, no, this information is probably easier to keep on a sheet of paper like:

0 - All: [Keep this encounter name as it is]
1 - All: [Keep this encounter name as it is]
17 - Forest: <space available to enter new encounter name>
18 - Forest, Dark Forest, Marshlands, Quagmire: <space available to enter new encounter name>

For the monster deck... well, yes, if it is supposed to be solely for referencing the GM, I guess it will work and also be pretty good at it!
First I though that as they are printed on both sides, it would disqualify them from being something that my players could see.. so could neither be used as any token on the board to show where the monsters are or next to any player visible initiative tracker.
But as a hidden GM reference, as I said above.. well, they would likley excel at being just that!
Yeah. These are pretty much all GM reference. I suppose the crit deck could let the players draw from. The intention was always that you shuffle at the beginning of the session (for the decks that get shuffled). Draw 1 when you need to. The put it back into the middle of the deck some place and cut the deck before drawing your next card. It WOULD be possible to draw the same number again. Just unlikely.

Re: Decks of cards

Posted: Mon 20 Sep 2021, 14:49
by Konungr
I have a couple more things here.

Raven Lands Mishaps ... sp=sharing

Bitter Reach Mishaps ... sp=sharing

So these are going to be the backs of their respective encounter decks. However their numbers will not match front to back. I am going to randomize them. (Result 11 on the encounters might be 43 on the mishaps or whatever)

Basically as the GM I will have the deck behind my GM screen. I will shuffle at the start of the session. My players are adventuring around and I have it mishaps face down (so I am drawing mishaps as they go if they fail a roll). Place the card back into the middle of the deck and cut the deck with each draw. Then, when I need an encounter I just flip the deck over and draw from the other side.

I had this idea to try to keep the number of decks to a minimum. I will end up having my monster deck near me with the monsters I know I will need for the session (and common things like animals) already pulled out. I will have the Encounters/Mishaps deck for the map we are playing in. I will have my crit deck. And I will have a unshuffled deck of the actual encounters so that I can quickly reference whatever it is I drew from the encounters deck as needed.

Finally I am going to make a few miscellaneous reference cards. The exploration/forage/hunting/land speed modifiers for the map I am on as a reference card.

Been thinking about possibly creating cards for the spells in the game. But haven't decided to do that one yet.

If anyone is actually interested in helping/getting some cards I could use a fact checker/proof reader. When I order mine I can order yours as well. We can work it out or whatever. PM me if interested.

Re: Decks of cards

Posted: Mon 20 Sep 2021, 19:19
by JohanR
It would be good if Free League actually could chip in on the legality of things like these as well?

Like are we allowed to share monster stats and their attack tables?
I am no lawyer, so I don't know if that perhaps is included in this, or would that be stretching things?
You can use any of the game system rules found in Mutant: Year Zero, Coriolis – The Third Horizon, Forbidden Lands, Symbaroum, Tales From the Loop, Vaesen – Nordic Horror Roleplaying, and Twilight: 2000 4th Edition.

And another example would be to what extent we are allowed to share rules?
For example in this case there are encounter numbers, looks harmless... If there were encounter names, I guess that would be okay as well, or..? if we were to add the text the GM is supposed to read out to the players, is that a no-no? If not, could we add the GM information blurb as well (well, that wouldn't fit on cards, but it is the thought that counts).
And this applies to all other tables as well, like mishaps, NPC quirks, etc.. are we allowed to share any of this?
Or isn't it allowed, but just not enforced at all.. (like there are a lot of online generators and stuff)
Personally I hope stuff like this would be allowed, as long as you still would need the core books to play... but then were to draw the lines?

Then there is another issue with the artwork on these cards, and the artwork on them would be very good... as it would help you sift thought them... and add "feeling" to them.. but:
No artwork may be used from any Free League products unless specifically stated otherwise.

Quotes taken from: ... e-Workshop
And I guess these are the rules to apply to all fan made content, or are there exceptions to this? more information to be read about?

Re: Decks of cards

Posted: Mon 20 Sep 2021, 20:04
by Konungr
Well, first I have no intention of freely distributing all the files I am making. So i am not pirating or contributing to the pirating of their content. Its why i didn't show the front and back of the same monster. Just samples of the layouts. I will never share publicly any more than single example of each layout.

Second, i have no intention of selling these. So copyright and all that isn't going to come up. The use of artwork isn't being used in a way where i am creating a product that will make me or anyone any money that will deny the cut and credit the artists deserve.

This is just for me. I am taking some books and pdfs I own and creating a reference and tool for me, that isn't infringing on anyone, and sharing the concept of the work i am doing with the community.

At worst, if someone else decides to help me out i will order 2 sets instead of one and mail one to that other guy as a thanks. Nothing illegal or questionably legal is going on with this project.

Re: Decks of cards

Posted: Mon 20 Sep 2021, 20:09
by Fenhorn
If you have any questions about legality of any community content ogl or Free League Workshop stuff, you should ask FL directly about it. The fastest way is to use

Re: Decks of cards

Posted: Tue 21 Sep 2021, 13:17
by Konungr

Re: Decks of cards

Posted: Wed 13 Oct 2021, 01:20
by Konungr
Alright. So status update.

Game Masters Guide - Complete
Bitter Reach - Complete
Raven's Purge - In progress
Bitter Reach Campaign - Not started
(The monster cards for Raven's Purge and BR are going to basically be the major players list. I won't be making a card for every stat block in the book. But Zytera, Merigall, Wurda etc... They will all get their own card.)

Events - Complete (these are the actual events from the random encounters table when hex traveling)
Mishaps - Complete
Encounters Complete (these are the d66 table from traveling around the hex map indicating which event to look up based on terrain type. This will also be the "back" of the Mishaps deck)

Bitter Reach
Events - Complete (these are the actual events from the random encounters table when hex traveling)
Mishaps - Complete
Encounters Complete (these are the d66 table from traveling around the hex map indicating which event to look up based on terrain type. This will also be the "back" of the Mishaps deck)

Includes Slash, Stab, Bash, Horror, and Magical Mishaps all on one card - Complete.

My intention is to print 2 copies of every spell discipline and 3 of the general. This allows 1 full deck for me the GM to use and 2 decks (1 druid, 1 sorcerer, or 2 of 1 for the players)
The back of these cards includes the brief description from the book including special rules (like how elemental spells require their ingredient or Signs carving rules)

General - Complete
Awareness - Complete
Blood Magic - Complete
Death Magic - Complete
Elemental - Complete
Healing - Complete
Ice Affinity - Complete
Shape Shifting - Complete
Stone Song - Complete
Symbolism - Complete

I added a little colored glow to the bleed edge for druid/sorcerer spells to just make them easily identifiable from each other.
Druid Spell Back ... sp=sharing

Sorcerer Spell Back ... sp=sharing

General Spell Back ... sp=sharing

Spell Front (The P in the corner means it's a Power Word. A R there means Ritual.) ... sp=sharing

I am VERY near to sending these out for printing. Just a few more monsters to do and then I will be making 2 more cards. 1 each for traveling modifiers/weather for Bitter Reach and Raven Lands.