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New Journey Rules

Fri 23 Apr 2021, 14:41

There are multiple mentions of new journey rules in the new edition, and both in a video interview and in the kickstarter questions it was mentioned that more details would be provided in the kickstarter updates, but I have searched through all of them with no further mentions.

I am interested because the journey rules in TOR are one of the features that I really like about the game, but which also felt a tad disappointing. In the end it felt like they ended up being a bunch of table rolls resulting for the most part in some minor effects like fatigue, whereas I want journeys to be exciting and dangerous.

So is there any information on this I have missed or can anyone share what we might expect?
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Re: New Journey Rules

Sat 24 Apr 2021, 07:48

I'm also keen to know a little more about the travelling rules, any chance of letting us have a little peek at them?
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Re: New Journey Rules

Sat 24 Apr 2021, 14:01

Details are still very thin on the ground and we are expecting more updates will be coming in the near future that shine a bit more light on some of the rules changes. What we do know, or at least make a pretty certain guess, from what we've seen so far:
  • Journeys are not so dependent on Travel -- you roll primarily on the skill associated with your role
  • Journeys involve much fewer rolls
  • Two of the roles are renamed to be more inclusive (Hunter and Lookout)
  • The sample character sheet we saw does not seem to have a separate Fatigue score, so the distinction between gaining Fatigue and losing Endurance may be gone
As these changes seem to correspond well to how Journeys work in AiME, it is expected that TOR 2e will be taking some influence from AiME 1e.

But we are inferring a lot out of a very small amount of information, much of it from a live-play from some alpha rules that Francesco commented the next day were already out of date by the time we saw it. As soon as we get more solid information, I will update the pinned post in the TOR/AiME Discord's #tor2e-discussion channel.
TOR/AiME Discord: https://discord.me/theonering
Narvi, the TOR bot for Discord: https://bitbucket.org/HawthornThistleberry/narvi/

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