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Death in Botnane, a home made scenario set in Norway

Posted: Fri 29 Jan 2021, 15:33
by ErlendTyrmi
I wanted to play with the Norwegian Sea Draug, so I made this scenario for my family. Some might find it a bit wordy, but I enjoy the storytelling part more than maps and gun figths. There may be a few spelling errors, as I translated it quickly into English just to post it here.

It's written like a mystery, but the main plot is not too hard to figure out. It's best if the players don't know this creature before the game! ... sp=sharing

There is also a version in Norwegian (Original) ... sp=sharing

Re: Death in Botnane, a home made scenario set in Norway

Posted: Tue 02 Feb 2021, 13:14
by Moldeboa
Thank you! Interesting to see a Mystery set in my own home country :) I haven't read it in detail yet, but it looks thorough and well-done.