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Things I hope to see

Mon 27 May 2019, 22:07

Hello everybody! :D 
As the title say, I have a few things I would hope that is in the book. Here goes, I hope this is the right place to post this.  :o
All good things
  • Rules/tools to build my own aliens as wierd/horrofic as I can imagne. I wish to be able to play around with the aliens morph nature, and create some of the aliens that is cannon and beyound the movies, and be able to create the lowest ranking alien to the highest among them.
  • The oppitunity to create predaliens. I do not know if predetors would be threat in the book or i univers or even cannon. But I would stille love hunting my players with some. 
  • Prosthetic (We all know what an alien could do to a human body xD).
  • Rules for vehicles - spaceships, tanks, cargo lifters, sentry guns and so on. 
  • Rules on how to build my own spaceship with 2000 colonist.
  • Derangements/mental illness - I think it would be awesome, if I get the ability to protray what it could say to see something as horrfic as an alien or a cheastburster and the things they could to. To me it would make sense if the players have to role willpower or something to avoide break down mentally. This would go further than just panicing. 
  • Rules for diseases, poison and traps and descriptions of those. 
  • Rules for attacking with improviced weapons - if I want to attack with a screwdriver, bottle and such things. 
  • Some quick guides on how to create NPCs, organisations, charater agendas  and encounters. 
  • Alternative it could be totally awesome if we could get the chance to play as the crazy aliens (And predetors if they are included). 
  • Possibility for androids to break down like the one in the first movie. That could be a table or something as low tec as that. 
Sorry for not breaking them up in categories, but I did not know how I should do that. With that said, I really look forward to get the whole thing when it relases. 
But I do believe that the things above, could improve the game experience, and I know ,y players will hate me for it. 
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Re: Things I hope to see

Tue 28 May 2019, 10:58

A lots of wishes. I guess you are not experienced with the other YZ-games. Let´s pick some points out.
  2. Monsters are usually build be the idea of Mother. If you want to build a Strengh 48 Xenomorph-Behemoth with 15-30 base dice attacks, just do it.
  3. I think creating space vessels won´t be the fokus, but Coriolis has rules for it. So maybe.
  4. Weapons stats are pretty simple. So a just take a "Blunt Instrument" (+1 / 1 / Engaging) or Knife
  5. Android have the special feature that they can't panic due to stress. An Ash-like android would be a narrative element or event.
  6. Prosthetics? Never seen some or read about in the alien universe. But they surely will exist in a "nearly-natural-function" version. In case you survive the alien.
  7. Diseases, poisons and so on are just using the Virulence mechanics. If you need more specific illnesses: Coriolis has some and maybe Alien will get some too.
  8. Permanent mental effect are possible. And they are using Empathy to resist, too. And screaming, fleeing, freezing,... are in the table.
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Re: Things I hope to see

Tue 28 May 2019, 16:52

  1. Prosthetics? Never seen some or read about in the alien universe. But they surely will exist in a "nearly-natural-function" version. In case you survive the alien.
Page 116 of the Starter Kit. Valerie Reid has a synthetic replacement arm.
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Re: Things I hope to see

Wed 29 May 2019, 13:21

That's right. Seems to be a mere replacement, that doesn't effect attributes, skills or talents.
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Re: Things I hope to see

Wed 29 May 2019, 17:40

I started to wonder, is there any options to build my own weapons or armor? Some tools or tabels of some sort, so that I easily can build other types of weapons and gear. 
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Re: Things I hope to see

Wed 29 May 2019, 22:51

It's done by idea, not creation rules. Weapons are not balanced. If Mother want to give out a 20 dice plate armor... Do it.
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Re: Things I hope to see

Thu 06 Jun 2019, 04:45

I really prefer sourcebooks over scenarios, and would love to have books detailing different factions their facilities(locations) and equipment. I’ve been a bit disappointed with the Coriolis supplements so far, they’re almost entirely scenarios and the few that aren’t leave you with more questions than answers. Actually the Coriolis Atlas Compendium kinda pisses me off, it’s an “atlas” without a single map.

So what I want to see, details about the UPP(an entire sourcebook please) some of their colonies(maps please!) installations and the equipment they might deploy when fighting Xenomorphs. The same for Three World Empire and the ICSC worlds. Maybe it can all be one big “mothers guide to the middle heavens” with a section in the back for randomly rolling up colonies. etc.
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Re: Things I hope to see

Thu 06 Jun 2019, 09:08

I agree that more supplements that describe the setting will be much more useful than adventures. I have not much knowledge on the Alien universe aside from the Alien movies.
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Re: Things I hope to see

Thu 06 Jun 2019, 11:16

Sourcebooks rather than Adventures. 

I belive these sourcebooks would have a larger market. Not only the Alien rpg gamers but also the whole Alien fan community.
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Re: Things I hope to see

Thu 06 Jun 2019, 11:48

Sourcebooks that comes with some scenarios that fits the material in the sourcebook. That would also be a little bit how FL usually do things.
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