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Intended Pace of Play

Posted: Sat 29 Dec 2018, 01:33
by Crel
Hello from the USA! I got my books about two weeks ago and I must say, the game's quite charming. I haven't gotten to break it out yet, but I'm planning to with some friends on New Year's Eve. That being said, I'm curious what the design intent is for how many sessions an average adventure site will occupy. I can see something like the Hollows occurring over several visits to the village, but the Events in sites like Weatherstone and the Spire of Quetzel seem to imply you get to visit them once. I feel like both of these could be accomplished over the course of one or two sessions, but I'm curious if that's the goal.

This feels relevant to me because of the 1XP/session rate of growth (in addition to bonus XP for feats performed). I'm curious to hear from people who played FL in alpha & beta how the pace of growth and play proceeds. Beginning adventurers seem to be very basic--which is good!--but too much adventurer rotation can be frustrating.

Re: Intended Pace of Play

Posted: Sat 29 Dec 2018, 21:52
by RenoGM
In our game players tend to earn 3 - 6 XP per session so most of them buy an advance of some sort every session or two. Of course that will slow down as the expense increases. 

Re: Intended Pace of Play

Posted: Mon 07 Jan 2019, 17:21
by thebwt
We're only one session in, but it seemed pretty simple to get 4-5 xp per session. Especially once the player's understand the xp checklist.