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Star Wars COnversion - Concepts

Mon 01 May 2017, 14:34

So, I was just going to use the Concepts from the Coriolis book with a few name changes and the addition of Jedi, but the more I think about it, the more I think writing specific concepts would be better.

A couple of other reasons is we have added the Endure and Sense Emotion skills from M:YZ and of course these would suit some concepts. Also, just the organisation of them might be better under the terms familiar to Star Wars players?

Hmmm. What to do?
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Re: Star Wars COnversion - Concepts

Mon 01 May 2017, 21:52

Besides Jedi, what specific concepts do you have mind? Instead of writing completely new concepts, you could just add new sub-concepts to the existing concepts and expand their talent and gear choices a bit.

Speaking of Jedi, here is my take on the concept:

Jedi (Can only be chosen by Force-sensitive* characters)
Mystical warrior-monks who use the Force to bring peace and justice to the Galaxy.

Possible sub-concepts:
  • Consular: Jedi who seek to solve problems through diplomatic means, only drawing their green lightsabers as last resort.
  • Guardian: Jedi who have honed their martial skills to protect innocents with their blue lightsabers.
  • Sentinel: Jedi who seek balance between the two other branches, using both ingenuity and their yellow lightsabers in their middle-road approach to problems.
Names: Anakin, Bastila, Qui-Gon, Visas
Reputation: +1
Key Attribute: Empathy

Concept Skills:
  • Consular: Mystic Powers, Manipulation, Culture, Command
  • Guardian: Mystic Powers, Melee Combat, Force, Dexterity
  • Sentinel: Mystic Powers, Melee Combat, Data Djinn, Observation
Choose from the list or use your imagination.
  • Face: Wise eyes, padawan braid, serene expression, proud gaze.
  • Clothing: Hooded robe, loose tunic, flowing cape, civilian clothes.
Pick one. You can learn more during play.
  • Combat Veteran
  • Mystic Power
  • Third Eye
Personal Problem
Choose from the list or use your imagination.
  • You have trouble controlling your emotions and are in risk of falling to the Dark Side.
  • Your master (or padawan) died because of your actions. Their death still haunts you.
  • You are seen as a firebrand by the more conservative members of your Order due your belief that the Jedi should take more active role in the Galaxy.
Relationships to the other PCs
Choose from the list or use your imagination.
  • ... would make a good Jedi. Too bad that they aren't Force-sensitive.
  • ... allows their emotions affect them too much. You fear that they will fall to the Dark Side one day.
  • ... isn't impressed by your sorcerer's ways and your sad devotion to an ancient religion. You will show them that everything is insignificant next to the power of the Force.
  • ... almost makes you want to abandon the Jedi Code. Almost.
You begin play with this gear. Pick one from each row.
  1. Lightsaber or Double-bladed lightsaber
  2. Communicator (III) or Personal holograph
  3. Security tablet or Tabula
  4. Vulcan cricket or Reinforced robes (armor rating 1)
  5. Training droid or Holocron
Force-sensitive (Can be taken in place of one of the character's normal starting talents (e.g. Icon talent))
The character can treat Mystic Powers as a General Skill instead of an Advanced Skill. This allows the character to test Mystic Powers even if the character's skill level is zero. The character also gains one Mystical Power talent chosen by the player. This talent is requirement for some starting concepts (e.g. Jedi).

An elegant weapon for a more civilized age.
Bonus: +2 | Init: +0 | Damage: 3 | Crit: 1 | Range: Close | Features: Light, Cell-powered, Special | Tech Tier: A | Cost: N/A
  • The Armor Rating of the target is reduced by 4 unless the armor is made from certain materials (e.g. cortosis).
  • Can't be defended against unless the defender also wields a lightsaber or a weapon made from certain materials (e.g. cortosis).
  • Treat bonus as -2 if the wielder isn't Force-sensitive. Failure while attacking or defending means that the not-Force-sensitive wielder accidentally hits themself, automatically dealing the weapon's damage (test armor normally) and a critical injury at themself.
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Re: Star Wars COnversion - Concepts

Tue 02 May 2017, 01:58

Wow Kaeam, that Jedi is awesome.

I was just going to focus on the rules side of things first. Not that good at the 'other stuff', eg physical descriptors. You have done the lot. Do you mind if I borrow (read steal) a lot of this? I will obviously give you a mention on the website :)

I have a few different rules modifications, but you have the same main 3 subconcepts I was going with, though may also add Jedi Healer and Fallen Jedi.

Great work on the lightsaber. Again, we are on the same page there :)

I have come around to doing Concepts etc just like the core book, but with a few additions (and yeah, mainly in the subconcepts). I have now noticed how subconcepts let you play slightly different versions of a similar type. For eg Tech specs are across the Concepts.I was going to have a Tech as a Concept, but think I will leave spread out now ;)

I do think the game needs a 'Tough' guy that is not necessarily a soldier, but then again, might just be a good subconcept (inc Guard under Operative)? I am going with more of a Saga approach to Concepts (and the Talent trees as subconcepts like you did with Jedi), but a lot of overlap with Coriolis :)
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Re: Star Wars COnversion - Concepts

Tue 02 May 2017, 01:59

BTW Kaeam, do you have a 'handle' (email, twitter, website) that you would like me to quote on my website, OR just your name with reference back to these boards?
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Re: Star Wars COnversion - Concepts

Tue 02 May 2017, 05:53

Go ahead and steal borrow what you want as long as you give me credit.  :)
You can quote both my name here and my Twitter handle @Kaeam_ (although I don't tweet that much).

Funny that you should mention Fallen Jedi. One of the face appearance options was actually going to be "yellow eyes" until I changed it.  ;)

If I have time, I will probably create a new talent that allows the character to use different lightsaber forms (Makashi, Soresu etc.) and replace Combat Veteran with it.
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Re: Star Wars COnversion - Concepts

Tue 02 May 2017, 12:17

I think that would be a little too specific (when the choice is from three). I see what you mean though. Going through my ever expanding Talent list, I was going to change choice of three from Concept to Subconcept too.

So Skills are by subconcept, talents are by concept, but I have enough talents and ideas to make both based upon subconcept - what do you reckon? That might make your idea of traditions more viable?

But then I started thinking, why even have have subconcepts - just make everything a Concept. ;) Maybe going too far. So for now, I have decided to stay close to what's in Coriolis.

Don't forget, starting PCs get to choose 1 free talent anyway for this Star Wars game. So any new talents don't necessarily have to be so strongly linked to the Concepts.

Another idea I did have was to have the Concept Talents = the number of Subconcepts. So if Soldier has 5 subconcepts them link 5 talents? (As it is in Coriolis there are 3 of each, but I will be doing more subconcepts for some). Thoughts?
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Re: Star Wars COnversion - Concepts

Tue 02 May 2017, 13:16

I think that it would be a good idea to increase the amount of talent choices if you have more than 3 sub-concepts to allow more customization.
In fact, you could even have a list consisting of 3 talents that fit all the sub-concepts and 1 thematic sub-concept specific talent. 

For example, all Jedi can pick Combat Veteran, Mystic Power or Third Eye as their starting talent as these talents more or less fit all kinds of Jedi.
Jedi Guardians are known for their martial training and lightsaber skills, so the Guardian sub-concept would add Lightsaber Form to their list of available talents.
Jedi Consulars are known for their mastery of the Force, so the Consular sub-concept would add a fancy Consular talent to their list of available talents.
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Re: Star Wars COnversion - Concepts

Tue 02 May 2017, 13:59

That too is a sound idea, but means ANOTHER starting Talent (or I remove the one of choice) and changes how the Coriolis concepts work.

Even though we may have some cool ideas, I think I will stick with just adding to the list of available - meaning Talents to choose from = number of subclasses. (That is how it is in Coriolis - even though they are all 3 ;)).

Will see how that goes for starters :) Once I get the full list done, then we will know if it is enough.
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Re: Star Wars COnversion - Concepts

Tue 02 May 2017, 14:16

Just to be clear, the sub-concept specific talents would be added to the concept's normal talent list. This would mean that you would have 4 concept talents to choose from, not that you would get 2 talents from your concept.  :)
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Re: Star Wars COnversion - Concepts

Tue 02 May 2017, 15:28

Yep. That is what I am going with.

Decided I would have as many Talents as there are Subconcepts. It also helps to give ideas on what to spend other Talents on :)

I have a prelim Concept list with possible SubConcepts up here: STAR WARS CONCEPTS

I have some questions/ideas after some concepts. Some I am still debating etc.

Have a look. Tell me what you think. Some concepts have place-holder names like "Brain" until I think of better. Might just go back to Scientist and call the Scientist subconcept "Specialist" or something. Anyway, those are the sorts of feedback I am after at this stage.

NOT what Skills & Talents to apply yet. I just want some FB on the actual Concepts//SubConcepts lists. :)

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