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Aliens - Semi-Intelligences

Tue 28 Feb 2017, 11:49

(Sorry - posting here, as I started this in wrong spot - feel free to delete other thread).

So, I love the idea of adding more aliens to the game (let alone use this system for Star Wars), and I was wondering how in fact you do play semi-intelligents etc.
Player section = refer to Ch10.
Ch10 has a little sidebar saying it is possible, but NO game rules on how this is done? Do players simply use the whole stat blocks for them? That doesn't seem like a lot of fun. Building an alien PC should be cool [img=15x17] ... _smile.gif[/img]
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Re: Aliens - Semi-Intelligences

Wed 08 Mar 2017, 04:08

So, does anyone have info on this? Have I missed something?
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Re: Aliens - Semi-Intelligences

Wed 08 Mar 2017, 09:49

Kosta gave the following answer in your other thread few days ago:
We haven't added specific rules for making semi-intelligent PCs. It's not one of the main themes of the game :) But we don't want to stop people from doing that so if you want to in your group I'd just suggest that you/the group decides if you want to use the fixed attributes and their special abilities as talents and then just use the normal rules to create PC (with som restriction regarding talents, gear etc, based on the text in chapter 10.
For example a semi-intelligent should have to be the property of another PC (at least in the eyes of the legal system on Coriolis), just like animals and pets. That of course could lead to som excellent role-playing :)
I guess that creating new alien races shouldn't be too hard. Here is my suggestion for the process:
  1. Create a concept for the race: What is the race called, what does the race look like, where does the race live/originate, what is the race known for, what the race's culture like etc.?
  2. Pick minimum and/or maximum values for the race's attributes: Perhaps all members of your race are extremely strong (must have at least STR 5 but can raise it up to STR 8) but they are also nearly mindless (can't have higher than WITS 2) and not too agile (can't have higher than AGI 3).
  3. Pick movement speed(s) for your race using humans (10 meters per action) as guideline: Perhaps your race is awkward on land (4 meters per action) but fast in water (14 meters per action).
  4. Pick natural weapons for your race: Perhaps your race has sharp claws (damage 2 unarmed attack) or can spit acid (damage 1 ranged attack).
  5. Pick natural armour for your race: Perhaps your race has thick fur (armour 1) or is covered in bony plates that prevent wearing other armour (armour 6).
  6. Pick natural talents/abilities for your race: Perhaps your race smells good (Pheromones), has sonar (works like passive sensor) or is blind (can't see but is also immune to effects that depend on vision).
  7. Pick a reputation modifier for your race: Perhaps your race is considered property (Reputation = 0), is barely tolerated (Reputation -2) or is liked by everyone (Reputation +1).
Here is a quick example:
  1. Octopodians are an ancient race of uplifted octopi known for their intelligence and strange alien ways. An average member of the race is around 3 meters long and has 8 flexible arms used both for locomotion and interaction. Octopodians communicate with each other by touching and utilizing their colour-shifting skin, making it hard for other races to understand them. Octopodians spend most of their time underwater, but are also able to breathe air and move on dry land with some discomfort. 
  2. Octopodians are highly intelligent (minimum WITS 4, maximum WITS 7).
  3. Octopodians crawl awkwardly on land (4 meters per action) but can move quickly underwater (14 meters per action) by utilizing natural jet propulsion.
  4. Octopodians have strong beaks (damage 2 unarmed attack that can only be used while grappling) and are able to release a cloud of ink (works like smoke grenade) while underwater. However, releasing ink is seen as faux pas among the Octopodians and is only used as last resort.
  5. Octopodians' rubbery bodies provide them some protection against attacks (armour 1).
  6. Octopodians can camouflage themselves (+2 to Infiltration to hide and stay hidden while not wearing armour), have 8 arms (+2 to Melee Combat when enemy tries to break free from your grappling hold, can perform an extra Fast Action per turn as long as the extra arms can be used for that action), can breathe underwater, have alien psychology (-3 to Manipulation to influence non-Octopodians), can only wear custom-made armour and can't speak (but can use special interpretation devices that convert their colour-shifting into monotonous speech).
  7. Most races are wary of Octopodians (Reputation -1).
Last edited by Kaeam on Thu 09 Mar 2017, 21:53, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Aliens - Semi-Intelligences

Thu 09 Mar 2017, 20:57

Cool stuff! Coriolis doesn't really have alien races in the setting (well, almost...) but for adapting the game to another setting this is awesome!
Fria Ligan
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Re: Aliens - Semi-Intelligences

Thu 09 Mar 2017, 22:09

Thanks, Tomas! I am happy if someone finds the suggestions useful. :D
The next step would be coming up with a list of natural weapons, armours and abilities that people could use when creating their races.
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Re: Aliens - Semi-Intelligences

Wed 29 Mar 2017, 01:58

Nice conversion of a species Kaeam, thanks for that. That is the sort of thing I am looking for for conversions :) I would love to runs Star Wars etc using this cool ruleset.

But the corebook also says to play other unintelligents go to Ch10, but there is nothing on actually playing them there? Others just get a talent, but some in Ch10 look like they might need more than a talent to represent the species.

Anyway, cheers for replies. Something I will have to ponder.

It just seems there is not a lot to play with (1 talent). But as Kaeam has done, I don't see a problem with adding more, as long as there are some negative balancing features. (Something some games inc D&D have done away with it seems, but we love them in our games :)).
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Re: Aliens - Semi-Intelligences

Wed 29 Mar 2017, 02:05

How would others handle Attributes and species. (Obviously in other games it is very common for species/race to modify starting atributes).

1. Set new minimums & maximums (outside human norms of 5). (Like Kaeam did in eg above).
2. Simply grant bonuses and penalties that are applied. eg: +1 Strength after points are spent. Could be a problem, as this just means having to spend points on negative modifiers, which probably does not make sense.
3. Grant a bonus to 'good' attributes (or simply state they start higher before points are allocated). And make raising an attribute in 'weak' area cost double. This would probably only apply for raising above 2.
4. Combo of any of these?
5. Do not modify attributes at all. Skills only. (Not something I could probably bring myself to do, as there are big strong aliens and really intelligent ones, but with skills like Force, could this be represented as skill mods only?)
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Re: Aliens - Semi-Intelligences

Wed 29 Mar 2017, 02:13

Thanks, Tomas! I am happy if someone finds the suggestions useful. :D
The next step would be coming up with a list of natural weapons, armours and abilities that people could use when creating their races.
Yeah, and thanks from me too. Sorry. Off the net for some time - out of our house whilst floors being done. (I am on for a little at work ;)). Would have replied earlier otherwise, but appreciate your thoughts.
Pretty much how I would approach totally new species too :)
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Re: Aliens - Semi-Intelligences

Wed 29 Mar 2017, 23:18

I am glad that you liked my suggestions, ConnorsRPG. I am more than happy to help if you need any assistance with the Star Wars conversion. :)

Speaking of which, here is a talent that can be used to portray Force-sensitive races and characters:
Force-sensitive: The character treats Force Use (aka Mystic Powers) as a General Skill instead of an Advanced Skill. This allows the character to test Force Use even if the character's skill level is zero. The character is also able to purchase a single Force Power.

Here is another talent that can be used to portray races like the Yuuzhan Vong:
Force-dead: The character is dead to the Force and can never test Force Use. The character can't be sensed in the Force and any Force Powers directly targeting the character automatically fail. The character can still be affected by indirect use of Force Powers; rubble launched by Force Throw or water electrified by Force Lightning can still harm the character.

I suggest that Force-sensitive can only be taken at character creation. All Force-user concept(s) get it for free and other concepts can pick it as their starting talent. Droids and such can't naturally be Force-sensitive.
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Re: Aliens - Semi-Intelligences

Thu 20 Apr 2017, 02:15

Thanks Kaeam for the ideas on Force Talents. I will post stuff like that in other forums. (I am going to run a Star Wars game using this system and will discuss diff parts in diff threads).

For species I basically have this:
Humans choose 2 talents to start the game. (In place of Icon, and an extra free choice - like M:YZ).

Aliens get 1 talent & their starting features. (With positive and negatives, roughly = to Talent).

1. Attribute Adjustments. (As Kaeam suggested, and like Genlab Alpha, I think I will just modify maximums: no bonuses/penalties - they can be on spec Skills).
2. Starting Skills. (Positive & Negative modifiers to starting skills).
3. Starting Talents. (creating a list of Alien/Species talents so I don't have to do uniquely for every species).
4. Starting Flaws. (We have a system for starting with Drawbacks/Flaws in all our games. For this game players can choose them to start with bonus XP, but when assigned here as a Species Flaw, you do not gain any benefits). Our Drawbacks Page
5. Physical extras. Claws, sharp eyes, thick fur, etc.

Re the last one, I have an idea to grant Gear bonuses instead of Skill bonuses. EG a wookie's claws granting +2 gear bonus to climb vs a +2 Skill bonus to Dexterity (when climbing). What do people think of this idea. (It came from my Cypher System conversions where I used physiological adaptations as Assest as opposed to Skills. I think it would work here too)?

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