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Björn Hellqvist
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Defense Research Facility 14

Mon 20 Feb 2017, 12:33

As I submitted some errata for the beta, I tossed in a short piece I wrote on the FOA facility, combining it with some of the info already present. It remains to be seen whether it will make it into the book, but here goes:


The FOA (Försvarets forskningsanstalt or the National Defence Research Institute) facility at Sätra is classified as Top Secret, and is off limits to the public. Obviously, this fuels rumors as to what is really going on behind its barbed wire-topped fences. Some say the FOA researchers work on a military application of the Loop, others that they perform weird experiments on local animals, and perhaps even people. What is known is that military robot prototypes have been spotted on the premises, and that advanced experiments in AI has resulted in runaway robots. The facility is guarded around the clock by guards with dogs, robots, and automated surveillance systems.

The National Defence Research Institute (FOA) was established in 1945, and has a central office and five departments after the 1974 reorganization.
FOA 1: armed forces studies, environmental and social studies, security policy and operations analysis and systems analysis
FOA 2: general physics, nuclear device technology, electronic data processing, material research, protection technology, etc.
FOA 3: optics, electronics, acoustics, radar and signals intelligence
FOA 4: biochemistry, microbiology, chemistry and radiac
FOA 5: behavioral sciences, biotechnology and medicine

The research at the Sätra facility is probably run by departments FOA 2, 4 and 5. The facility covers an area of circa 300 x 300 meters, fenced in and entered through a manned gate. A dozen two- and three-story buildings can be seen, including a couple of garages. It's unknown if there are any underground installations, or access tunnels to the Loop.


The organisation of the departments is actually the real one at the time of the game.
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