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Setting Timeline

Mon 19 Dec 2016, 19:44

Hey guys,
Im really stoked for the game and I'm planning on running a beta session on Christmas night with a bunch of friends (we decided to do a Christmas edition - should be really fun). However I know very little about the actual setting. I'm aware of the area and the particle reactor etc, but Im foggy on the exact year, if people in the town are well aware of all the strange happenings like the large structures, the robots and dinosaurs yet and are living among them knowingly - or if these things are JUST starting to manifest.

Can anyone give me some insight so I can get this fleshed out for the story Im writing?

Thanks in advance!
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Björn Hellqvist
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Re: Setting Timeline

Mon 19 Dec 2016, 20:57

Do you have the book(s)?
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Re: Setting Timeline

Mon 19 Dec 2016, 22:15

Do you have the book(s)?
I don't, unfortunately. And they seem to be out of stock on amazon until the 24th :(
I've only seen much of the art and the basic synopsis offered in the kickstarter video and snippets on the web...
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Re: Setting Timeline

Mon 19 Dec 2016, 23:26

Honestly, even just a general date of when things started "happening" would be awesome.
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Re: Setting Timeline

Tue 20 Dec 2016, 00:52

Stålenhag's timeline is perhaps deliberately vague, but here's what I gleaned from Tales from the Loop:

1950's: Magnetrin technology invented in USSR (kinda anti-grav)
1961: Construction of the Loop begins on the Mälaröarna islands just west of Stockholm, Sweden
1960's: Robotics improved in Japan
1969: The Loop is operational
1970: First experiment in the Loop accelerator
1970's: The Baikal Wars and Ural Crisis in USSR
1980's: The experiments associated with the Loop causes dinosaurs to appear, and portals to other locations (and times?) opens
1990: Mutant animals loose on Mälaröarna
1994: After serious problems (see Things from the Flood), the Loop is shut down
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Re: Setting Timeline

Tue 20 Dec 2016, 03:12

Things from the Flood timeline:

Late 1994: Riksenergi is privatized and the name is changed to Krafta.
October 1994: The Loop is shut down.
Winter of 1994-95: Dark water floods basements, cellars, and low-lying land close to the Loop, the local population is evacuated.
Mid-1990's: AI pogroms in Russia cause robots ("vagabonds") to migrate. Some of them end up in Sweden, where they settle like metal illegal aliens.
January 1996: An incident prompts the Police to round up all "vagabonds" and have them destroyed.
1996: A mysterious plague affects robots, machinery and electronics in the flooded area. There's speculation that it is caused by some sort of virus that originated from 51 Pegasi B, after a failed portal experiment. Strange, insectoid creatures appear.
Spring 1997: Swedish Army bots arrive to help Krafta clear the area.
October 1998: The area is declared cleared and safe. All above-ground installations have been dismantled, while the Loop and other underground facilities have been filled in with concrete.
2001: A magnetic polar shift wrecks magnetrin shipping for good.

Roleplaying in the 1990's setting would mean more danger, suitable for older characters (about 15 years old). Perhaps younger siblings of the kids who experienced the mysteries in the late 1980's?
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Re: Setting Timeline

Tue 20 Dec 2016, 03:20

Thanks a lot ! I am currently reading "Tales From the Loop" and I guess that this compilation is your own work. There is no place in the first book where we can find this summary ? So Thanks again ! It will helps us ! ;)
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Re: Setting Timeline

Tue 20 Dec 2016, 04:46

^ yep thanks a lot- this definitely helps a ton. I appreciate you putting that together!

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