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Age Of Innocence (Character Ages)

Sun 27 Nov 2016, 11:30

Questions, Thoughts, Comments on the characters' ages?

In playing kids in the game, how much should the age difference affect stats? Although later on in life, the difference between, say, someone aged 34 versus somebody aged 39 wouldn't be that big a difference. However, there is a HUGE difference between a 13-year-old and an 18-year-old.
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Re: Age Of Innocence (Character Ages)

Wed 07 Dec 2016, 17:30

My players will want to play older teens like 16-18 or so. I actually have one player who basically wants to play Hopper. (The Sheriff from Stranger Things.)
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Re: Age Of Innocence (Character Ages)

Sun 11 Dec 2016, 11:31

My players will want to play older teens like 16-18 or so. I actually have one player who basically wants to play Hopper. (The Sheriff from Stranger Things.)
There's some merit to having someone play a sheriff (or the town doctor or whatever). They could get access to the sort of stuff kids couldn't (like guns or a warrant. Or even cigarettes, booze) and otherwise engage in the Mysteries in a different way. You could have two parallel timelines if you wanted to be real creative. Have the players play the characters at a younger age (in the 80's timeline) and then skip to something that happens in the 90's or the 2000's. The actions they take in the 80's would directly affect the world that would occur in the alternate sessions.
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Björn Hellqvist
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Re: Age Of Innocence (Character Ages)

Sun 11 Dec 2016, 12:23

If using the Swedish setting, I think 14-15 years old would be the best starting age. Still not allowed to drive (18 years in Sweden; mopeds/scooters from 15), a year or two from entering gymnasium (= college, finishing at 17-20, depending on course), and a few years before military service (usually at 20). For my own part, I think my players will play characters aged 14-16.
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Re: Age Of Innocence (Character Ages)

Fri 16 Dec 2016, 18:48

I think it would be cool if one of the players was playing an older character. Like if 3 of them are 13 year olds and one plays the 16 year old sister of one of the others.
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Re: Age Of Innocence (Character Ages)

Fri 16 Dec 2016, 18:50

I want to go for the 11-13 sweet spot. I feel like that's the most awkward life period, you're just starting to awaken to all these things. You're starting to notice the opposite sex in different ways, and a lot of times your priorities and interests can shift wildly. You want to be a bit more independent, but you're not sure how to do that, or even what you would do if you had that freedom. Now at this time when just learning how to be a human being is tough enough, add in a strange mechanical horror destroying farms on the edge of town, that everyone else just thinks are "crazy accidents".
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Re: Age Of Innocence (Character Ages)

Fri 16 Dec 2016, 18:54

Interesting question. I think as kids my friends were more physically adventurous in middle school (grades 6 - 8, ages 11 - 13), than in high school. Once hormones kicked in, people were either more stationary (just chilling out somewhere) or else were driving around once we got our licenses at 16. After school time was usually taken up with extracurricular clubs, sports, studying or partying. Just like with Stranger Things, or the Goonies, a mix of ages might be more practical (younger kids would be more adventurous and accepting of odd occurrences, while older kids would be physically more capable of handling things or getting access to things like cars). But story-wise, not sure how that would be sustainable long-term as the age differences would be hard to keep the party together.
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Re: Age Of Innocence (Character Ages)

Fri 16 Dec 2016, 19:16

There's also player to player connection I'd think about however. Having PCs all in the same grade, know each other, and have to deal with new feelings cropping up around those relations would be an interesting thing to play out. Like how in Stranger Things, they were all best friends. But going off that analogy as well, adding someone new to the group in (Eleven) was very dynamic! Far as ages go, I'd love anything from 10-16. There's a lot of hurt and discovery, trying to figure out things that define yourself. 

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Re: Age Of Innocence (Character Ages)

Fri 16 Dec 2016, 20:36

Remember that in Sweden, the driving age is 18, which makes Swedish PCs less mobile. Couple that with very limited access to guns, and you have teenage characters that wouldn't be too powerful. I remember some stupid sh*t my friends and I did in our upper teens, so don't discount those years. The problem here is the question of scaling the threat level; a 12-year old kid is way less capable than a 17-year old. If you run a campaign, with a mystery or two each year, stretching it out over 5-6 years, a GM could up the challenge as the Loop is causing more and more trouble.
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Re: Age Of Innocence (Character Ages)

Fri 16 Dec 2016, 20:55

Remember that in Sweden, the driving age is 18, which makes Swedish PCs less mobile. Couple that with very limited access to guns, and you have teenage characters that wouldn't be too powerful. I remember some stupid sh*t my friends and I did in our upper teens, so don't discount those years. The problem here is the question of scaling the threat level; a 12-year old kid is way less capable than a 17-year old. If you run a campaign, with a mystery or two each year, stretching it out over 5-6 years, a GM could up the challenge as the Loop is causing more and more trouble.
None of this surprises me but the access to firearms. Really? I'd have guessed there would be a hunting culture in Sweden, since it's even a point of tourism. Growing up in Canada, I was faced with the same deal, finding a weapon for me at 12 was incredibly simple. Though Combat is definitely not the point of this game, as it's stated itself. I would place a lot more stock in there being traps and gadgets, as well as distractions. Like firecrackers or bottle rockets before you get on your bike and bolt. 

As for driving, in Sweden there's AM Driver permits you can get at 15, and A1 you can get at 16. So tractor trucks and mopeds, at least on the older non-adult PCs. Even then, breaking the law can be a great part of an adventure. 
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