I am running a Twilight: 2000 campaign on Foundry VTT and I'm about to launch my players into Black Madonna. I'd like to share a few comments.
1 - Not a big deal, but for some reason the diary handout has words missing at the end of each page in the handrwritten version and the typed version misses many letters. It's something that can be corrected by hand easily for the typed version, and since I also have the paper and pdf version of the campaign, I can replace the images for the the handout. But I was wondering if others have noticed the same problem with their foundy module.
2 - A bit more problematic: the scenario itself gives a hook and a conclusion, but really not much in terms of the steps in between. I understand that players can use rumors and radio chatter, and since others have started looking for the Black Madonna, they will most certainly track it by following the others, but there are still a few problems:
- Most of the others are supposed to arrive in Mirow after the PCs, except for the KGB and the Spetznaz that seem to be hanging around.
- It is mentioned that Rudy escaped at the same time as Crenshaw and rejoined the 3rd ACR where he made a report. It is then written that the 3rd ACR sent intel based on this report and that it triggered CIA, DIA and the soviets. It is then written that they still don't know where the Black Madonna is, which means the intel report wouldn't have disclosed the exact location. But Rudy and the 3rd ACR cannot ignore the exact location of the tunnels. Even if he lost his mind a bit when running away, he and Crenshaw knew where they were when they found the cave. It's probably the best clue to find the exact location if kept like this, but the DIA and the CIA being interested in this would have asked the 3rd ACR for a more precise location instead of wandering around. So in my game Rudy will have died before being able to provide a clear location.
- One step along the way that is mentioned in the scenario is Żyrardów. But apart from a mention in the Radio Chatter, I cannot find anywhere information regarding why Żyrardów would be a point of interest in the search for the Madonna, except for its location not too far from Myrow. And then there is the problem that, unlike every other city on the map that match with their real world location, Żyrardów, in reality, is located near Warsaw and not at all in Silesia.
None of this is a major problem for running the story, my players will go into the area and try and gather clues and rumors, as is intended in the scenario, and I'll find a way to lead them to Mirow, but I wanted to share my thoughts, and wondered if anybody has any clue about this Żyrardów thing.