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Theme in the book

Wed 15 Jan 2025, 23:50

I posted this in the alpha feedback thread and got a moderator message about going off topic (sorry for that, btw). So I post it here to avoid problems. Anyone else thinks the same? What are your opinions?

For me, the biggest critique is the lack of feel the book (and hence the game) seems to have. Coriolis 1E had a lot of personality and feeling that oozed out of the pages. The theme of 1001 nights in space with the horror of the Dark and all was very well represented. The culture, speech, etc. everything screamed about how unique the setting was. This book seems a bit... bland, in that aspect. The rules might be good, but setting-wise, it feels -or communicates, to me at least, that it's another scifi game and that's it.
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Re: Theme in the book

Wed 15 Jan 2025, 23:57

I don't have the alpha pdf so I can't speak about that but according to the feedback thread, it is only the first six chapters that is included. If this book is written like pretty much all the other FL books, this means that pretty much only the rule chapters have been released. The setting chapters isn't even out for feedback yet.

That was the reason I wanted to stop people from writing "reviews" in the feedback thread before that sort of posts clog the thread down. Especially about chapters that aren't in the pdf yet.

I also removed your post (since you edited it yourself) and my post. There is no need for me to clog down a thread either if I can help it.
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Re: Theme in the book

Thu 16 Jan 2025, 00:00

Ah makes sense and fair point. The rules seem nice so far, I'm excited to try them =)
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Re: Theme in the book

Thu 16 Jan 2025, 00:01

May I ask what chapters those six chapters are?
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Re: Theme in the book

Thu 16 Jan 2025, 01:17

They would be these:
core mechanics
combat and dangers
birds and powers
equip and vehicles

I was thinking of just attaching a screenshot of the page, but I rather not risk exposing something I shouldn't =P
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Re: Theme in the book

Mon 20 Jan 2025, 08:08

i hesitantly, and slightly reluctantly, agree. I deeply love the setting of The Third Horizon (3H), the atmosphere, the culture, the tech and the mystery are ell very evocative to me which i am so far missing from The Great Dark. There are little snippets so far, especially in the short introductions to the factions, but they havent enticed me nearly as much as even the first few chapters of 3H did.

I hope i am wrong, and that the rest of the core rulebook and the campaign book change my mind.

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