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Moria: Questions about solo rules

Wed 08 Jan 2025, 13:08

Hi I have a couple of questions about the solo rules in Moria:

1- Endurance test for the band (page 203): if the test fails with an "eye" icon, you may roll on the injury severity table to learn the severity of the injury. So for example a member of the band can go directly from uninjuried to a severe injury. But what happens if you roll the same or lower injury severity, for example the member already has a moderate injury and you roll a moderate injury, or has a severe injury and you roll a moderate injury? I'd say nothing happens but i'm not sure

2- "Duel" focus for the leader during battles: what's the workflow of the events?
- You resolve the entire Clash roll and THEN you play the 3 rounds of Duel (so for example you can immedialtely benefit for the "harry the archfoe" success)
- You start the Clash selecting the leader focus "Duel" in the step 1, immediately fight 3 rounds of combat, then keep on with the Clash with steps 2 3 4

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