Mon 20 Jan 2025, 20:06
p. 96, 97, 100:
The delving suit and armor tables list the number of "Extras" allowed by each type, but "Extra" is not defined anywhere in the alpha pdf. Is this just an additional inventory slot?
p. 96:
The Light Delving Suit says that it focuses on "mobility and ventilation," but its description goes on to make it sound like it has a worse oxygen supply than the other suits. Why is "and ventilation" included there if there is no actual game mechanic benefit to breathing supply?
p. 100:
No explanation is given for most of the Features in the Armor, Exos & Delving Suits table. If a suit is vacuum resistant, why does it need a filter pack, for instance? What are exo servos? What is an ejector? What is a cargo carrier?
PLEASE correct the extreme gender disparity in the illustrations for the 8 professions. There are 4 illustrations with facial hair and 2 with facial features I interpret as strongly masculine. The remaining 2 illustrations (Odd Jobber and Worker) are androgynous enough to be interpreted as female, but even those are not unambiguously female. I'm really quite shocked that the character creation chapter is not more welcoming to female players or even to male players who like to play female characters.