Tue 14 Jan 2025, 16:21
This is a call for the game designers.
I read the alpha pdf and one thing that stick with me was that one of the main theme of the game is intrigue, which I can see in a game where a party of explorer goes to a site that could be in possession of another faction and convince them to enter the site, or an adventure where they have to find a way to get a concession (something like mineral concession in Yukon with the gold seekers). I imagined there would be a important part of the book about that, since it's a KEY THEME.
You can imagine my disappointmente when I reached the part about social conflict: less than a page compared to the 8 pages dedicated to combat, which isn't a KEY THEME, and just the adding/subtracting modifiers without any kind of structure like initiative, turns, special actions, etc.
I understand that it's probably pretty late to make an important change like adding a consistent subset of rules, but I think it would be very rewarding for players to do something different and really play out the social conflict.
This is my major critique to the book until now. I am very curious about how you managed exploration.