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7 adventures in the technical modules (CMOM & BBW)

Fri 08 Nov 2024, 02:01

I bring a reflection to all and I would like to know what you think about it.

In technical modules like The Colonial Marines Operations Manual and Building Better Worlds, we always have additional information either on the universe of marines or on the universe of colonization. And, we have at the end the adventures, to be precise, we always have 7 adventures to establish a campaign. Other adventures are possible with the designs presented.

My question is the following, we have done with my group of 5 players the adventures of the Colonial Marines Operations Manual and we are finishing the adventures of Building Better Worlds. My feeling is identical to my players and I think that we have too many adventures to complete, 7 adventures is too many. We feel like we are running out of steam at the end.

I think that 5 adventures for a campaign would be enough. You will tell me to choose 5 adventures from the 7 proposed but I throw the idea (to Free League). Possibly that 5 adventures in the technical modules would be enough for a campaign. What do you think? I would like to know your thoughts on the subject.
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Re: 7 adventures in the technical modules (CMOM & BBW)

Wed 13 Nov 2024, 16:17

I think the more the better. I actually just “pick and choose” the adventures for a cinematic adventure though.

I think that you could mess with the adventures though, and still make a campaign out of them. Maybe have stuff in between.

I’ve run D and D campaigns that have gone on years. I’m all about FL giving us as much as possible!
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Re: 7 adventures in the technical modules (CMOM & BBW)

Wed 13 Nov 2024, 17:35

Great comment Uscssrookie, "the more the Better" and "pick and choose the ones you want to do" all right. I feel a bit guilty about leaving things unfinished on the table. With Building Better Worlds, we're not going to do expedition 6 (because it's one episode too many for us). I don't like leaving episodes undone, I feel like I'm doing an unfinished task. But hey. I have to accept it and I like "the more the better" too. Thanks Uscssrookie.
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Re: 7 adventures in the technical modules (CMOM & BBW)

Wed 13 Nov 2024, 17:51

We really like taking and developing new characters in a new setting. That's why I thought that 5 adventures per technical module would be enough. Our group just got tired of playing the same characters in the same setting. That's one of the reasons why I opened this discussion. With D&D, we could play a single character for years but in the Alien setting, we like the change of characters. For my part, I'm going to do campaigns of 5-6 adventures maximum per setting.

P.S. it's often 2 sessions of 2-3 hours per adventure so in total it's about (if we follow the logic) 10 gaming sessions (about 2-3 months per campaign). It's okay. 7 adventures is 14-15 gaming sessions, it's often 4 months and more, it's way too long with the same characters and the same setting, in any case, for our group. We play about once a week.

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Re: 7 adventures in the technical modules (CMOM & BBW)

Thu 14 Nov 2024, 06:58

Sure thing Arthur! I am happy to give my two cents. I think that previewing the adventures and seeing what could be cut/merged/etc. is something you could do. Love how much your group plays!

You could even do an “A squad” and “B Squad” type of storyline where one group goes through some of the stories, the other group goes through the other ones, with their stories intertwining. This could be done with two actual different groups or players just alternating characters…?
Last edited by uscssrookie on Thu 14 Nov 2024, 16:01, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 7 adventures in the technical modules (CMOM & BBW)

Thu 14 Nov 2024, 16:00

I once ran a heavily modified Hadley’s Hope adventure with a small group of 4 UPP operatives who were working behind the scenes while the group of pregen characters from the intro adventure in the Rulebook were trying to go about their business. When everything went to hell they met up, and it created a really cool conflict. In the final meetup, I had 9(!) Players going at once! Not quite an “a team” “b team” but was a lot of fun.

I’ve done this in D and D as well with two teams working together but on different missions. Ran it for years this way!
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Re: 7 adventures in the technical modules (CMOM & BBW)

Thu 14 Nov 2024, 17:00

I forgot to say. We already have the concept of group A and group B. We play our games with main character A and secondary character B with my 4-5 players. Each player has 2 characters. It allowed to soften the loss of a main character for a player and still have an attachment for a 2nd chatacter. When your 2 characters die, that's life in the Alien RPG, there it's sad.

if you look at my play reports, I always have a list of 14-15 characters in each story.

thanks for all the ideas Uscssrookie.


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