I've created a random character generation document for The Walking Dead rpg. Point-buy can be a slow process, in particular with players new to a game system or setting, who will generally try to optimise - without yet knowing what (if any) the optimal approach is. And sometimes the player or GM will like random roll as it'll get them something they mightn't have thought of on their own.
The attributes and skills are as per the book. The talents have been removed from archetypes, and since there are 49 of them, divided into 6 categories of 6 each, plus one "special" category of the 13 more powerful ones. Issues and Drives have been partly drawn from examples in the book, and partly made-up.
This random method gives characters with slightly lower Attributes than the point-buy method, but allows the possibility of lower or higher rolls. 2d6 drop highest gives a mean result of 2.53, as opposed to the 13/4 = 3.25 of the point-buy method. However, the point-buy allows only one attribute to be 5, and none to be 1. This gives a wider variety.
The random method gives slightly higher Skills than the point-buy method. The random method has roll 2d6 dropping lowest and subtracting one, giving a mean result of 1.53, as opposed to the 12 points among 12 skills, average of 1 of point-buy; random roll also allows the small (1/36) chance of a skill being 5 at the start, whereas point-buy limits it to skills being not more than 2, except for one key skill which can go as high as 4.
The random roll attribute+skill dice will thus average 4.06 vs point-buy's 4.25, but allows for the chance of lower and higher results than point-buy is.
Further, generating Issues and Drives mostly randomly creates greater variety in N/PCs, and a greater risk of conflict among them, since players sitting around a game table coming up with their own will tend to work to avoid too great a clash.
Thus, the random roll method is recommended for NPCs, and for players who have previously played an Archetype character for a few sessions at least, and are familiar with the game and their game group. It allows the GM to quickly create NPCs in detail, and pregens they can offer to new players.