Hi I'm Actually running two ROS Campaigns. And In one of them in the last session some questions were raised.
Spirit Walk. One of the players is a former cultist and as his first level spell picked "Spirit Walk" , at firt I considered "is no big deal, it's a ritual for interaction with the spirit world".
Oh Boy.
The player used this ritual to perform infiltrations and combat, as the spells states that he is invisible for creatures in the material world and can only be seen by creatures in the spiritual. (And he can see and interact with creatures in the material because is wasn't specified he can't) Is using the ritual as a Greater invibility spell that last 10 minutes and performed almost unlimited sneak attacks. He is the perfect assassin, indetectable and a bringer of death capable of ruin kingdoms.
At level 3.
I don't think the spell is balanced at this state. And I was considering removing the capability of see / interact creatures in the material realm.
The same player also argued that the Alchemy capability allowed him to create a minor/basic elixir every single day he was resting in Thistle Hold. He doesn't even has purchased the Alchemy Supplies because the rule doesn't state exactly that he has to have one to create the elixirs (It only states he can do it). Even argued that que rule doesn't state that he needs any components, he can simply "do it".
I zeroruled he can do it , but limited it to extended rests. But in order to limit this exploit he only can do it once every adventure (As per extender rest), in order to not create unlimited elixirs, thalers in value, for free.
This ruling has the consequence that everybody else in the party cannot have any extended rest more than once in the adventure. Even resting in Thistle Hold. This is less than ideal :/
Another player is Playing a proper Alchemist but she is an sporadic player. She asked if was able to do gathering the days she has not been adventuring. As the rules of Elixirs states that she has to pay half the cost in materials or "do 1 day of downtime gathering" . I think is incredibly imprecise, almost all of my players are exploiting this rule to get elixirs for free between adventures.
I have to rule that she cannot do more than one elixir this way. Because if she skipped for example a month, she can do easily 15 elixirs!!!
In concerned because the player's are relatively new to Symbaroum and they have the pontential to destabilize the economy of the kingdom.