I’m going to run DoW sometime soon and began looking through it. One thing that was jarring to me was the ages of the troops. PFCs who are 33/34 years old? A Captain who is 43? These ages seem so off. Is there anything in the book that explains this?
Going by today’s USMC, if you join at 18 you can make PFC by 19, sometimes earlier. You can make Sergeant within 4 years, and Staff Sergeant usually within 7. For officer ranks the average age to make Captain is about 28 years old if you were a 2nd Lt. at 22.
This squad all just decide to join the USCMC in their 30s? I mean in ALIENS Corporal Hicks was probably 21, maybe 22. Sure, Michael Biehn was late 20s during filming but I think he is meant for Hicks to be younger. Apone makes sense in terms of age as well: Master Sergeant in his early 40s.
It’s just a strange choice to say the least. I suppose I can work it into backstories or something.