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What Books Might Come after Moria?

Posted: Thu 18 Apr 2024, 18:20
by Ibrandul
What's coming next for the game?

Have there been any hints about future plans for the line?

And what would you like the next few releases to cover?

We just got the Moria alpha, yes, and there's many sessions' worth of content there. I'm not being hasty or greedy—just wondering.

Re: What Books Might Come after Moria?

Posted: Thu 18 Apr 2024, 19:05
by Linklite
  • 1. The next book is an adventure book, I'd assume it's like Tales but set in Moria.
    2. It's been hinted that Lórien might be next...or at least soon.

Re: What Books Might Come after Moria?

Posted: Thu 18 Apr 2024, 19:10
by Ibrandul
Lórien is a very interesting choice—in part because, if that's right, then it seems like the 2e release schedule may be deliberately mirroring the Fellowship's journey, perhaps filling in gaps from 1e.

So then, after that, perhaps Gondor? (Which was the planned starting focus of the aborted C7 2e.)

Re: What Books Might Come after Moria?

Posted: Tue 23 Apr 2024, 10:06
by Byrax
Hoping for Misty Mountains.

Re: What Books Might Come after Moria?

Posted: Tue 23 Apr 2024, 15:51
by Otaku-sempai
Hoping for Misty Mountains.
Probably not for a while, at least. I think the Misty Mountains have been covered pretty thoroughly in TOR 1E and in the upcoming Moria expansion.

Re: What Books Might Come after Moria?

Posted: Tue 23 Apr 2024, 18:59
by Sebastian
The plan was for 1e, to create starter set with the Misty Mountains as main area. The region comes up in Heart of the Wild, Tales from Wilderland, Darkening of Mirkwood, Rivendell and Ruins of the North (all 1e), but not as main focus.

Re: What Books Might Come after Moria?

Posted: Wed 24 Apr 2024, 08:03
by Harlath
The plan was for 1e, to create starter set with the Misty Mountains as main area. The region comes up in Heart of the Wild, Tales from Wilderland, Darkening of Mirkwood, Rivendell and Ruins of the North (all 1e), but not as main focus.
I think that was the plan for Cublicle 7s's TOR 2e, rather than 1e, back when they were the publisher? It's the same design and writing them as when C7 published the game.

Re: What Books Might Come after Moria?

Posted: Wed 24 Apr 2024, 20:28
by Otaku-sempai
The plan was for 1e, to create starter set with the Misty Mountains as main area. The region comes up in Heart of the Wild, Tales from Wilderland, Darkening of Mirkwood, Rivendell and Ruins of the North (all 1e), but not as main focus.
I've got to agree with Harlath on this. A starter set would have had to have been for C7's plans for their own second edition. A 1e starter set would have made no sense by that point. In fact, here were C7's plans for the second edition:
The One Ring - The Lord of the Rings™ Roleplaying Game will launch between Q4 2019 and Q1 2020 with the core rules and Starter Set. Below you can see the products currently in development. We will update these with release dates as they become available.
  • The One Ring - The Lord of the Rings™ Roleplaying Game: The 352 page core rules featuring stunning new art, maps, rules for character creation, and everything you will need to adventure in the lands of Middle-earth.
  • The One Ring - The Lord of the Rings™ Starter Set: Explore the Misty Mountains and reclaim the Horn of the Storm in the perfect introduction to The One Ring Roleplaying Game. This box set includes a 64 page adventure, a 48 page guide to the lands of the Misty Mountains, a set of dice, six pre-generated characters, character handouts, tokens, and more.
  • Loremaster’s Screen and Legends of Middle-earth: A beautifully illustrated Loremaster’s Screen along with a 32 page collection of mini adventures that Loremaster’s can drop into their games.
  • Fell Foes: A dedicated bestiary containing fell foes and dangerous creatures from all across Middle-earth.
    Minas Tirith - The Tower of Guard: A guide to the city of Minas Tirith and its surrounding lands.
  • The Errantries of the King: A campaign adventure set in Gondor. Written by Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan, author of The Darkening of Mirkwood.
  • Moria - The Long Dark: Explore Khazad-dûm deep beneath the Misty Mountains in this long awaited adventure for The One Ring - The Lord of the Rings™ Roleplaying Game.

Re: What Books Might Come after Moria?

Posted: Sun 28 Apr 2024, 17:35
by Byrax
I am still hoping that the C7 stuff that was wip gets adapted and published for Tor2.

Re: What Books Might Come after Moria?

Posted: Sun 28 Apr 2024, 21:36
by Linklite
My understanding is that's technically what Moria was. They heavily reworked it (seems as though it was a campaign rather than a setting book originally), but they were in the middle of it in 1e when they lost the rights, then adapted their work for 2e.

How much of that work is left for adaptation in the future...I don't know.