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Baltic Boats: A Supplemental Vehicle Guide for 4e's 'Hostile Waters' Module

Mon 15 Apr 2024, 22:02

I thought y'all might like a little something to tide you over until Hostile Waters drops in June.

https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/pro ... ltic-boats

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Re: Baltic Boats: A Supplemental Vehicle Guide for 4e's 'Hostile Waters' Module

Tue 16 Apr 2024, 08:17

Nice, great to have more options...including the hovercraft ;)
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Re: Baltic Boats: A Supplemental Vehicle Guide for 4e's 'Hostile Waters' Module

Sat 20 Apr 2024, 18:22

Thank you. I'm pleased that you like it.
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Re: Baltic Boats: A Supplemental Vehicle Guide for 4e's 'Hostile Waters' Module

Sat 27 Apr 2024, 08:58

Darn, seeing the post mentioning that Hostile Waters won't ship until June, is frustrating. I was told by Free League that it would ship for sure by the end of April, that and The Black Madonna. Growing concerned as there are only three days left in the month I came to the forums and noted this post about the Supplemental Vehicles Guide.

So once again Free League "got me" in regards to pre-ordering. They're Lucy and I'm Charlie Brown wanting kick the football. I need to stop pre-ordering darn it. Anyone know where the June date was put out by Free League? I get their news letter via email but I'd not noted this change of date.
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Re: Baltic Boats: A Supplemental Vehicle Guide for 4e's 'Hostile Waters' Module

Sun 28 Apr 2024, 21:42

This is what is posted on the product page:

"This is a pre-order with early access. If you include this item in your order, the physical order will ship in June. You will however get access to a full PDF via DrivethruRPG shortly after purchase. If you spot any errors or typos in the PDFs, please report them on our forums before March 10. Thank you!"

In the meantime, I hope that Baltic Boats can scratch that itch.

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Re: Baltic Boats: A Supplemental Vehicle Guide for 4e's 'Hostile Waters' Module

Fri 07 Jun 2024, 09:55

Thanks for this supplement. It's very useful indeed.

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