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Active headphones?

Posted: Sat 06 Apr 2024, 13:44
by Oddball_E8
Quick question that my google-fu can't seem to find the answer to:

When did special forces start wearing hearing protection that had active noice cancelling and noice amplification?

This feels like a very recent thing, but then I think back to my stepdad buying a pair of headphones with active noice cancelling and amplification some time in the 90's, IIRC.

Sure, they were big and clunky, but they worked.

So, anyone know when special forces started using them and would they be something one might encounter in T2K?

Re: Active headphones?

Posted: Sun 14 Apr 2024, 18:20
by Rolando
According to wikipedia, noise cancelling headphones are from the 50's, for aviation, and 1989 for commercial availability.

I remember in Golgo 13, a manga and mine, the main character uses some kind of headphones, it may be exactly for noise cancelling/amplification. That manga was from the 70's.

Re: Active headphones?

Posted: Sun 14 Apr 2024, 21:02
by paladin2019
The real question is comms systems to hook up to the headphones. The MICH is a comm system compatible helmet made to meet such a requirement, as such headsets were in specialized use under various non-ballistic sports helmets. However, it was not fielded until 2001.

So, yes, the systems would likely be available, but the drawbacks are batteries and an inability to wear a helmet with an Armor stat.

The next question: what are your intended rules for such a piece of kit? Have you added a system for loud noises to deafen characters and need a counter? Are you looking to add a bonus to Recon?

Re: Active headphones?

Posted: Mon 15 Apr 2024, 18:07
by Oddball_E8
Oh I was simply curious. Just thought about my stepdads headphones and realized that it was before the 2000's and was wondering if it was in use.
(Usually the military is a head in fields like that)