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Feedback Thread for Coriolis: The Great Dark Quickstart

Fri 22 Mar 2024, 16:21


Please use this thread to post feedback and report any typos or errors in the Quickstart for Coriolis: The Great Dark. Please note:

This is a Quickstart and only contains a condensed version of rules and setting. The adventure is a tutorial and as such is relatively straightforward. All text, layout and art is subjective to change and not final.

Before reporting an error, please check to see if it has already been reported. If so, don't report it again.

Thank you!
Fria Ligan
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Re: Feedback Thread for Coriolis: The Great Dark Quickstart

Fri 22 Mar 2024, 18:53

I've just read the rule of the quickstart and I've a few observations:
1) I know that you will sell the customized dice for the rpg, but I've found the symbol in the rules distracting and not so easy to read (write "roll 6 on a normal dice or a symbol to do this action")
2) What's a shift? I know the meaning of the word, but in the game reality how many hours is a shift? I searched in all the quickstart and there's no explanation.

Thank you :)
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Re: Feedback Thread for Coriolis: The Great Dark Quickstart

Fri 22 Mar 2024, 20:00


2) What's a shift? I know the meaning of the word, but in the game reality how many hours is a shift? I searched in all the quickstart and there's no explanation.

Thank you :)
Page 14 bottom "measuring time" lists Round, Stretch, & Shift lasting 10 seconds, 15 minutes, & 6 hours respectively.
Original AJ
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Re: Feedback Thread for Coriolis: The Great Dark Quickstart

Fri 22 Mar 2024, 20:43

Since no-one else has I'll point out Page 15 says five pre gen characters but there are only four?
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Re: Feedback Thread for Coriolis: The Great Dark Quickstart

Fri 22 Mar 2024, 20:59

“ you immediately recover Blight” should be “ you immediately recover Heart”.
“ recover one point of Blight” should be “ recover one point of Heart”.
“ you recover from one point of Blight per Shift” should be “ you recover one point of Heart per Shift”
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Re: Feedback Thread for Coriolis: The Great Dark Quickstart

Fri 22 Mar 2024, 22:22

Page 27 Blocking and Dodging

I see you're using Dragonbane's reaction system that uses up your own action for the round. Which is fine as Dragonbane trades action for a much stronger defense.

But on the Quickstart, a single success on a Dodge roll completely avoids all damage, while successes on the Blocking roll just removes successes from the attacker on a 1 to 1 basis. Both use up your action.

Why is Blocking so much weaker than Dodging? The Blocking system appears to be inspired by fast/slow action economy of previous YZE games, but with the penalty from Dragonbane. Is this intentional or a typo from a previous draft?
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Re: Feedback Thread for Coriolis: The Great Dark Quickstart

Fri 22 Mar 2024, 23:10

  • On the Dodge section on page 27 it says "Creature attacks can be dodged, unless otherwise specified.", but on the Creatures section on page 41 it says "As a rule, a creature attack can not be blocked or dodged."
  • Also on the Dodge section, besides what was mentioned by Kaybe about the difference between Block and Dodge, it also says "You must declare that you are dodging before your opponent rolls for damage.", but there are no damage rolls in Coriolis, only in Dragonbane. It seems that the Block paragraph was inspired by Forbidden Lands (where you declare before the attack roll and it's an opposed roll) and the Dodge one inspired by Dragonbane (where you declare after the roll and only need one success).
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Re: Feedback Thread for Coriolis: The Great Dark Quickstart

Sat 23 Mar 2024, 05:18

  • Page 37: It may be good to list that recovering from Blight with external help is a Logic roll, as per page 48
  • Page 48: A simple typo: "The Bird recovers Energy after on Shift." -> "The Bird recovers [all?] Energy after [a/one] Shift."
  • Page 70: It may be useful to list how many infiltrators appear alongside Zera Vandao. I believe the number is (Number of PCs - 1), but I'm not certain.
Addendum: While not needed for the QS, the full rules should include rules on how to handle combat with >10 participants (even if it is just a matter of compressing enemies into groups).
Last edited by axer416 on Sun 24 Mar 2024, 01:32, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Feedback Thread for Coriolis: The Great Dark Quickstart

Sat 23 Mar 2024, 10:54

On page 11 under The Delving Business:
The Explorers Guild is a loosely knit organization that operates from The Outpost, an old pub-turned-headquarters within a repurposed ship hull...
Since when are there pubs in Coriolis? Sure, the culture has developed since leaving the Third Horizon, but unless the Diaspora took a detour via Great Britain on their way to the lost horizon I don't think such wording is appropriate for the settting.

EDIT: Also, a related note: I have only had time to skim the QS but there seems to be a shift in the drug culture towards a more western style in general, with alcohol seemingly being more common than other intoxicants. This may seem like a small detail but as a long time Coriolis fan I think it is imperative that this version of the game retains the cultural differences that sets it apart from other settings. Even if you (the creators) want to move away from potential oritentalism and mock arabic script etc, make sure to make it something other than a lazy return to western values and social/cultural styles, make it a believable development from 3H into something new instead, but definately something distinctly non-western. This new game has great potential and I think you are on the right track with much of it, but please give us a culture to 'Delve' into as well, it makes the game/world more fun to roleplay in and discover. <3
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Re: Feedback Thread for Coriolis: The Great Dark Quickstart

Sat 23 Mar 2024, 15:10

It says about the keepsake (page 16) that it lets you push a roll as if you had spent one hope. But that's not how pushing rolls seem to work (instead dealing damage on 1:s).

Personally I like the sound of using hope as a pool of "anti-dark points", but I'm guessing that's not the intent.
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