Sat 16 Nov 2024, 22:30
P.27 When you use an extra successes in close combat you should probably state other than damage to be clear. Or do they do both extra damage and an effect? I assume the full game will have a clearer table that will say that extra success can:
Give an extra damage.. and one of these:
Disarm blah…
The reason why this is unclear is that damage is described on the next page. So the success of an attack has to be read on two separate pages which is a disadvantage.
Either way, it could have been clearer because I remember reading in your other games iirc that it either does an extra damage or…
It is very strange ranged weapons doesn’t have these options.
Separating effects of extra successes for attacking and blocking - and - effects of weapons two pages later do you no favours, even though I like that extra blocking successes does more things and in THAT sense it belongs there. It makes blocking much more viable and interesting and even compared to dodge.
What does a grappling gun do and what does being grappled mean ruleswise? Surely it has something to do with grappling and not just damage? Delver character.
I still don’t understand what “in time” with broken neck and back means in the crit table. The recovery time is 3d6 days. Seems like time limit is missing, or rather a time it takes to try to heal it. Same with broken hand and the rest. Where does it say how long it takes to heal a non-lethal crit injury Also, does it mean that a logic roll is needed to heal it, and if successful, it takes 3d6 days to recover. I assume the injries
Perhaps it should just state “healing time” instead of “time limit” and recovery time as you have it on the right. With a lethal injury, the healing time is described like the death save (change name, dnd vibe) and is a good mechanic. But with a non-lethal injury, a healing time is instead the time is instead must dedicate to heal a broken leg etc. surely an hour at least, perhaps a shift. With non-lethal injuries you can probably use other time frames than round, stretch shift as they don’t use the death save mechanic (e.g. 1 hour). Then the recovery time after success is a number of days. Also, will a failed roll to heal a broken hand after a time allow a new one or can a permanent disability happen? Your rules state new rolls are normally not allowed. If a non-lethal injury can heal without a logic roll, that probably needs to be clarified as well. I’d say a new attempt should be able to be made after a shift or so. If the logic roll attempt for the healing time is the same on all healable injuries that are non-lethal, weirdly enough, that should be stated. I assume an ear can’t be patched back.
Healing critical injuries are only spoken of under broken and critical injuries. I think it would have been better to include healing of non-lethal critical injuries under the critical injury headline before the table and clarified recovery time there. And if the healing time with logic is the same with every injury, weirdly, that would be the place to put it.