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Low player count games

Posted: Mon 22 Jan 2024, 15:57
by JudgeGudge
Hi everyone, this weekend I ran my first game of Alien specifically the Hope's Last Day scenario from the core rule book. Overall, it was a success, and the players seemed to enjoy the experience. However, as a new GM, I encountered a couple of challenges that I hope you can help me with.

One issue I faced was managing NPCs in combat. With only two players, I had additional characters tagging along as NPCs. While this worked, the players occasionally forgot about the NPCs, and combat situations became a bit cumbersome with more NPCs than PCs. In combat I was rolling more dice than the players and so constantly looking up the NPCs stats. This I felt slowed down the game. Any suggestions on how to streamline NPC actions and maintain the pace of the game would be greatly appreciated.

I prepared files for each of the characters and the files contained their Character Sheet, cards for their agenda and any equipment they had, maps and a list of fast and slow actions. The players picked a character each and then started. This however meant they were unaware what equipment the NPCs had, so they didn't use the motion tracker or cutting torch for example. I think I should I have just given them all the equipment and let them divvy it up as they saw fit.

Looking ahead, we're planning to dive into the Chariot of the Gods next. With just two PCs, I'm wondering how to handle the NPCs effectively. I'm concerned about their role and how to ensure the players stay engaged with them. Should the NPCs provide extra fire support by following the PCs, or is there a better way to utilize them as potential replacements for PCs who might meet a grim end?

I'm open to any advice and tips, especially for running a low player count game.


Re: Low player count games

Posted: Mon 22 Jan 2024, 17:31
by _ArthurDallas_
Hi JudgeGudge,

I would suggest giving 2 characters for a player, one main character and one secondary character. That's what we are doing at our table. I usually play with 4 players but sometimes I have only 3 players. Giving a main character and a secondary character gives my players a chance when they lose a character, it's more easy to accept. And when the group decide to manage 2 encounters at a time, one group is going to the bridge and the other goes to engineering, each player can have action in each group/sequence.

We have a great time with 2 characters by player. And it's more easy for me.

Enjoy your games,