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Player Only Quickstart

Posted: Mon 15 Jan 2024, 15:32
by Resfelm
Hello everyone,
I am setting up a game for some friends and I will be GMing. I wanted to give the players some surface-level info about kin, classes, and so on so I checked out the free Quickstart PDF. I found that it spoils too much of the story, monsters, and so on for my taste and I was wondering if there was some other similar resource that is aimed at players only that I might have missed.

Thanks for any info on this.

Re: Player Only Quickstart

Posted: Tue 16 Jan 2024, 11:11
by Dizzyfugu
Personally, I'd give players all the info in the Players' handbook (concerning kin, land and history, which is all very blurry), and maybe the short entries about dieties from the GM book, as well as the info about their kin/clan/sub-group there (even though not necessarily all info - a Crombe dwarf should IMHO not know much about other clans). Let the players/PCs discover the world and the different truths through encounters.

Re: Player Only Quickstart

Posted: Sun 21 Jan 2024, 21:53
by jasales
Personally, I'd give players all the info in the Players' handbook (concerning kin, land and history, which is all very blurry), and maybe the short entries about dieties from the GM book, as well as the info about their kin/clan/sub-group there (even though not necessarily all info - a Crombe dwarf should IMHO not know much about other clans). Let the players/PCs discover the world and the different truths through encounters.

The history of the Forbidden lands is viewed through the unreliable narrator lens. Give the players as much as you can because, they will soon find that, a) things have changed since the bloodmist came, b) many accounts are not entirely accurate and c) some people have lied about events for reasons all their own. It makes the game of discovering these things part of the exploration. It was about 4 sessions in before the characters in our group began sharing stories of their kin's experience with the blood mist when, "Hey!, What the heck is going on!" was said around the table by the players. They became that much more interested in the world and realized that they could make a difference since there was so much misinformation going on. Now they try to share news with new people and expose the lies and deceptive stratagems of those in the know and have actively begun to oppose isolationism and promote trade and cooperation between towns.

This has of course made them enemies. Enemies they will gladly take on. My players are on the verge of a huge lore dump at the Eye of the Rose. I can't wait to see their minds get blown yet again. They love it, I love it. But if you hold back info, the players won't have as much of a stake in things and may get bored. I still fondly remember when our first goblin joined the group and eventually they brought up the issue they have with halflings and why aren't other people like that. The group was gobsmacked!

I hope this is helpful.

Re: Player Only Quickstart

Posted: Mon 22 Jan 2024, 10:57
by Dizzyfugu
But if you hold back info, the players won't have as much of a stake in things and may get bored.
That's a very important aspect. "Feeding" PCs/players steadily with various bits, esp. from different sources, is quite important to keep the environment "alive" and the players guessing and engaged.