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Different ones from 1 and 6?

Posted: Sat 06 Jan 2024, 02:02
by Santakaos
I have the doubt: odds, 5 dice. 60%, is with prayer 81%.... So far I'm there. The doubt is roll 5d6, with prayer you withdraw the different ones from 1 and 6 (so 2-3-4-5), do I withdraw 1-2-3-4-5-6 regardless?

Re: Different ones from 1 and 6?

Posted: Sat 06 Jan 2024, 09:34
by Fenhorn
I'm not an expert in Coriolis, but when you push a skill roll (called 'Praying to the Icons' in Coriolis') in a Year Zero Engine game (like Coriolis) you re-roll all the dice not showing a symbol (sixes in Coriolis).

Or was the question about something else?

Re: Different ones from 1 and 6?

Posted: Sun 07 Jan 2024, 00:53
by Santakaos
For example: 5d6: 1-2-2-6-6... Rerolled 1-2-2, o 1-2-2-6-6? I tell 1-2-2, 6-6 are this, I go correct?

Re: Different ones from 1 and 6?

Posted: Sun 07 Jan 2024, 10:38
by Fenhorn
You don't re-roll dice that have a symbol on them (i.e. sixes in this game). So if you roll 1,1,2,6,6, you you decide to push the roll, you re-roll, the 1,1 and 2 dice.

Re: Different ones from 1 and 6?

Posted: Mon 08 Jan 2024, 16:08
by Santakaos
Thanks... Hi have played a Forbidden Land.. 1, 6, in Coriolis 6 stop.

Re: Different ones from 1 and 6?

Posted: Mon 08 Jan 2024, 16:44
by Fenhorn
Yes, in FbL, you "pay" the cost of pushing by risking causing damage to yourself, in Coriolis you "pay" by giving the GM Dark Points instead (I think it is called).

Re: Different ones from 1 and 6?

Posted: Tue 09 Jan 2024, 13:28
by Anung
Yes, in FbL, you "pay" the cost of pushing by risking causing damage to yourself, in Coriolis you "pay" by giving the GM Dark Points instead (I think it is called).
yep, this is correct.

The downside to pushing in Coriolis is giving the GM Darkness Points, that are the currency the GM uses to increase difficulties or create new ones at will.

Re: Different ones from 1 and 6?

Posted: Wed 14 Feb 2024, 11:10
by TorhanPiper
No, prayer wouldn't affect the dice rolls or what numbers you can re-roll.

Rolling 5d6 and keeping only 2-5 results in a roughly 60% chance of success (getting all four desired numbers). However, adding prayer wouldn't alter the odds or introduce new re-roll options.

The game mechanics you described seem specific omegle to a certain game or system. It's important to refer to the official rules for clarification on prayer's effects and re-rolling mechanics.