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Sevastopol Fall Down - Story 3 - Alien Isolation Prequels (Play Report)

Sat 23 Dec 2023, 23:44

Sevastopol Fall down
Story 3 - Dinsky and Jana Relf Story
Alien Isolation Prequels - Play Report
prequel-main characters
- Andy Dinsky (male) is a pilot for the Project KG-348 for Gemini Exoplanet Solutions. He is one of the survivors desperately waiting for rescue aboard Sevastopol Station. He has a 357 Magnum revolver. He has a cutting torch with 5 power supplies.
- Jana Relf (female) is a science and medical technician aboard Sevastopol Station. She is one of the survivors desperately waiting for rescue. She has a Motion Trackers (M314 Unit with 5 power supplies). She has a 12 Gauge Pump Rifle.
- Jenny Clarke (female) is a store clerk working at the Medusa Ink shop in the Solomons Galleria Mall. She is one of the survivors desperately waiting for rescue. She has a M4A3 service Pistol.
- Peter Mooses (male) is the manager of the Medusa Ink shop in the Solomons Galleria Mall. He is one of the survivors desperately waiting for rescue. He has a 357 Magnum revolver.
- Alan Duke (NPC male) is a barman working at the Spot (Night Bar) in the Solomons Galleria Mall. He is one of the survivors desperately waiting for rescue. He has a maintenance Jack.
- June Ichiro (NPC female) is a waitress working at the Spot (Night Bar) in the Solomons Galleria Mall. She is one of the survivors desperately waiting for rescue. She has a knife.
Introduction - Sevastopol Station, December 2, 2137
The Dissociation

The hum of Sevastopol Station reverberates through the cold, metallic corridors as Jana Relf's voiceover fills the air, narrating the eerie tales that have befallen the station. "We came to Sevastopol for a new life, but all we found was fear and uncertainty," Jana reflects, her voice laced with a mixture of sorrow and dread.
In response to mounting demands, Marshal Waits reluctantly calls a public meeting to address the growing rumors. The anxious crowd gathers in the dimly lit assembly area in the Spaceflight Terminal, seeking answers to the mysteries surrounding their isolated existence. Waits, flanked by his team, attempts to pacify the restless crowd, but his evasiveness only fuels their frustration. The tension reaches a breaking point when projectiles are hurled at the marshals. Chaos ensues as panic grips the crowd.
Amidst the turmoil, a gunshot echoes through the chamber. Jake Sinclair, a disgruntled Seegson Security officer, steps forward, his eyes ablaze with defiance. He strides towards Waits, cutting through the chaos with purpose. "You don't have our back," Sinclair declares, his voice cutting through the tumult. "As of right now, no one hired as Seegson Security is going on-shift. We are cutting ties with you marshals. It's time to take care of our own." The declaration reverberates through the crowd, and a sense of rebellion takes hold. Sinclair rallies a group of determined men and women, each wearing the uniform of Seegson Security. Together, they march towards Deck D, the Corporate Penthouses, with a shared determination to create a haven of safety amid the growing chaos.
Waits, seething with anger, reacts swiftly. "We will close the Spaceflight Terminal. Everyone comes out now," he orders, marshals frantically working to secure the station against the impending threat.
As Sinclair's group ascends towards the Habitation Penthouses, their journey becomes a tense struggle. The air is thick with uncertainty, and each step is laden with the weight of their decision to break away from the marshals. On Deck D, Sinclair takes charge, issuing orders to barricade entrances and fortify their chosen refuge. The atmosphere becomes charged with a mix of determination and fear, as the group faces the daunting task of establishing a safe zone within the sprawling labyrinth of Sevastopol.
Meanwhile, Waits and his remaining marshals work tirelessly to secure the Spaceflight Terminal, knowing that the station's survival hinges on their ability to control the escalating chaos. The clanging of security braces echoes through the corridors as doors are sealed shut, dividing the station into fragments of order amidst the encroaching turmoil. The fate of Sevastopol hangs in the balance, with its inhabitants teetering on the edge of an abyss, unaware of the horrors that lurk in the shadows, waiting to be unleashed.

Sevastopol, December 11, 2137
The Meeting

Dinsky and Jana Relf find themselves in the cold, dimly lit cargo elevator #3, making their way to the Spaceflight Terminal on Sevastopol Station. The hum of the machinery surrounds them as they ascend, the air thick with tension and uncertainty.
Jana breaks the silence, her voice echoing in the confined space. "Should we stop here?" she asks, a note of concern in her tone. Dinsky nods, his eyes scanning the surroundings. "Yes, I have to take a box of refills for the cutting torch." The elevator doors slide open, revealing Deck B.
As they step out, the elevator mechanism suddenly grinds to a halt, leaving them stranded. Dinsky sighs, assessing the situation. "I'm going to have to repair the system; otherwise, we won't leave," he says, frustration evident in his voice. Just then, a voice interrupts their predicament. A bald man wearing a Watatsumi jacket (named Axel) emerges from the shadows. "Hey, don't move," he commands, his eyes wary. Jana raises her hands in a gesture of peace. "Okay, we're not looking for trouble. Who are you?"
The man, introducing himself as John, gestures to his companion (Amanda Ripley). "I'm John, this is Ringo," he says, with a laughing tone. Dinsky, impatient and cautious, dismisses them. "They're just some assholes; we haven't got time for this. Come on, Jana. Look, I've got the elevator working. Jana, let's go." As Axel and Amanda Ripley step into view, Jana speaks with a hint of regret, "I'm sorry, good luck." The elevator door closes, separating them, and the lift continues its ascent to Deck C, the Solomons Galleria Mall.
"We could have helped them," Jana reflects, her gaze lingering on the closed door. "They seemed nice." Dinsky, pragmatic and focused on survival, replies firmly, "Jana, they couldn't be trusted. We have to go." The urgency in his voice underscores the gravity of their situation as they ascend to Deck C, where the rest of their group awaits. The fate of Sevastopol hangs in the balance, and every decision carries the weight of survival in this desolate, unpredictable space station.

The Plan

Dinsky and Jana emerge onto Deck C, their footsteps echoing through the deserted corridors of Sevastopol Station. The emergency lights flicker intermittently, casting eerie shadows on the metallic walls. The air is thick with tension, a palpable sense of danger hanging in the desolate atmosphere. "Still, have to be careful. We shouldn't encounter it," Dinsky warns, his eyes scanning their surroundings. The xenomorph, a relentless threat, looms in the back of their minds. The motion tracker in Jana's hands remains silent for now.
They press on, making their way towards Solomons Galleria Mall. As they enter the mall, a sense of relief washes over them—the familiar faces of their companions await at the Medusa Ink Shop. The metal gate of the shop rattles as Dinsky and Jana approach. Peter Mooses, the Medusa Ink manager, lifts the gate, his eyes betraying a mix of concern and relief. "Took you a while," he remarks, his tone carrying the weight of the unknown.
"We almost wondered if something had happened to you," Jenny Clarke, a store clerk at Medusa Ink, chimes in, her eyes searching for reassurance. The gathering includes Alan Duke, the Spot-Bar bartender, and June Ichiro, the Spot-Bar waitress. Dinsky wastes no time, getting straight to the point. "We're ready to go," he announces, his expression determined.
Peter, however, interjects, "We still need to get some supplies from the back shop." The urgency in his voice is met with nods of understanding.
Jana takes charge, outlining the plan with precision. "The plan is to go by the stairs to Deck A in silence. We pass through cargo bays 3 and 4 to avoid Joe's looters and head towards dry-dock A-1 to take the maintenance shuttle with the keycard." She holds up the key, a tangible symbol of their hope for escape. "If all goes well, we'll leave in a few hours."
The group absorbs the plan, each face reflecting a mix of determination and apprehension. The fate of their escape rests on the success of this meticulously crafted plan, and as they prepare to face the unknown, the station's desolate corridors become a stage for their struggle against the relentless forces that threaten their very existence.

The Visit

The group, now equipped and determined to make their escape, exits the Medusa Ink shop. As they close the metal gate behind them, a sudden tension fills the air. A threatening presence materializes as a gun is pressed against Jana's head.
Out of the shadows emerge three looters (Marcus, Nolan and Victor), their faces shrouded in darkness. The leader (Marcus), a wiry figure, steps forward. "Give us your bags and weapons. We don't want any trouble," he demands, his voice laced with menace. Jana, composed yet wary, responds, "We don't want trouble either." Dinsky discreetly places his hand on his revolver, ready for whatever may come.
Peter, the manager of Medusa Ink, steps forward, his voice steady. "I'm giving you the keys to my Medusa Ink store." The looter sneers, "What do you want me to do with your ink and tattoos?"
"I want your bags and your weapons," the looter demands. In that critical moment, Dinsky signals to Jana. She leans in, and Dinsky swiftly fires, the gunshot echoing through the deserted corridors. Chaos ensues as more gunfire erupts, the group finding cover in the dimly lit surroundings. The other two looters, realizing the tide has turned, flee into the shadows, vowing to return later. "We'll come back later and we'll get you," their voices linger as they retreat.
Alan Duke, the Spot-Bar bartender, urgently calls out, "Come quickly, June is injured!" The group gathers, discovering June with a gunshot wound to her shoulder. "We're going to have to treat her," Jana says, her voice unwavering. "Not here," Dinsky interjects. "We'll go to the workshop near the C-1 junction. There's a first aid kit there that I hid."
The group, now armed with the looter's discarded weapons, prepares to move. Peter glances at the fallen looter. "This one has his account," he says, a solemn reminder of the harsh reality they face. They retrieve the weapons and leave the scene, determined to navigate the treacherous corridors of Sevastopol Station and ensure June receives the medical attention she urgently needs. The struggle for survival intensifies as they press on, their hopes for escape hanging by a thread.

The Shuttle of Deck A

The group presses on towards the C-1 junction, each step feeling heavier than the last. June's condition remains a cause for concern, her face pale as she continues to lose blood. "We can't leave today," Dinsky declares, a stern expression on his face, contemplating the gravity of their situation.
"It will be necessary. Nothing is sure anymore," Peter counters, determination in his voice. The group arrives at the workshop at junction C-1, and Peter closes the hatch behind them. "We can rest here for a few hours," Jana suggests, concern etched on her face. "I'm going to do a guard tour," Dinsky announces, taking on the responsibility of keeping watch over their temporary refuge.
After a few hours, the group gathers again. June's color has improved, and the makeshift bandage seems to be holding. They silently descend the stairs to Deck A, taking measured rest stops along the way. As they reach Deck A, the corridors appear deserted. "Looks like it's our lucky day," Peter remarks, a glimmer of optimism breaking through the tension.
Advancing towards cargo bay 3, they hear distant voices. "It's Joe's looters," Dinsky warns, his tone cautious. Leonard, Nearson, Jenkins, and Zoe, engaged in conversation, seem to be discussing their plans. Zoe takes the lead, determined to find the elusive girl and Axel. "We'll have to find this girl and Axel. They killed Joe," Zoe asserts before leading the group in another direction. Seizing the moment, Jana urges her group forward. "Come on, let's move forward."
They advance towards cargo bay 4, keeping a wary eye on their surroundings. The air is thick with tension, the fear of encountering Joe's looters palpable.
As they approach dry dock Bay A-1 in silence, relief washes over them. "Everything is fine," Jana reassures the group. However, their hopes are quickly dashed as they reach the hatch. Jana takes out her keycard and swipes it, but the bay reveals an unsettling emptiness. "Well done, we're screwed, guys," Peter laments, the collective disappointment weighing heavily on the group. "Wait, there is another bay, dry dock Bay A-2, says Dinsky. Jana answers, "No, It's a WY-37B Cargo lifter there". Discouragement settles in as they grapple with the reality of their predicament, stranded in the silent expanse of Sevastopol Station with no apparent means of escape.

The Spaceflight Terminal (Deck B)

"We can't stay here," Jana asserts, her eyes scanning the desolate bay A-1. "Joe's group of looters can return at any time."
With a heavy collective sigh, the group retraces their steps, heading back through the empty corridors. However, their progress is abruptly halted as gunfire echoes through the stillness. Panic sets in as Zoe utters, "They're here. They're going to pay for the bad day we had." Trapped between the looming threat of Joe's looters and the emptiness of bay A-1, the group faces a grim reality. As they attempt to return to the bay, another round of gunfire erupts. Unfortunately, June takes a second bullet and falls instantly, a sudden and irreversible loss.
"We have no choice. We have to go out in EVA and make our way to Deck B (Spaceflight Terminal) with EVA suits," Jana declares, her voice filled with urgency. There are five EVA suits, one for each person. They quickly suit up, sealing themselves within the protective armor of the suits, shielding them from the deadly vacuum of space. Opening the hatch cautiously, Jana leads the group outside, their EVA suits offering a shield against the dangers that lurk in the station. Climbing the security ladder to the Spaceflight Terminal, they arrive at airlock B-2.
Entering the Spaceflight Lobby, they shed their EVA suits and find refuge in the traffic control room. Fatigue and grief weigh heavily on the group as they regroup and gather to discuss a new plan. The loss of June is a stark reminder of the relentless dangers that surround them, and with a renewed sense of determination, they focus on finding a way to navigate the treacherous corridors of Sevastopol Station and secure their escape. The air is thick with tension as they map out their next moves, their survival dependent on their collective wit and resilience.

The Apollo terminal

Determined to find an escape route, Jana heads to the terminal APOLLO in Traffic Control, seeking information on the means of vehicular exit on Sevastopol. "What are the means of vehicular exit on Sevastopol?" she inquires.
Apollo's synthetic voice responds, "There were 35 rescue shuttles on Sevastopol. My system tells me there are none left." Peter, not willing to accept defeat, urges, "Well, continue. We keep our spirits up."
Dinsky, however, looks at Jana with a hint of dejection, aware of the dire situation they face. Apollo says, "there is a detachable module for Gemini Exoplanet Solutions, Project KG-348. But it was just ejected by Amanda Ripley. There was an unknown creature with her." Jana processes the information, and Dinsky adds with a cynical tone, "Looks like this Amanda just made a new xenomorph friend."
Undeterred, Jana presses on, "Are there any other ejectable modules?" Apollo responds, "Yes, there are 2 Class D Lifeboat and FTL modules left. These are Penthouse Suites 1 and 3. They are blocked." Determined to overcome this new obstacle, Jana questions further, "Can you unlock them for us?" Apollo replies with a straightforward, "Yes, no problem."
A wave of relief washes over the group as the realization sets in. "Everyone is jumping for joy," as the possibility of escape flickers back to life. The prospect of unlocking the remaining modules offers a renewed sense of hope, and the group begins to see a glimmer of light at the end of the seemingly endless tunnel. Their journey on Sevastopol takes another turn, and with a collective spirit of resilience, they prepare for the challenges that lie ahead, fueled by the possibility of securing their survival.

The Class D Lifeboat Suite 1

The group, fatigued and hungry, decides to take a much-needed break, eating and resting for a brief 15 minutes. As they gather their strength, the reality of their situation weighs heavily on their minds. Once rejuvenated, they resume their journey, climbing swiftly towards Deck D using the stairs. The elevators, unfortunately, remain blocked, leaving the stairs as their only viable option.
Upon reaching Deck D, home to the Corporate Penthouses and quarters, the group directs their steps towards the luxurious suites. "We'll try suite 1," Jana suggests, eyeing the potential escape routes. Their progress, however, is hindered by a locked hatch in front of the suites section, a keycard blocking their way. "I'm going to take care of this with my cutting torch," declares Dinsky, stepping forward with determination. The others keep a vigilant watch on their surroundings as he works.
The hatch opens, granting them access to suite 1. Crossing the threshold, they find themselves surrounded by opulence. Luxurious surroundings offer a temporary respite from the harsh realities of Sevastopol Station. Jana, ever pragmatic, walks towards a terminal, and Dinsky takes charge of the navigation system. The terminal's display reads, "Apollo out of service. The systems are still blocked," Dinsky reports, his voice tinged with frustration.
Discouragement settles in once again as the group grapples with the seemingly insurmountable obstacles. The illusion of comfort within the luxurious suite fades as they confront the stark reality that escape remains elusive. Their hopes are dashed, and the weight of their predicament presses down on them, making the journey ahead even more uncertain. The group, though fatigued and discouraged, must find the strength to persevere in their quest for survival.

The Last Visit

Dinsky, the seasoned pilot, quickly assesses the situation, realizing there might be a manual override to gain control of the Lifeboat. He scans the area for a light panel, and the group's attention focuses on the navigation station.
Amidst their efforts, a voice interrupts, "But what do you think you're doing with this corporate Suite." The source becomes apparent as Jake Sinclair steps into the doorway, a gun pointed at the group. Two men from Sinclair's group stand ominously behind him. "Drop your weapons," Sinclair commands, asserting his control over the situation. The tension rises as the group complies with his demand.
"Sorry, but I'm going with my family on this lifeboat. No room for you," Sinclair declares callously, revealing his selfish intentions. "But there is room for everyone," Jana argues, attempting to reason with Sinclair. "No, there are only 6 cryopods," Sinclair coldly responds, exposing the grim truth.
Suddenly, the atmosphere is shattered as three xenomorphs emerge through a ventilation opening, sending shockwaves through the group. Panic ensues. Sinclair, attempting to fend off the xenomorphs, shoots but tragically misses, hitting Alan Duke who falls instantly. Sinclair seizes the opportunity to escape with his group, leaving two xenomorphs to chase after them. In the chaos, the last xenomorph advances menacingly toward Jenny. Peter, valiantly trying to protect her, urges, "Move away, Jenny! Don't stay there!" In a desperate attempt to fend off the xenomorph, Peter confronts it head-on. A brutal struggle ensues, but the xenomorph proves stronger, shattering Peter's skull in an instant. Jenny, paralyzed with shock, crumples to the floor.
Reacting swiftly, Jana retrieves her 12 Gauge Pump Rifle and fires two shots at the relentless xenomorph. The Sevastopol station experiences shocks, as if the gravity stabilizers are malfunctioning. The disoriented xenomorph, seemingly affected by the station's turmoil, decides to retreat through an air vent. Meanwhile, Dinsky, against the odds, manages to find the manual override for the Lifeboat. Activating it, he, Jana, and Jenny hurriedly eject the lifeboat, leaving the horror of Sevastopol Station behind.
Jana looks at Dinsky, and a mixture of relief and disbelief washes over her. "We did it," she says, the weight of their survival sinking in. The lifeboat, now their vessel of hope, begins its departure from the doomed station.
Final report of Jana Relf and Andy Dinsky. Our group, including Jenny Clarke from the Solomons Galleria, successfully managed to break free from the clutches of Sevastopol Station. A monstrous plague has infested the station, and its fate was sealed as it lost its gravity stabilizers over the gas giant KG-348. We should reach the frontier in about six weeks. With a little luck, the network will pick us up. This is Jana Relf. Signing off.
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Re: Sevastopol Fall Down - Story 3 - Alien Isolation Prequels (Play Report)

Sat 23 Dec 2023, 23:46

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