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Sevastopol Fall Down - Story 2 - Alien Isolation Prequels (play report)

Sun 26 Nov 2023, 08:51

Sevastopol Fall down
Story 2 - The Lorenz Engineering
Alien Isolation Prequels - Play report
Prequel-main characters
- Chief Jack Norton (male) is the Chief engineer of Maintenance Crew B aboard Sevastopol Station.
- Lorne Barrington (male) is an senior engineer of Maintenance Crew B aboard Sevastopol Station.
- Elena Vasquez (female) is a senior engineer second-in-command of Maintenance Crew B aboard Sevastopol Station. Elena is the aunt of the famous private first class Jenette Vasquez from the events of Hadley's Hope in 2179.
- Lauren Hayao (female) is an engineer-technician in Maintenance Crew B aboard Sevastopol Station.
- Andy Demarcus (male NPC) is a engineer-technician in Maintenance Crew B aboard Sevastopol Station.
- Jane Elizabeth Perry (female NPC) is an Assistant Manager in the skeleton crew of the Gemini Exoplanet Solutions aboard Sevastopol Station.

The sale

November 17, 2137 - Seegson Communications Console Terminal
A message from Apollo-Core appears on a console terminal in Seegson Communications, initiating a series of events that will forever change the lives of those on Sevastopol Station.
External Communication: Purchase order received. Weyland-Yutani operational ruleset packet received, verified and installed. Station scans initiated under WY directive #00043B56. Special order 939 initiated. Priority one, Protect specimen. Maintain station quarantine. Disallow communications. Hazard Containment level Omerga on hold.
December 5, 2137 - Lorenz Systech Spire, Lorenz Lobby Level, Deck B
Chief Porter, the Chief engineer of the main team aboard Sevastopol Station, is in the secondary maintenance operations office on the Lorenz Lobby level (Deck-B). Maintenance Crew B has just arrived as backup. Chief Norton lights a cigarette, Barrington complains about the cold, Lauren plays with a knife, and Demarcus plays with a Seegson portative gameboy. Vasquez looks at the others with a hint of disdain. Chief Porter has just dispatched Flores, the second-in-command, along with Sanders, Bullock, Hampton, Guevara, and Mitchell into the reactor level to address a series of intermittent brownouts.
Vasquez's voice-over explains the growing chaos on the station, with human disappearances and psychotic rumors circulating. The working Joes have gone rogue, focusing solely on the hazard containment order. Marshal Waits' authority is weakening as Sinclair's group moves to the Solomons Habitation. Apollo has received new operational rules, and the communication blackout begins to isolate the station's inhabitants. Seegson's cost-cutting measures are pushing the station toward anarchy.

First contact

Flores' voice trembles as he contacts Chief Porter via the private maintenance camera network. "Chief, we've completed a full systems check down here, and there's no apparent issue compromising the power delivery," he reports, his tone filled with frustration and confusion. Desperation mounts as he shares, "I tried asking Apollo, the central computer, for answers, but it's reluctant to display any useful data. It's as if it's keeping secrets."
Then, in the midst of their conversation, a spine-chilling scream pierces through the comm channel, a scream that seems to echo through the very metal and wires of Sevastopol. Flores leans over, his breath catching as he struggles to process what unfolds on the camera feed. The crew, watching in grim fascination, bears witness to a horrifying scene. A massive, shadowy figure emerges, and with terrifying swiftness, it tears Sanders' head from his shoulders, crimson spray glistening under the harsh lighting. The gruesome spectacle leaves them in horrified silence.
In a moment of sheer bravery, Bullock and Hampton charge the nightmarish creature, armed with a maintenance jack and a steel pipe, determination etched onto their faces. However, their valiant efforts only lead to their brutal demise, as the creature overpowers them with savage brutality, leaving the camera feed splattered with their blood. The shock is palpable, an oppressive silence settling over the room.
With the horrifying scene left unresolved, an automated message from Apollo-Core suddenly materializes on the screen. The message, bearing a cold, corporate tone, delivers a chilling pronouncement: "Sensitive corporate information has been detected in this message. This event has been logged by APOLLO."

We Go In

Chief Porter's fury mounts as the camera feed abruptly cuts off, leaving the room shrouded in darkness. His voice is laced with frustration and anger as he barks, "God damn you, Apollo! Put the camera link back on!" The air is thick with tension as the group watches in stunned silence, their eyes locked on the now-blank screen. Flores, in particular, looks pale and shaken, unable to hide his fear.
In the midst of this grim revelation, Barrington's voice breaks the silence, his grumbling tone reflecting the grim reality they face. "We don't make enough money for this kind of shit," he mutters bitterly, his words a stark reminder of the grim circumstances they find themselves in.
Demarcus interjects, his voice tinged with a sense of dread. "No question of going into the subdecks," he asserts, his statement echoing the unspoken understanding that venturing deeper into the station would likely be a death sentence.
However, Vasquez and Norton, their determination unwavering, speak in unison, a testament to their unyielding resolve. "No, we will go help them," they declare, their voices resolute and defiant.
Chief Porter, bridging the gap between anger and determination, adds, "Yes, we will go, but with help." His decision is clear, and the urgency in his voice leaves no room for hesitation. He contacts Marshal Waits through the private network, his voice unwavering. "Waits, I'm listening to you," he says, his words carrying the weight of the situation. Chief Porter relays the gruesome truth: "I saw it, walking down the reactor level. The beast killed Sanders, Bullock, and Hampton in a single attack." The revelation hangs heavily in the air, a stark reminder of the merciless threat they now face.
Faced with the dire situation, Chief Porter delivers a resolute ultimatum: "This shouldn't have been kept from me, Waits. We're going to help them, and you're going to come with us." His determination is unwavering, a call to action that brooks no argument.
Waits, speaking to his deputies with urgency, responds to the rallying call. "Harris, Turner, Garcia, get back here. We have a track in engineering. It's not going to escape this time," he states, his voice reflecting the gravity of the situation. With that, their fate is sealed, as they prepare to confront the nightmarish threat that lurks within the station's depths.

The Descent

The descent to Deck A, the ominous heart of the reactor level, is fraught with tension as Marshal Waits' group and Chief Porter's team secure their path. They block the elevator, opting for the more treacherous ladders, hidden from the prying eyes of any lingering threats. Their journey is marked by eerie silence, for the inhabitants of the Lorenz Systech spire have largely retreated into hiding. Frightened whispers echo through the corridors, while fear of both the recent disappearances and roving bands of ruthless looters keeps most at bay.
As they descend deeper into the belly of the station, Marshal Waits takes a moment to share a grim revelation with Chief Porter, his voice heavy with a mixture of frustration and suppressed anger. "The creature's arrival on the station," he confides, "it's a story Seegson never wanted us to spread." The disdain for the company's secrecy lingers in Barrington's terse comment, his frustration palpable. "Damn company", says Barrington.
Upon reaching the reactor access, Waits unveils their strategy. "We will block access, seal off terminals, and cut the power," he declares, determination evident in his tone. The group's resolve is clear - they must ensure the creature remains trapped in the depths of the reactor. Meanwhile, Chief Porter outlines their mission: "We'll begin our search for Flores' team in the coolant tank tunnels."
In the dark, foreboding corridors, Turner's voice cuts through the oppressive silence. With mounting urgency, he reports, "Harris, I found the last power coupling. Hurry the hell up so we can get out of here." The tension is palpable, with unsettling noises seemingly emanating from all directions.
When the last power coupling hatch is reached, Garcia skillfully wields a cutting torch, diligently removing the safety panel. The atmosphere is charged with anxiety, each echoing clang of the torch fueling their unease. Turner's doubts resurface as he addresses Waits, his skepticism plain. "It's a fool's mission," he asserts, the weight of their situation pressing upon him. Waits responds firmly, emphasizing their duty, "It is our duty to hunt this beast before it takes more lives."
In a horrifying turn of events, a tall, menacing figure lurks behind the hatch, concealed in the darkness. It springs upon Garcia, impaling him with its lethal tail. In a brutal, simultaneous assault, it claims Harris as well, staining the corridor crimson. Turner reacts with desperate determination, discharging his shotgun to force the creature back.
But their respite is short-lived. The xenomorph, relentless and cunning, gains entry through a ventilation duct, dragging Turner into the dark vents, leaving a trail of blood in its wake. Marshal Waits, in a moment of panic and self-preservation, shouts after the vanishing figures. "What about me?" he calls out, a haunting refrain of their harrowing ordeal. With that, he stumbles back to the relative safety of the Marshal Office in the Solomons Habitation spire, grappling with a temporary nervous shock.
His inner turmoil intensifies as he contemplates the seemingly insurmountable challenge they face, Turner's words echoing in his mind. "Maybe Turner was right," he muses, his voice a fragile whisper, "what can I do about this situation?" In the midst of the station's chaos, he faces the stark realization that, at that moment, there may be nothing more to be done.

The coolant tank tunnels

In another dimly lit engineering section, Chief Porter's group, comprising Norton, Vasquez, Barrington, Lauren, and Demarcus, cautiously navigates the eerie coolant tank tunnels. "Be quiet," Vasquez whispers, her senses on high alert. "I heard screams." Her voice quivers with unease as she peers into the darkness ahead. The main lights are out, leaving only the eerie glow of low-level orange emergency lighting, casting eerie shadows across the metallic walls.
As they venture deeper into the labyrinthine tunnels, they stumble upon a macabre tableau. The walls are partially coated with glistening bubbles of bloated resin and glistening slime, creating a sinister atmosphere. In a grim corner, four grotesque xenomorph eggs stand in a grotesque formation, poised to unleash unspeakable horror.
The oppressive silence is broken by haunting moans and the gut-wrenching stench of death. "My God, what a horrible scene," Lauren mutters, her voice quivering in the face of such nightmarish sights. Chief Porter's heart sinks as he recognizes the lifeless bodies of Flores, Guevara, and Mitchell, their forms twisted and contorted in agony.
Suddenly, a robotic voice blares through the emergency loudspeakers: "This is a safety breach. This will not be tolerated. This section is off-limits." The group is gripped by fear and dread as they realize the peril they're in. An ominous Working Joe approaches, its artificial eyes glowing menacingly. With a swift, violent blow, it strikes Chief Porter, his skull cracking open and blood spilling onto the cold metal floor.
Norton, fueled by a mixture of rage and fear, reacts with a bolt gun, the deafening shot decapitating the android, synthetic blood spattering in all directions. "Damn androids," he mutters under his breath, a tremor in his voice.
In the midst of this chaos, the 7-foot-tall xenomorph materializes amidst the group, a chilling embodiment of terror. Demarcus and Lauren stumble to the ground, their fear palpable. Vasquez, with steely resolve, acts swiftly, pushing Barrington to safety. The creature's tail strikes with deadly precision, piercing Norton's chest, ending his life in an instant.
Vasquez, now armed with Chief Porter's bolt gun, takes aim and fires at the xenomorph. The shot strikes true, inflicting a grievous wound, causing the monster to retreat, cradling Norton's lifeless body. With their hearts pounding and adrenaline surging, the group regains their composure. Vasquez's voice is resolute as she takes charge: "Quickly, let's get out of here." They hastily make their way back to Deck B, the Lorenz Systech Lobby, desperate to escape the horrors that lurk in the labyrinthine depths.

The Gemini Shuttle

They cautiously step into the dimly lit workshop, their senses on high alert. The hum of machinery and the distant echoes of horrors past hang heavy in the air. Barrington's voice trembles with a mix of fear and determination as he breaks the silence, "I'm not staying another second on this damn station."
Vasquez, her eyes darting around the room, nods in agreement. "I agree," she says, her voice equally resolute. Demarcus chimes in, "We have to tell everyone about this nightmare."
Lauren, her face etched with the grim reality of their situation, asserts, "It's the law of the strongest now. We save our lives, period."
Vasquez, pausing for a moment, interjects, "Wait a second. I know that Gemini Exoplanet Solutions has an exploration shuttle in a dry-dock on Deck C. We'll need the launch codes."
Barrington's eyes widen with a glimmer of hope. "Yes, we'll find them there in the closed offices of Gemini Exoplanet Solutions. We have to find those codes," he emphasizes.
With determination in their eyes, the group gathers their personal belongings. They embark on their journey towards Deck C, leaving the workshop behind. On the way up, Vasquez takes the opportunity to provide some background, her voice steady amidst the chaos surrounding them. "Gemini Exoplanet Solutions is a sister company to Seegson, involved in mining research and development. Seegson cut the funding for the project back in 2136, and the offices have been closed ever since. I heard a skeleton crew might have stayed behind. Maybe we can get the information we need from someone over there."

The last Gemini Corporate

The group cautiously arrives in the Gemini lobby, their footsteps echoing through the abandoned corporate offices. Determination fuels their search for the elusive launch codes to the shuttle that may provide their ticket to escape. Among the executives' offices, they locate Hunter's, a high-ranking figure within Gemini Exoplanet Solutions.
As they meticulously scour the room for the sought-after codes, a commanding voice pierces the air, jolting them to a standstill. They turn to find a corporate woman, her attire adorned with a Gemini Exoplanet patch, and her grip unwavering on a magnum revolver. Her words are laced with a mix of suspicion and desperation, "Don't move. You are looters like the others. We have nothing left here."
Vasquez quickly responds, her tone earnest and empathetic, "No, wait. We're looking for a way to leave this station, with all the looters and that murderous creature out there. We've heard about the Gemini shuttle on this deck (Deck C), but we don't have the launch codes. Can you help us? You can come with us if you want."
The corporate woman, whose name is revealed as Jane Perry, holsters her weapon, replacing it with a Gemini keycard. "You're going to need this," she offers, her voice softening. "The launch codes are in the keycard. Come on, we're leaving. I work for Gemini Exoplanet Solutions, and I was looking for a way out. I had completely forgotten about the shuttle."
With newfound hope and their newly acquired keycard in hand, Vasquez, Jane, Barrington, Lauren, and Demarcus make their way to the dry docks section, where the Gemini shuttle awaits. As they begin the initial preparations for their escape, Jane outlines their next steps, "Okay, we need to go to Deck D in the Seegson Communications section, at the control center, to remove the lockout from the shuttle systems. Everything was blocked by Seegson, who were afraid that someone would steal their precious 2-million-dollar shuttle."
Amidst the tension, Barrington adds a touch of irony, "Your story is super interesting," while Demarcus quips, "We wanted to go on vacation to this place." Jane nods knowingly and offers a glimmer of hope, "I know a way in."

Seegson Communications

They reached Deck D, opting to avoid the main entrance with its vigilant Working Joe. Instead, they took refuge in an air vent, navigating the complex network of ducts leading directly to the Seegson Communications control center. As they emerged, the room revealed itself with five eerie Working Joes scattered about. The group managed to enter without arousing suspicion, with Jane making her way to the console, intent on releasing the shuttle's lockout.
Suddenly, a Working Joe's lifeless voice filled the air, "Unauthorized presence detected. Please await Seegson Personnel." The five Working Joes in the room displayed menacing red eyes. Vasquez acted swiftly, drawing his magnum revolver, and a single shot sent one of the mechanical menaces crashing to the floor.

"Block the hatch," Jane commanded, realizing they needed to prevent the other Working Joes from swarming in. Lauren wielded her harpoon stick with precision, piercing the head of another robot, causing it to be dismembered in a shower of sparks and synthetic fluids. Demarcus took the initiative, sealing the door to the control room and igniting his cutting torch to melt the lock, ensuring the safety of the group inside. A working joe walks towards Demarcus and he delivers a violent blow to his head. Demarcus falls to the ground unconscious.

Barrington wielded his maintenance jack like a weapon, striking a devastating blow to the Working Joe (next to Demarcus), causing it to crumple to the ground, its white blood pooling around it. The last remaining android advanced toward Jane, but Lauren quickly impaled it with her harpoon, rendering it inoperative.
Additional Working Joes clamored at the sealed door, their attempts to breach it in vain. Vasquez knelt beside Demarcus, checking for any signs of life, but it was too late.
"The systems are unlocked; let's go," Jane urged. Lauren picked up Demarcus' incinerator unit, and they all retreated into the safety of the air ducts.

The Airlock

Vasquez, Jane, Barrington, and Lauren retreated to Deck C, marching determinedly toward the shuttle of Gemini Exoplanet Solutions. Their path was blocked by the menacing presence of the xenomorph, stationed resolutely in front of the airlock, as if it could sense their intentions to escape, yet unwilling to allow them to slip away unscathed.
Lauren swiftly retrieved her incinerator unit, unleashing a torrent of flames that engulfed the creature. It recoiled momentarily, retreating only to circle back from a different angle. Barrington assessed the grim situation and, with unwavering resolve, declared, "There are no solutions; we have to kill it." With a fierce battle cry, he lunged at the beast, but the xenomorph's tail pierced him, bringing about a violent and gruesome end.
Lauren, now standing as the last line of defense, unleashed a relentless torrent of flames. Vasquez and Jane seized the opportunity to advance toward the shuttle's airlock. They swiftly entered, but in an unexpected and tragic turn of events, the xenomorph lunged at Lauren with terrifying speed. Its powerful grip overwhelmed her, and in a split second, it vanished with her into an air duct, leaving Vasquez filled with a sense of despair.
Jane gently rested her hand on Vasquez's shoulder, offering some semblance of comfort. "We have to leave," she stated, the urgency in her voice cutting through the grief that weighed them down. With a heavy heart, Vasquez initiated the shuttle's launch sequence, and they were soon hurtling into the cold, unforgiving vacuum of space, leaving behind the nightmare that was Sevastopol Station.

The Final Report

Final report of the Lorenz Engineering Crew. Vasquez reporting with Jane Perry of the Gemini Exoplanet Solutions team. A monstrous beast is destroying everything and killing everyone on Sevastopol station. Chief Porter and Chief Norton are dead. All my engineering crew is dead. We should reach the frontier in about six weeks. With a little luck, the network will pick us up. This is Vasquez. Signing off.
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Re: Sevastopol Fall Down - Story 2 - Alien Isolation Prequels (play report)

Sun 26 Nov 2023, 08:53

here designs for this story : ... isolation/

More stuff here as usual:

Enjoy your games.

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Re: Sevastopol Fall Down - Story 2 - Alien Isolation Prequels (play report)

Sun 26 Nov 2023, 16:18

It's amazing how much super creative content and idea-mining homebrew goodness is hidden here in the forums.

As usual, you seem to push it to "11" on the 1-10 scale.

I really appreciate these kinds of play reports because it shows folks what it possible if you really want to roll in the lore.

And, sharing all of these amazing resources gives everyone a lift up not just with ideas, but with re-usable/re-skinnable assets.

More PCs/NPCs, and more maps which can represent a number of different modular stations ... so good!
We live, as we dream -- alone. ~ Joseph Conrad
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Re: Sevastopol Fall Down - Story 2 - Alien Isolation Prequels (play report)

Sun 26 Nov 2023, 21:19

Thanks so much ExileInParadise, very very appreciated.
as usual your are our ambassador and thinker and researcher of the alien lore on this forum.
Thank you for your great involvement and your comments.

Enjoy your games.
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Re: Sevastopol Fall Down - Story 2 - Alien Isolation Prequels (play report)

Mon 27 Nov 2023, 10:18

What ExileInParadise said!

Very cool stuff, as always, _ArthurDallas_! :D
"And the rain sets in,
it's the Angelman.
I'm deranged".
--David Bowie, I'm Deranged

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