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Home Brew Optional Armor Pieces

Posted: Tue 31 Oct 2023, 22:32
by Automatic_kafka
Hi All,
I'm toying with an idea to add in my DragonBane game, but I would like to have other opinions. I thinking to add armore pieces to the overal armor base, aka, boots, gloves, cleaves, etc.
Now, What I thinking, is each piece could add a point to the overal armor (1 for lethear material, 2 for metal), but also add weight, roughly 2/1, 1 armor point = .5 weight, so leather gloves (1 armor /.5 w) are lighter than metal gauntlet, (2 armor, 1 wieght), but you could also have very thick leather gloves, heavyer but with a better protection (2 armor, 1 w), and so forth for each pieces, and you can mix match to balance protection and weight.

I'm also thinking, there would be related Bane for skils where wering a specific type of armor may hinder ( ex.: a mage with heavy leather gloves cannot move his hand correctely to cast a spell) ; and also should they add some possible perk, for expemple, could a gauntlet give a protection agains server injury to your hand/arm, a boot for damage to the foot.

Final though, should Armor has a durablity check ? If an armor negate all the damage, the weapon has to make a durablity check, but in a similar rule to Forbiden Land, what if the damage exeed the rating of the armor, should the armor has a durability check, and possibily lose some rating and need repairs ?

All this are optional rules I'm toying with for fun.. :)

Re: Home Brew Optional Armor Pieces

Posted: Fri 03 Nov 2023, 10:06
by Short Fey
To be completly honest, this sounds like it will be hard to balance.

Adding weight to your gear, even if it is'nt much could make it unappealing too wear it, as players have only so much inventory space they most likely wanna have for items and potential loot, even if you have a good str attribute. I think the reason why they make "equipped" gear have no weight is to let the player arm themselves as they wish.

On the other hand, giving players too much armor could make them too tanky. A player in plate armor and a full helmet has an armor value of 8, which absorbs an startilingly large amount of attacks. If you gave them say 3 more "armor slots", all of which you could put in gear up to 2 points of armore, you have a whopping 14, which can soak a huge amount of attacks (a bandit with a d10 shortsword +d4 str bonus can't even harm you, and even with a 2d6 broadsword most attacks would still not get through sense it would average out on 7).

As for duribility, while potentially a neat idea, it would make low armor gear like leather practically useless sense you can very easily beat it.

There are some interesting ideas here, but they swing too much in both directions atm.