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A few more homebrew Heroic Abilities

Posted: Mon 17 Jul 2023, 12:44
by ghost_warlock
Steal, Ignore, modify, or complain about them - here's some stuff I came up with to expand the options in my game :D

Requirement: Any spellcasting skill 12
Willpower Points: 3
When you attempt to cast a spell, you can activate this ability (not an action) in order to cast the spell despite any metal armor you’re wearing or metal items you’re holding. You must still pay all the other WP costs for the spell.

✦ Willpower Points: 2
When you attempt to use PERSUASION on an NPC, you can activate this ability (not an action) to get a boon on your roll. Your request must still be reasonable.

Requirement: Bushcraft 12
Willpower Points: 1
You get a boon to your BUSHCRAFT roll when you spend a shift foraging for alchemy herbs.

Requirement: Hunting & Fishing 12
Willpower Points: 1
You get a boon to your HUNTING & FISHING roll when you spend a shift fishing.

Willpower Points: 2
When you hike during a journey, you can make a BUSHCRAFT roll to forage for food or alchemy herbs as if you spent the shift foraging.

Requirement: Hunting & Fishing 12
Willpower Points: 2
When you spend a shift traveling by boat, you can make a HUNTING & FISHING roll to fish as if you had spent the shift fishing.

Requirement: Acrobatics 12
Willpower Points: 3
You can activate this ability when moving in order to move past enemies blocking your way, assuming you have enough movement to do so.

Willpower Points:
You can carry an additional 3 items without becoming over-encumbered.

Requirement: Awareness 12
Willpower Points: 1
You can activate this ability (not an action) when you are subject to a sneak attack. When doing so, you can attempt to dodge or parry the attack. You must still use action to do so.

Requirement: Acrobatics 12
Willpower Points: 2
You can activate this ability to move twice as far as normal when you move. If you use your action to Dash when using this ability, you can move four times as far as normal.

Requirement: Acrobatics 12
Willpower Points: 1
You can activate this ability (not an action) to resist being tripped, pushed, or shoved by an attack.

Requirement: Myths & Legends 12
Willpower Points: 3
When you use your action to activate this ability, you can grant an ally who can see and hear you a free attack against an opponent within their reach. If their attack hits, they deal an extra D8 damage with the attack.

Re: A few more homebrew Heroic Abilities

Posted: Mon 17 Jul 2023, 16:38
by ClarkHam
Dope! Thanks man. I have been working on converting some Forbidden Lands powers to Dragonbane myself. Ill throw them up here in case anyone is interested!

SWORD FIGHTER You have practiced with a sword in hand since you were a child. You may add your agility and strength damage die to attacks using a sword. For 3 WP, you may counter attack after a successful parry.

SPEAR FIGHTER A mighty spear can slay even the biggest of monsters. For 2 WP you may immediately attack any opponent who moves adjacent to you.

SHARPSHOOTER You are a master archer and your arrow almost always hits its target. Increase the size of your agility die by one step when using a bow, crossbow, or sling– 1d4 to 1d6, 1d6 to 1d8.

AXE FIGHTER Nothing splits a shield – or a skull – like a mighty axe. Increase you STR damage die by 1 step when using an axe– 1d4 to 1d6, and 1d6 to 1d8. When you hit an enemy with your axe, you may choose deal ½ damage (before armor) and destroy their shield.

HAMMER FIGHTER. Attacks you make with a hammer ignore ½ your target’s armor, and you may attempt to topple them for 2 WP.

WARRIOR You are one with your blade. You practice with your weapon every day and know all its qualities, as if it were part of your own body. Spend 2 WP and choose 1 effect
Armor has half the effect against your attack.
Attack one more time with a bane. Can only be used once per round.
increases damage by 1d6.

SHIELD MASTER You are a rock in the heat of battle, immovable and hard to kill. Gain 1 armor if you are wielding a shield. You gain a boon when attempting to topple an enemy while wielding a shield.

ARCHER You are a master archer and fire arrows as if they were controlled by your own will. Spend 2 WP and choose 1 effect
Armor has half the effect against your attack.
Attack one more time with a bane. Can only be used once per round.
increases damage by 1d6.

Re: A few more homebrew Heroic Abilities

Posted: Mon 17 Jul 2023, 19:31
by Short Fey
Steal, Ignore, modify, or complain about them - here's some stuff I came up with to expand the options in my game :D

Requirement: Any spellcasting skill 12
Willpower Points: 3
When you attempt to cast a spell, you can activate this ability (not an action) in order to cast the spell despite any metal armor you’re wearing or metal items you’re holding. You must still pay all the other WP costs for the spell.

Requirement: Myths & Legends 12
Willpower Points: 3
When you use your action to activate this ability, you can grant an ally who can see and hear you a free attack against an opponent within their reach. If their attack hits, they deal an extra D8 damage with the attack.
Armored Mystic: i think is both a bit immersion breaking (Mages can't wear armor due to metal suppressing magic), but it is also highly impractical.
It would cost 4WP for a trick alone, and a power level 1 spell would cost 5. That is an absurd amount for the sake of wearing armor.

Tactician: i like the idea of you can give a ally an attack, but i think it should have a range limit (Such as an Ally who can see and hear you within 10m can make a free melee attack against a opponent within their reach, albeit with a bane to the roll."
The extra d8 i would cut out, as that could make the attack deal too much damage too easily (Massive blow requires a 2h weapon and you can't move, and Dragonslayer only works on Monsters)
Dope! Thanks man. I have been working on converting some Forbidden Lands powers to Dragonbane myself. Ill throw them up here in case anyone is interested!

SWORD FIGHTER You have practiced with a sword in hand since you were a child. You may add your agility and strength damage die to attacks using a sword. For 3 WP, you may counter attack after a successful parry.

SPEAR FIGHTER A mighty spear can slay even the biggest of monsters. For 2 WP you may immediately attack any opponent who moves adjacent to you.

SHARPSHOOTER You are a master archer and your arrow almost always hits its target. Increase the size of your agility die by one step when using a bow, crossbow, or sling– 1d4 to 1d6, 1d6 to 1d8.

AXE FIGHTER Nothing splits a shield – or a skull – like a mighty axe. Increase you STR damage die by 1 step when using an axe– 1d4 to 1d6, and 1d6 to 1d8. When you hit an enemy with your axe, you may choose deal ½ damage (before armor) and destroy their shield.

HAMMER FIGHTER. Attacks you make with a hammer ignore ½ your target’s armor, and you may attempt to topple them for 2 WP.

WARRIOR You are one with your blade. You practice with your weapon every day and know all its qualities, as if it were part of your own body. Spend 2 WP and choose 1 effect
Armor has half the effect against your attack.
Attack one more time with a bane. Can only be used once per round.
increases damage by 1d6.

SHIELD MASTER You are a rock in the heat of battle, immovable and hard to kill. Gain 1 armor if you are wielding a shield. You gain a boon when attempting to topple an enemy while wielding a shield.

ARCHER You are a master archer and fire arrows as if they were controlled by your own will. Spend 2 WP and choose 1 effect
Armor has half the effect against your attack.
Attack one more time with a bane. Can only be used once per round.
increases damage by 1d6.
I am not familiar with forbidden Lands, so they likely work well there, but a lot of these feel very overpowered for Dragonbane, and in some cases, make existing heroic abilities obsolete.

Re: A few more homebrew Heroic Abilities

Posted: Mon 17 Jul 2023, 20:52
by zcthu3

Requirement: Any spellcasting skill 12
Willpower Points: 3
When you attempt to cast a spell, you can activate this ability (not an action) in order to cast the spell despite any metal armor you’re wearing or metal items you’re holding. You must still pay all the other WP costs for the spell.

Armored Mystic i think is both a bit immersion breaking (Mages can't wear armor due to metal suppressing magic), but it is also highly impractical.
It would cost 4WP for a trick alone, and a power level 1 spell would cost 5. That is an absurd amount for the sake of wearing armor.
I’d been contemplating an Armoured Mystic type HA myself (in case I want to run a D&D-esque game with armoured cleric-types in a world where the metal suppresses magic isn’t as strong as in the ‘default’ setting). I haven’t got very far, but I was thinking that the HA could allow rolling a spellcasting roll with Disadvantage. Or maybe Disadvantage and +1 WP on top of the normal cost.

Re: A few more homebrew Heroic Abilities

Posted: Tue 18 Jul 2023, 12:48
by ghost_warlock
Steal, Ignore, modify, or complain about them - here's some stuff I came up with to expand the options in my game :D

Requirement: Any spellcasting skill 12
Willpower Points: 3
When you attempt to cast a spell, you can activate this ability (not an action) in order to cast the spell despite any metal armor you’re wearing or metal items you’re holding. You must still pay all the other WP costs for the spell.

Requirement: Myths & Legends 12
Willpower Points: 3
When you use your action to activate this ability, you can grant an ally who can see and hear you a free attack against an opponent within their reach. If their attack hits, they deal an extra D8 damage with the attack.
While I think the ability would probably be okay - the character is basically giving up their action and 3 WP to grant an ally the attack - I did come up with a different version using your suggestions:

Requirement: Myths & Legends 12
Willpower Points: 2
When you use your action to help an ally in combat, you can activate this ability as a free action to make thier attack count as a sneak attack (this replaces the usual benefits of the help action).

The ability would be stronger for characters partnering with thieves/assassins using subtle weapons, but even for characters who aren't, the ability to spend 3 WP to negate an enemy dodge/parry can be useful.

Re: A few more homebrew Heroic Abilities

Posted: Sun 23 Jul 2023, 20:59
by Short Fey
Figured i should add some, these are meant to give CHA based characters some more options.

✦ Requirement: Persuade 12
✦ Willpower: 3
You can activate this ability to give yourself a boon on a Persuade roll.
(I know it's similar to your "Famous", but i figured this one seemed more straightforward)

✦ Requirement: Performance 12
✦ Willpower: 3
You can as an Action activate this ability to attempt a Performance roll with a Bane. On a success, you make such a dazzling performance that you become the center of attention to all npcs within 10m of you, and may keep up this performance for a stretch. During this time, the npcs focus their attention to you and ignore anything going on around them they can't directly see, unless you or another character makes an action directly against them, such as attacking them, attempting and failing to pick their pockets, or attempt to draw their attention away such as talking loudly. This ability can not be used in combat. Monsters may be affected by this Ability, but only if they can be Persuaded. If you use an instrument using this ability, the WP cost might be reduced, or it's ranged increased.

✦ Requirement: Performance 12
✦ Willpower: 1
You can activate this ability to make it sound like your voice comes from a different spot within 10m of you. You can speak a short phrase for each use of this ability.

✦ Requirement: Batering 12
✦ Willpower: 3
When you determine the value of an item after you have drawn it from the treasure deck such as a Ring, Necklace, Goblet or Gem, you can activate this ability. You can attempt a Bartering roll. On a success, you may determine the value of the item twice, and pick the better result.

Re: A few more homebrew Heroic Abilities

Posted: Mon 24 Jul 2023, 15:01
by tak5haka
I'll be using some of these in my game - so far I have simply added weapon-based ones, but much simpler than above, which just give a boon to the attack roll with a specific weapon for 1 WP. Have been considering Pack Rat, but can't figure out how to implement this on the Foundry system yet.

Re: A few more homebrew Heroic Abilities

Posted: Wed 26 Jul 2023, 11:28
by CarlNyk
I'll be using some of these in my game - so far I have simply added weapon-based ones, but much simpler than above, which just give a boon to the attack roll with a specific weapon for 1 WP. Have been considering Pack Rat, but can't figure out how to implement this on the Foundry system yet.
This sounds too powerful. Consider how berserk works. I'd have such an ability cost at least 2 WP.

Re: A few more homebrew Heroic Abilities

Posted: Wed 26 Jul 2023, 13:22
by tak5haka
I'll be using some of these in my game - so far I have simply added weapon-based ones, but much simpler than above, which just give a boon to the attack roll with a specific weapon for 1 WP. Have been considering Pack Rat, but can't figure out how to implement this on the Foundry system yet.
This sounds too powerful. Consider how berserk works. I'd have such an ability cost at least 2 WP.
Good point - I was basing the cost on Iron Grip.

Re: A few more homebrew Heroic Abilities

Posted: Wed 09 Aug 2023, 23:46
by Barbarianbob
I like Tactitian, with Feys adjustments. I edited it to enfold most of Feys suggestions, otherwise way to powerful. A couple of questions on how this might work in (that part in bold below)...

✦ Requirement: Myths & Legends 12
✦ Willpower Points: 3
When you use your action to activate this ability, you can grant an ally who can see and hear you, within 10m, a free attack against an opponent within their reach.

So we are assuming this would only work with melee attacks?

Also, I removed the bonus damage as your basically giving your attack to another player... however... if you put a bane on the attack, maybe add the damage back in?

I like the idea though.