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ChatGPT Character Background

Sat 17 Jun 2023, 13:41

So I thought I would give this ChatGPT a go and thought for my upcoming solo play-through to create some characters. I am honestly blown away by the background created:

The question posed: write me a background history of a British solider in the middle of the third world war.

Name: Captain James Mitchell

Captain James Mitchell, born and raised in London, England, came from a family with a long-standing tradition of military service. Growing up, James idolized his father, a decorated soldier who fought in conflicts around the world. Inspired by his father's dedication and patriotism, James joined the British Army as soon as he turned 18.

Military Career:
Mitchell's military journey began with his enrollment at the prestigious Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, where he excelled in various aspects of training, including leadership, marksmanship, and tactical strategies. Graduating at the top of his class, he was commissioned as an officer and assigned to the renowned 22nd Battalion, Royal Fusiliers.

As the Third World War erupted, Captain Mitchell found himself thrust into the heart of the chaos. The conflict spanned multiple continents, with a multitude of nations involved in the fighting. The British forces were engaged in diverse operations, including peacekeeping missions, counterinsurgency efforts, and major offensive campaigns.

Combat Experience:
Captain Mitchell's combat experience was as extensive as it was harrowing. He witnessed the devastation of urban warfare in cities reduced to rubble, participated in intense firefights against well-equipped adversaries, and endured the emotional toll of losing comrades in battle. Mitchell's leadership skills were tested time and again as he led his platoon through challenging situations with unwavering determination and strategic acumen.

During a particularly grueling operation deep behind enemy lines, Captain Mitchell's platoon found themselves cut off from reinforcements and surrounded by hostile forces. With their survival at stake, Mitchell's quick thinking and decisive actions allowed his unit to hold their ground until rescue arrived, earning him widespread recognition for his bravery and resourcefulness.

Throughout his military career, Captain Mitchell specialized in counterterrorism and unconventional warfare. His expertise in gathering intelligence, planning precision strikes, and executing covert operations made him a valuable asset on the front lines. His ability to adapt to rapidly changing situations and maintain a calm demeanor under pressure made him a trusted leader among his subordinates.

Post-Traumatic Growth:
As the Third World War raged on, Captain Mitchell witnessed the devastating consequences of war firsthand, which profoundly impacted him. He became an advocate for mental health support for soldiers, recognizing the importance of addressing the emotional and psychological toll of combat.

Beyond the Battlefield:
Outside of his military duties, Captain Mitchell is an avid reader and history enthusiast. He firmly believes that understanding the lessons of the past is crucial for preventing the repetition of mistakes in the future. In quieter moments, he enjoys playing the piano, finding solace and respite from the chaos of war through the power of music.

Captain James Mitchell remains committed to his duty as a soldier, tirelessly fighting for the protection of his homeland and the values he holds dear. As the world continues to grapple with the devastating impacts of the Third World War, Captain Mitchell's leadership and unwavering resolve serve as a beacon of hope amidst the darkness.
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Re: ChatGPT Character Background

Sun 18 Jun 2023, 10:39

Now you've used ChatGPT for a character's background you should try DALL-E to generate images of him. I'm having a lot of fun with DALL-E at the moment.
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Re: ChatGPT Character Background

Sun 18 Jun 2023, 11:26

Now you've used ChatGPT for a character's background you should try DALL-E to generate images of him. I'm having a lot of fun with DALL-E at the moment.
Well, down the rabbit hole I go with that lol Thanks for the heads up with that.
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Re: ChatGPT Character Background

Tue 20 Jun 2023, 09:05

I have used ChatGPT for a Priest in a CoC campaign set in 1920, was really good (changed and expanded but only with some details).

What got me thinking with this example was two things:
1) 22nd Battalion, Royal Fusiliers: Why, I have not searched a lot, but was there ever a 22nd Battalion, Royal Fusiliers? Should not a good AI find out a unit that actually existed?
2) Captain and a platoon, sure could happen. A captain could be in a platoon but normally is a company commander (or 2nd in charge). A war goes on this is not always followed but if there still is a structure would it not me more common to lack officers then to have a captain in a platoon. (Could be explained in many ways, it said behind enemy line so maybe not a "normal" platoon or mission....fine. But then using unit instead of platoon would make more sense....)

Anyway, my point was that these to are examples of things that I probably would have reacted to from an author (unless explicitly explained), from an AI I was expecting something that was more "accurate".
(Maybe there are more things in the text?)

Still thinks ChatGPT is a really interesting tool to investigate and use.
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Re: ChatGPT Character Background

Fri 23 Jun 2023, 11:42

Interesting idea! I tweaked the input, giving ChatGPT more about the background. This is my input text block:
Please write me a background story for a German soldier in the year 2000. The German soldier should be around 30 years old in 2000, a West German native and have a background in academics. He would havehad his original conscription service at the age of 19 with a period of academic education after that. The war would have broken out in 1997, seeing the soldier be again drafted immediately.

The core of the hypothetical scenario is that the Soviet Union survived the end of the original Cold War intact and regained power during the 1990s, starting the revisionist world war in 1997. The war went nuclear in 1998, leading to the destruction of most of the major population centers in Europe, North America and the Soviet Union as well as China and Far Eastern Asia.

Please also determine the rank of the soldier, taking into account previous military service, both during conscription and after, as well as his academic background.

Please also discern a combat specialty, service branch and actual combat experience for the soldier. Then intertwine these results with personal trauma and/or problems that resulted from combat or personal background. The soldier should have flaws and edges as well as clear strengths.
This is what the AI come up with:
Name: Captain Maximilian Becker

Background Story:

Maximilian Becker was born in 1970 in Frankfurt, West Germany. Growing up during the Cold War, he witnessed the tensions between East and West, but he never anticipated the scale of the devastation that was to come. As a young man, Maximilian was academically inclined, displaying a passion for history and politics. He pursued higher education, studying international relations at the University of Munich. His academic background and intelligence earned him recognition among his peers.

At the age of 19, Maximilian underwent his mandatory conscription service in the German Armed Forces. Due to his exceptional academic record, he was assigned to a research and intelligence unit, where he applied his analytical skills and developed a deep understanding of military strategy and geopolitics. Though he initially served in a non-combat role, his passion for serving his country never wavered.

However, in 1997, when tensions between the Soviet Union and NATO escalated, the world was thrust into a new global conflict. The Soviet Union, having regained power and influence, initiated a revisionist campaign that engulfed Europe and many other parts of the world. Maximilian's conscription service was reinstated, and he found himself back in the military, this time in a combat role.

Maximilian's rank, taking into account his previous military service and academic background, was that of Captain. His intellect and strategic insights made him a valuable asset in planning operations and coordinating efforts with allied forces. Maximilian was assigned to the German Army's Special Forces, commonly known as the KSK (Kommando Spezialkräfte). This highly trained and elite unit operated in high-risk environments, undertaking missions such as reconnaissance, direct action, and counter-terrorism.

During the war, Captain Becker experienced the horrors of combat firsthand. He fought in intense battles across war-ravaged cities, witnessing the destruction and loss of life caused by the nuclear escalation in 1998. The scale of devastation deeply affected him, leaving emotional scars and a sense of guilt for not being able to prevent the widespread destruction.

The personal trauma and problems resulting from combat had a profound impact on Maximilian. He developed symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), experiencing vivid flashbacks, nightmares, and emotional instability. The loss of comrades and the overwhelming sense of responsibility haunted him, leading to occasional bouts of depression and survivor's guilt.

Maximilian's flaws and edges were evident in his struggle to reconcile his academic aspirations with the brutal realities of war. While his intelligence and analytical skills allowed him to excel in strategic planning, his emotional vulnerabilities sometimes hindered his decision-making under duress. His trauma made it challenging for him to trust others fully, leading to occasional detachment from his subordinates. However, his strengths lay in his ability to think critically and adapt to rapidly changing situations. He remained steadfast and determined to protect his comrades and fulfill his duty despite the personal sacrifices he had endured.

Maximilian Becker, the German soldier, embodied a complex blend of intellect, valor, and emotional turmoil. His academic background and combat experience provided him with a unique perspective on the world, allowing him to navigate the complexities of warfare while grappling with his personal demons.
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Re: ChatGPT Character Background

Sat 24 Jun 2023, 08:18

I actually got ChatGPT to act as a GM for a tabletop roleplaying game (not T2K4). It was a fun, rules light game session.

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